< Exodus 30 >

1 And you shall make the altar of incense of incorruptible wood.
Oo waxaad samaysaa meel allabari oo foox lagu shido; waxaadna ka samaysaa qori qudhac ah.
2 And you shall make it a cubit in length, and a cubit in breadth: it shall be square; and the height of it shall be of two cubits, its horns shall be of the same piece.
Oo dhererkeeduna ha ahaado dhudhun, ballaadhkeeduna ha ahaado dhudhun, afar geesoodna waa inay lahaataa, sarajooggeeduna ha ahaado laba dhudhun, oo geesaheeduna waa inay isku waslad la ahaadaan.
3 And you shall gild its grate with pure gold, and its sides round about, and its horns; and you shall make for it a wreathen border of gold roundabout.
Oo waa inaad dahab saafi ah ku dahaadhaa dusheeda iyo dhinacyadeeda ku wareegsan iyo geesaheedaba; oo waxaad u samaysaa wax taaj oo kale ah oo dahab ah oo ku wareegsan.
4 And you shall make under its wreathen border two rings of pure gold; you shall make it to the two corners on the two sides, and they shall be bearings for the staves, so as to bear it with them.
Oo qarkeeda hoostiisa waa inaad laba siddo oo dahab ah ugu yeeshaa labada rukun; labada dhinac waa inaad sidaas u yeeshaa, oo waxay u noqon doonaan meelihii ulaha lagu qaado laga gelin lahaa.
5 And you shall make the staves of incorruptible wood, and shall gild them with gold.
Oo waxaad ulaha ka samaysaa qori qudhac ah, waana inaad dahab ku dahaadhaa.
6 And you shall set it before the veil that is over the ark of the testimonies, wherein I will make myself known to you from thence.
Oo waxaad hor dhigtaa ilxidhka u dhow sanduuqa maragga oo hor yaal daboolka ka sarreeya maragga, halkaas oo ah meesha aan kugula kulmi doono.
7 And Aaron shall burn upon it fine compound incense every morning; whenever he trims the lamps he shall burn incense upon it.
Oo Haaruun waa inuu ku shido foox udgoon; subax walba markuu laambadaha hagaajinayo waa inuu foox shido.
8 And when Aaron lights the lamps in the evening, he shall burn incense upon it; a constant incense-offering always before the Lord for their generations.
Oo makhribka Haaruun markuu laambadaha shidayo waa inuu foox shido, kaasoo ah foox joogto u ah Rabbiga hortiisa, ka ab ka ab.
9 And you shall not offer strange incense upon it, [nor] and offering made by fire, [nor] a sacrifice; and you shall not pour a drink-offering upon it.
Oo waa inaydnaan dusheeda ku bixin foox qalaad, ama qurbaan la gubo, ama qurbaan hadhuudh ah, oo dusheedana ha ku daadinina qurbaan cabniin ah.
10 And once in the year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns, he shall purge it with the blood of purification for their generations: it is most holy to the Lord.
Geesaheedana sannaddiiba mar Haaruun waa inuu ku dul kafaaro gudo; oo dhiigga allabariga dembiga oo kafaaraggud ah sannaddiiba mar waa inuu ku kafaaro gudo tan iyo ka ab ka ab. Waa kan ugu wada quduusan Rabbiga.
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Markaasuu Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
12 If you take account of the children of Israel in the surveying of them, and they shall give every one a ransom for his soul to the Lord, then there shall not be among them a destruction in the visiting of them.
Markaad reer binu Israa'iil tirinaysid, intii ay tiradoodu noqoto oo dhan, nin waluba waa inuu Rabbiga siiyo madaxfurashadiisa, markaad tirisid; si aan belaayo ugu dhicin markaad iyaga tirisid.
13 And this is what they shall give, as many as pass the survey, half a didrachm which is according to the didrachm of the sanctuary: twenty oboli [go to] the didrachm, but the half of the didrachm is the offering to the Lord.
Oo waxan waa inay bixiyaan, nin walba oo u gudba kuwa la tiriyey waa inuu bixiyaa nus sheqel le'eg sheqelkii meesha quduuska ah: (sheqelku waa labaatan geeraah: ) nus sheqel waa in Rabbiga loo bixiyaa.
14 Every one that passes the survey from twenty years old and upwards shall give the offering to the Lord.
Oo mid kasta oo u gudba kuwa la tiriyey oo ah inta jirta labaatan sannadood iyo wixii ka sii weyn, waa inuu bixiyaa Rabbiga wixiisa.
15 The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than the half didrachm in giving the offering to the Lord, to make atonement for your souls.
Markay Rabbiga wixiisa u bixinayaan inay nafihiinna u kafaaro gudaan, kii taajir ahu waa inaanu bixin wax nus sheqel ka badan, kii miskiin ahuna waa inaanu bixin wax nus sheqel ka yar.
16 And you shall take the money of the offering from the children of Israel, and shall give it for the service of the tabernacle of testimony; and it shall be to the children of Israel a memorial before the Lord, to make atonement for your souls.
Oo waa inaad reer binu Israa'iil ka qaaddaa lacagta kafaaraggudka ah, oo aad wax kaga qabataa hawsha taambuugga shirka, inay reer binu Israa'iil u noqoto xusuus Rabbiga hortiisa, si aad nafihiinna ugu kafaaro guddaan.
17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Markaasuu Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
18 Make a brazen laver, and a brazen base for it, for washing; and you shall put it between the tabernacle of witness and the altar, and you shall pour forth water into it.
Waxaad samaysaa berked weyso oo naxaas ah, salkeedana waxaad ka samaysaa naxaas, oo waxaad dhigtaa meel u dhexaysa taambuugga shirka iyo meesha allabariga; oo waa inaad biyo ku shubtaa, ha lagu maydho e.
