< Exodus 38 >

1 And Beseleel made the ark,
Isaanis muka laaftoo irraa iddoo aarsaa qalma gubamuu kan dhundhuma sadii ol dheeratu ijaaran; iddoon aarsaa kunis dheerina dhundhuma shanii fi balʼina dhundhuma shanii qabaatee gama afraniinuu wal qixxee ture.
2 and overlaid it with pure gold within and without;
Tokkoo tokkoo goleewwan afraniitti gaanfa tolchan; gaanfaa fi iddoo aarsaa sana mukuma tokko irraa tolchan; iddoo aarsaa sana irrattis naasii uffisan.
3 and he cast for it four golden rings, two on the one side, and two on the other,
Isaanis miʼa isaa hunda jechuunis waan ittiin daaraa haran, waan ittiin daaraa hammaaran, waciitii, hokkoo fooniitii fi baattuu ibiddaa naasii irraa tolchan.
4 wide [enough] for the staves, so that men should bear the ark with them.
Iddoo aarsaa sanaafis naasii wal keessa xaxameen gingilchaa hojjetanii akka inni hamma walakkaa iddoo aarsaatti ol baʼee marsaa isaa jalaan jiraatu godhan.
5 And he made the propitiatory over the ark of pure gold,
Akka isaan danqaraawwan qabataniifis goleewwan gingilchaa naasii sanaa afraniif qubeelaawwan naasii hojjetan.
6 and the two cherubs of gold;
Danqaraawwan muka laaftoos tolchanii naasii itti uffisan.
7 one cherub on the one end of the propitiatory, and another cherub on the other end of the propitiatory,
Iddoo aarsaa sana ittiin baachuufis danqaraawwan sana qubeelaawwan gamaa gamanaan iddoo aarsaa irra jiran keessa galchan. Iddoo aarsaa sanas keessa isaa duwwaa godhanii saanqaa irraa tolchan.
8 overshadowing the propitiatory with their wings.
Isaanis gabatee itti dhiqatan kan naasii miilla isaa kan naasii irraa hojjetame wajjin of ilaaleewwan dubartoota balbala dunkaana wal gaʼii dura tajaajilanii irraa tolchan.
9 And he made the set table of pure gold,
Kanatti aansanii oobdii tolchan. Oobdichis gama kibbaatiin dhundhuma dhibba tokko dheeratee golgaa quncee talbaa kan qalʼifamee foʼame irraa hojjetames qaba ture;
10 and cast for it four rings: two on the one side and two on the other side, broad, so that [men] should lift it with the staves in them.
utubaawwan digdamaa fi miilla naasii digdama qaba ture; utubaawwan kunneenis hokkoowwanii fi somaawwan meetii irraa hojjetaman qabu ture.
11 And he made the staves of the ark and of the table, and gilded them with gold.
Gama kaabaatiinis akkasuma dhundhuma dhibba tokko dheeratee utubaawwan digdamaa fi miilla naasii digdama qaba ture; utubaawwan sunis hokkoowwanii fi somaawwan meetii irraa tolfaman qabu turan.
12 And he made the furniture of the table, both the dishes, and the censers, and the cups, and the bowls with which he should offer drink-offerings, of gold.
Gama lixaatiin dhundhuma shantama balʼatee golgaawwan utubaa kudhanii fi miilla kudhan qaba ture; hokkoowwanii fi somaawwan utuboota sanaas meetii irraa hojjetaman.
13 And he made the candlestick which gives light, of gold;
Fiixee baʼaatiin, karaa baʼa biiftuutiin dhundhuma shantama balʼata ture.
14 the stem solid, and the branches from both its sides;
Golgaawwan dhundhuma kudha shan dhedheeratanii utubaa sadii fi miilla sadii qabanis karaa balbala tokkoo irra turan.
15 and blossoms proceeding from its branches, three on this side, and three on the other, made equal to each other.
Golgaawwan dhundhuma kudha shan dhedheeratanii utubaa sadii fi miilla sadii qabanis balbala oobdii sana irra gama kaaniin turan.
16 And [as to] their lamps, which are on the ends, knops [proceeded] from them; and sockets proceeding from them, that the lamps might be upon them; and the seventh socket, on the top of the candlestick, on the summit above, entirely of solid gold.
Golgaawwan naannoo oobdii sanaa hundi quncee talbaa kan qaldhifamee foʼame irraa tolfaman.
17 And on the candlestick seven golden lamps, and its snuffers gold, and its funnels gold.
Miillawwan utuboota sanaa naasii irraa tolfaman. Hokkoowwanii fi somaawwan utubootaa immoo meetii irraa tolfamanii fiixee utuboota sanaatti meetii uffisan. Utuboonni oobdii sanaa hundinuus somaawwan meetii qabu turan.
