< Deuteronomy 20 >

1 And if you should go forth to war against your enemies, and should see horse, and rider, and a people more numerous than yourself; you shall not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God [is] with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.
Sababii Waaqayyo Waaqni kee inni biyya Gibxiitii si baase sun si wajjin jiruuf yommuu diinota kee loluuf baatutti fardeenii fi gaariiwwan akkasumas humna waraanaa kan humna waraanaa kee caalu argitutti hin sodaatin.
2 And it shall come to pass whenever you shall draw near to battle, that the priest shall draw near and speak to the people, and shall say to them,
Yommuu ati waraanatti dhiʼaattutti lubni fuula duratti baʼee loltootatti haa dubbatu.
3 Hear, O Israel; you are going this day to battle against your enemies: let not your heart faint, fear not, neither be confounded, neither turn aside from their face.
Innis akkana haa jedhu; “Yaa Israaʼel, isin harʼa diinota keessan loluuf waraanatti seenuuf jirtu. Garaan keessan hin raafamin yookaan hin sodaatinaa; hin naʼinaa yookaan fuula diinota keessanii duratti hin hollatinaa.
4 For [it is] the Lord your God who advances with you, to fight with you against your enemies, [and] to save you.
Kan moʼannaa isiniif kennuuf jedhee diinota keessan isiniif loluuf isin wajjin baʼu Waaqayyo Waaqa keessaniitii.”
5 And the scribes shall speak to the people, saying, What man [is] he that has built a new house, and has not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the war, and another man dedicate it.
Ajajjoonni loltootaa immoo loltootaan akkana haa jedhan: “Namni mana haaraa ijaaree hin eebbisiisin tokko iyyuu jiraa? Inni gara mana isaatti haa deebiʼu; yoo kanaa achii inni waraana irratti duʼee namni biraa mana isaa eebbisa.
6 And what man [is] he that has planted a vineyard, and not been made merry with it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man be made merry with it.
Namni wayinii dhaabee irraa hin nyaatin jiraa? Inni gara mana isaa haa deemu; yoo kanaa achii inni lola keessatti duʼee namni biraa wayinii sana nyaata.
7 And what man [is] he that has betrothed a wife, and has not taken her? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her.
Namni niitii fuudhuuf kadhatee utuu hin fuudhin dhufe jiraa? Inni gara mana isaa haa deemu; yoo kanaa achii inni lola irratti duʼee namni biraa ishee fuudha.”
8 And the scribes shall speak further to the people, and say, What man [is] he that fears and is cowardly in his heart? Let him go and return to his house, lest he make the heart of his brother fail, as his own.
Ajajjoonni loltootaa ammas, “Namni sodaatu yookaan kan garaan isaa raafamu jiraa? Akka garaan obboloota isaas hin raafamneef inni gara mana isaatti haa deebiʼu” haa jedhan.
9 And it shall come to pass when the scribes shall have ceased speaking to the people, that they shall appoint generals of the army to be leaders of the people.
Ajajjoonni yommuu loltootatti dubbatanii raawwatanitti loltoota irratti ajajjoota haa muudan.
10 And if you shall draw near to a city to overcome them by war, then call them out peaceably.
Ati yommuu magaalaa tokko dhaʼuuf baatutti, duraan dursii namoota magaalaa sana keessa jiraataniif waamicha nagaa godhi.
11 If then they should answer peaceably to you, and open to you, it shall be that all the people found in it shall be tributary and subject to you.
Yoo isaan tole jedhanii balbala siif banan, namni hundi siif haa bulu; hojjetaa kees haa taʼu.
12 But if they will not listen to you, but wage war against you, you shall invest it;
Yoo isaan waamicha nagaa fudhachuu didanii waraanaaf sitti baʼan ati magaalattii marsi.
13 until the Lord your God shall deliver it into your hands, and you shall strike every male of it with the edge of the sword:
Yommuu Waaqayyo Waaqni kee dabarsee isaan sitti kennutti dhiirota magaalattii keessa jiraatan hunda goraadeedhaan fixi.
14 except the women and the stuff: and all the cattle, and whatever shall be in the city, and all the plunder you shall take as spoil for yourself, and shall eat all the plunder of your enemies whom the Lord your God gives you.
Garuu nadheenii fi ijoollee, horii fi waan magaalattii keessatti argamu hunda boojiʼiitii ofii keetii fudhadhu; ati boojuu Waaqayyo Waaqni kee diinota kee irratti siif kennetti fayyadamuu ni dandeessa.
15 Thus shall you do to all the cities that are very far off from you, not [being] of the cities of these nations which the Lord your God gives you to inherit their land.
Akki ati magaalaawwan saboota naannoo keetii hin taʼin kanneen akka malee fagoo taʼan gootus kanuma.
16 [Of these] you shall not take any thing alive;
Taʼus magaalaawwan saboota Waaqayyo Waaqni kee akka dhaalaatti siif kennu keessatti waan hafuura baafatu tokko illee hin hambisin.
17 but you shall surely curse them, the Chettite, and the Amorite, and the Chananite, and the Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Jebusite, and the Gergesite; as the Lord your God commanded you:
Akkuma Waaqayyo Waaqni kee si ajajetti guutumaan guutuutti isaan barbadeessi; isaanis Heetota, Amoorota, Kanaʼaanota, Feerzota, Hiiwotaa fi Yebuusota.
18 that they may not teach you to do all their abominations, which they did to their gods, and [so] you should sin before the Lord your God.
Yoo kanaa achii akka ati waan jibbisiisaa isaan waaqota isaanii waaqeffachuudhaan hojjetan sana duukaa buutu si barsiisu; atis Waaqayyo Waaqa keetti cubbuu hojjetta.
19 And if you should besiege a city many days to prevail against it by war to take it, you shall not destroy its trees, by applying an iron tool to them, but you shall eat of it, and shall not cut it down: Is the tree that is in the field a man, to enter before you into the work of the siege?
Ati yommuu yeroo dheeraadhaaf magaalaa sana marsitee qabachuudhaaf ishee waraantutti, mukkeen ishee qottoodhaan cirtee hin balleessin; ati midhaan isaanii nyaachuu dandeessaatii isaan hin cirin. Ati kan isaan marsitu mukkeen bosonaa namoota taʼaniitii?
20 But the tree which you know to be not fruit-bearing, this you shall destroy and cut down; and you shall construct a mound against the city, which makes war against you, until it be delivered up.
Garuu hamma magaalaan si wajjin wal loltu sun kuftutti mukkeen akka isaan gumaa hin naqanne beektu murtee hojii ijaarsa marsuutiif itti fayyadamuu ni dandeessa.

< Deuteronomy 20 >