19 And Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet with water from it.
Haaruun iyo wiilashiisu waa inay gacmaha iyo cagaha ku dhaqdaan:
20 Whenever they shall go into the tabernacle of witness, they shall wash themselves with water, so they shall not die, whenever they advance to the altar to do service and to offer the whole burnt offerings to the Lord.
oo markay gelayaan taambuugga shirka waa inay biyo ku maydhaan, yaanay dhimanine, ama markay meesha allabariga ag yimaadaan inay ka adeegaan oo ay gubaan qurbaan Rabbiga dab loogu sameeyo,
21 They shall wash their hands and feet with water, whenever they shall go into the tabernacle of witness; they shall wash themselves with water, that they die not; and it shall be for them a perpetual statute, for him and his posterity after him.
waa inay gacmaha iyo cagahaba dhaqdaan, yaanay dhimanine; oo wuxuu iyaga u noqon doonaa qaynuun weligiis ah, xataa xagga isaga iyo farcankiisa ka dambeeyaba ka ab ka ab.
22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Oo markaasuu haddana Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo ku yidhi,
23 Do you also take sweet herbs, the flower of choice myrrh five hundred shekels, and the half of this two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet smelling cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet smelling calamus,
Waxaad qaadataa dhir udgoon oo wacan, oo ah shan boqol oo sheqel oo ah malmal asli ah, iyo badhkiis oo qorfe macaan ah, oo ah laba boqol iyo konton sheqel, iyo laba boqol iyo konton sheqel oo ah kalamus,
24 and of cassia five hundred shekels of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil.
iyo shan boqol oo sheqel oo ah kasiya, oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah, iyo hiin muggeed oo saliid saytuun ah.
25 And you shall make it a holy anointing oil, a perfumed ointment [tempered] by the are of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.
Oo waxaad ka samaysaa saliid lagu subkado oo quduus ah, taas oo ah cadar laysku daray sidii kan cadarsameeyaha oo kale; oo waxay noqon doontaa saliid lagu subkado oo quduus ah.
26 And you shall anoint with it the tabernacle of witness, and the ark of the tabernacle of witness,
Oo waxaad ku subagtaa taambuugga shirka iyo sanduuqa maragga,
27 and all its furniture, and the candlestick and all its furniture, and the altar of incense,
iyo miiska iyo alaabtiisa oo dhan, iyo laambadda iyo alaabteeda, iyo meesha allabariga ee fooxa,
28 and the altar of whole burnt offerings and all its furniture, and the table and all its furniture, and the laver.
iyo meesha allabariga lagu gubo iyo alaabteeda oo dhan, iyo berkedda weysada iyo salkeedaba.
29 And you shall sanctify them, and they shall be most holy: every one that touches them shall be hallowed.
Oo waa inaad iyaga quduus ka dhigtaa, inay noqdaan kuwa ugu wada quduusan; oo wax kasta oo iyaga taabtaaba waxay noqon doonaan quduus.
30 And you shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and sanctify them that they may minister to me as priests.
Oo Haaruun iyo wiilashiisaba waa inaad u subagtaa oo quduus ka dhigtaa, inay iiga adeegaan hawsha wadaadnimada.
31 And you shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, This shall be to you a holy anointing oil throughout your generations.
Oo waa inaad la hadashaa reer binu Israa'iil oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Tanu waxay ka ab ka ab ii noqon doontaa saliid lagu subkado oo quduus ah.
32 On man's flesh it shall not be poured, and you shall not make [any] for yourselves according to this composition: it is holy, and shall be holiness to you.
Haddaba waa inaan dad jidhkiisa lagu shubin, ama waa inaydnaan samayn mid la mid ah, oo sideeda oo kale loo sameeyey, waayo, iyadu waa quduus, oo waxay idiin noqon doontaa quduus.
33 Whosoever shall make it in like manner, and whoever shall give of it to a stranger, shall be destroyed from among his people.
Oo ku alla kii taas oo kale sameeya, ama ku alla kii qof qalaad mariya, dadkiisa waa laga gooyn doonaa.
34 And the Lord said to Moses, Take for yourself sweet herbs, stacte, onycha, sweet galbanum, and transparent frankincense; there shall be an equal weight of each.
Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku yidhi, Waxaad qaadataa uunsi udgoon oo ah istakte iyo onika iyo galbanum, iyagoo ah uunsi ay ku jirto beeyo saafi ah, oo miisaankooduna ha iswada le'ekaado.
35 And they shall make with it perfumed incense, tempered with the are of a perfumer, a pure holy work.
Oo waxaad ka samaysaa foox, kaas oo loo sameeyey sida cadarsameeyuhu uu u sameeyo oo kale, oo cusbo lagu daray, oo saafi ah, quduusna ah.
36 And of these you shall beat some small, and you shall put it before the testimonies in the tabernacle of testimony, whence I will make myself known to you: it shall be to you a most holy incense.
Oo qaarkiis waa inaad tuntaa oo yaryaraysaa, oo waxaad hor dhigtaa maragga ku jira taambuugga shirka, taasoo ah meesha aan kugula kulmi doono; oo waxay idiin noqon doontaa kan ugu wada quduusan.
37 You shall not make any for yourselves according to this composition; it shall be to you a holy thing for the Lord.
Oo fooxa aad samayn doontaan sidiisa ha u samaysanina; waayo, wuxuu kuu noqon doonaa quduus Rabbiga aawadiis.
38 Whosoever shall make any in like manner, so as to smell it, shall perish from his people.
Oo ku alla kii kaas oo kale sameeya, inuu ku udgoonsado, kaas dadkiisa waa laga gooyn doonaa.

< Exodus 30 >