18 He overlaid the posts [with silver], and cast for each post golden rings, and gilded the bars with gold; and he gilded the posts of the veil with gold, and made the hooks of gold.
Golgaan balbala oobdii sanaa kirrii bifa cuquliisaa, dhiilgee, bildiimaa fi quncee talbaa kan qalʼifamee foʼameen dhaʼamee irratti faayeffamee hojjetame tolfame. Innis dhundhuma digdama dalga dheeratee akkuma oobdichaa dhundhuma shan ol dheerata ture;
19 He made also the rings of the tabernacle of gold; and the rings of the court, and the rings for drawing out the veil above of brass.
utubaa afurii fi miilla naasii afuris qaba ture. Hokkoowwanii fi somaawwan isaanii meetii irraa tolfamanii fiixee isaaniitti meetiin uffifamee ture.
20 He cast the silver chapiters of the tabernacle, and the brazen chapiters of the door of the tabernacle, and the gate of the court; and he made silver hooks for the posts, he overlaid them with silver on the posts.
Qofoon dunkaana qulqulluutii fi qofoon naannoo oobdii sanaa hundi naasii irraa tolfaman.
21 He made the pins of the tabernacle and the pins of the court of brass.
Baayʼinni miʼa dunkaanni qulqulluun jechuunis dunkaanni dhuga baʼumsaa ittiin hojjetamee kan Lewwonni ajaja Museetiin qajeelfama Iitaamaar ilma Aroon lubichaatiin galmeessan kanaa dha.
22 He made the brazen altar of the brazen censers, which belonged to the men engaged in sedition with the gathering of Core.
Bezaliʼeel ilmi Uuri jechuunis ilmi ilma Huur namichi gosa Yihuudaa sun waan Waaqayyo Musee ajaje hunda hojjete.
23 He made all the vessels of the altar and its grate, and its base, and its bowls, and the brazen flesh hooks.
Oholiiyaab ilmi Ahiisaamaak namichi gosa Daan sunis isa wajjin ture; innis ogeessa hojii harkaa, ogeessa bifa baasuu fi kan kirrii bifa cuquliisaa, dhiilgee, bildiimaa fi quncee talbaa kan qalʼifamee foʼameen waa faayessu ture.
24 He made an appendage for the altar of network under the grate, beneath it as far as the middle of it; and he fastened to it four brazen rings on the four parts of the appendage of the altar, wide [enough] for the bars, so as to bear the altar with them.
Baayʼinni warqee aarsaa sochoofamuu kan hojii iddoo qulqulluu sanaa hunda irra oole walumaa galatti akka madaalii saqilii iddoo qulqulluutti taalaantii 29 fi saqilii 730 ture.
25 He made the holy anointing oil and the composition of the incense, the pure work of the perfumer.
Meetiin namoota waldaa keessaa lakkaaʼaman irraa argames akka madaalii saqilii iddoo qulqulluutti taalaantii 100 fi saqilii 1,775 ture.
26 He made the brazen laver, and the brazen base of it of the mirrors of the women that fasted, who fasted by the doors of the tabernacle of witness, in the day in which he set it up.
Namoonni warra duraan lakkaaʼamanii jiranitti dabalaman kanneen umuriin isaanii waggaa digdama yookaan hammanaa ol taʼe 603,550 turan. Isaan kunneenis akka madaalii iddoo qulqulluutti matuma mataan beekaa tokko tokko jechuun walakkaa saqilii tokko tokkoo baasan.
27 And he made the laver, that at it Moses and Aaron and his sons might wash their hands and their feet: when they went into the tabernacle of witness, or whenever they should advance to the altar to do service, they washed at it, as the Lord commanded Moses.
Meetii taalaantii 100 sanaan miillawwan iddoo qulqulluutii fi miillawwan golgaatu hojjetame; taalaantii 100 fi miilla 100 hojjetame; miilla tokkoof taalaantii tokkotu barbaachise jechuu dha.
Isaanis saqilii 1,775 sana hokkoo utubaawwanii tolchuuf, fiixee utubaawwaniitti uffisuu fi somaawwan isaanii tolchuuf itti fayyadaman.
Naasiin aarsaa sochoofamuus taalaantii 70 fi saqilii 2,400 ture.
Isas miilla balbala dunkaana wal gaʼii, iddoo aarsaa kan naasii irraa hojjetame, gingilchaa isaa kan naasii irraa hojjetamee fi miʼa isaa hunda tolchuuf itti fayyadaman;
akkasumas miilli naannoo oobdii, miilli balbala oobdii, qofoowwan dunkaana qulqulluu hundii fi qofoowwan naannoo oobdii hundi naasii irraa hojjetaman.

< Exodus 38 >