< Daniel 2 >

1 In the second year of [his] reign Nabuchodonosor dreamed a dream, and his spirit was amazed, and his sleep departed from him.
Ke yac se akluo in pacl Nebuchadnezzar el tokosra, el oru sie mweme. Yokla fohs lal kac, oru el kofla motul.
2 And the king gave orders to call the enchanters, and the magicians, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to declare to the king his dreams. And they came and stood before the king.
Ouinge el sapla solama mwet susfa lal, mwet inutnut, mwet sramsram nu sin inut, ac mwet mwenmen lal in tuku ac aketeya mweme sac nu sel. Ke elos tuku ac tu ye mutun tokosra,
3 And the king said to them, I have dreamed, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream.
el fahk nu selos, “Nga arulana fohsak ke mweme se nga oru. Nga ke etu lah mea kalmac.”
4 And the Chaldeans spoke to the king in the Syrian language, [saying], O king, live for ever: do you tell the dream to your servants, and we will declare the interpretation.
Elos topuk tokosra ke kas Aramaic, “Lela in loes moul lun tokosra! Fahkma nu sesr mweme sacn, ac kut ac fah aketeya nu sum.”
5 The king answered the Chaldeans, The thing has departed from me: if you do not make known to me the dream and the interpretation, you shall be destroyed, and your houses shall be spoiled.
Ac tokosra el fahk nu selos, “Nga sulela tari mu komtal ac fahkma nu sik mweme sac, na aketeya lah mea kalmac. Komtal fin tia ku, nga ac sap in sreyuki monumtal nu ke ip srisrik, ac lohm sumtal an in rakinyuki nwe ke orala yol in kutkut.
6 But if you make known to me the dream, and the interpretation thereof, you shall receive of me gifts and presents and much honor: only tell me the dream, and the interpretation thereof.
A komtal fin fahkma nu sik mweme sac oayapa kalmac, na nga ac fah akfulatye komtal ac sot mwe moul yohk. Kwal, fahkma lah mea mweme sac, ac mea kalmac.”
7 They answered the second time, and said, Let the king tell the dream to his servants, and we will declare the interpretation.
Elos sifilpa topkol tokosra ac fahk, “Leum lasr fin fahkma na lah mweme fuka se, na kut ac fah akkalemye kalmac an.”
8 And the king answered and said, I verily know that you are trying to gain time, because you see that the thing has gone from me.
Ke elos fahk ouinge ah, na tokosra el liksreni na fahk, “Ma na nga nunku ah ingan! Komtal suk na ma in eisla pacl, mweyen komtal etu na lah nga akola
9 If then you do not tell me the dream, I know that you have concerted to utter before me a false and corrupt tale, until the time shall have past: tell me my dream, and I shall know that you will also declare to me the interpretation thereof.
in sot nu sumtal lupan kaiyuk sefanna komtal fin tia fahkma kalmen mweme sac. Komtal pwapani komtal in tuku fahk kas kikiap in sisla pacl, mweyen komtal nunku mu nga ac ku in ekulla ma nga fahk uh. Fahkma lah mea mweme sac, na nga ac etu lah komtal ac ku in aketeya pac kalmac uh nu sik.”
10 The Chaldeans answered before the king, and said, There is no man upon the earth, who shall be able to make known the king's matter: forasmuch as no great king or ruler asks such a question of an enchanter, magician, or Chaldean.
Ac mwet kasru fulat inge topuk ac fahk, “Wangin sie mwet fin faclu nufon ac ku in fahkot nu sin tokosra ma kom ke etu an. Wangin sie tokosra, finne tokosra se ma pwengpeng, ku yohk oemeet ku la, nu oru kain sap upa se ingan nu sin mwet susfa lal, mwet inutnut, ac mwet mwenmen lal.
11 For the question which the king asks is difficult, and there is no one else who shall answer it before the king, but the gods, whose dwelling is not with any flesh.
Ma tokosra siyuk ingan arulana upa, oru wangin mwet ku in fahkot nu sin tokosra sayen god uh, a god inge tia muta inmasrlon mwet uh.”
12 Then the king in rage and anger commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon.
Ke elos fahk ouinge, tokosra el foloyak, ac sap in anwukla nufon mwet kasru fulat lal in acn Babylon.
13 So the decree went forth, and they began to kill the wise men; and they sought Daniel and his fellows to kill [them].
Ouinge sapkakinyuk tuh in anwuki elos nufon, welulang pac Daniel ac mwet kawuk lal ah.
14 Then Daniel answered [with] counsel and prudence to Arioch the captain of the royal guard, who was gone forth to kill the wise men of Babylon; [saying],
Na Daniel el som nu yorol Arioch, su leum fin mwet karinginyal tokosra, su itukyang kunal in uniya mwet inge. Daniel el arulana sulela wo kas elan fahk,
15 Chief magistrate of the king, therefore has the preemptory command proceeded from the king? So Arioch made known the matter to Daniel.
ac el siyuk sel Arioch lah efu ku tokosra el orala ma sap na upa se inge. Ouinge Arioch el aketeya nu sel Daniel ma sikyak uh.
16 And Daniel entreated the king to give him time, and that he might [thus] declare to the king the interpretation of it.
In pacl sacna Daniel el som ac eis ku sin mwet fulat lun inkul uh in kolla kutu srisrik pacl uh, elan ku in akkalemye nu sin tokosra kalmen mweme sah.
17 So Daniel went into his house, and made known the matter to Ananias, and Misael, and Azarias, his friends.
Na Daniel el folokla nu yen el muta we, ac fahk nu sin mwet kawuk lal, Hananiah, Mishael, ac Azariah ke ma su sikyak inge.
18 And they sought mercies from the God of heaven concerning this mystery; that Daniel and his friends might not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.
El fahk nu selos in pre nu sin God inkusrao tuh Elan pakoten nu selos ac ikasla kalmen ma lukma se inge nu selos, tuh elos fah tia anwuki wi mwet kasru fulat saya in acn Babylon.
19 Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night; and Daniel blessed the God of heaven, and said,
Na in fong sacna ma lukma se inge ikakla nu sel Daniel in sie aruruma, ac el kaksakin God inkusrao, ac fahk,
20 May the name of God be blessed from everlasting and to everlasting: for wisdom and understanding are his.
“God El lalmwetmet ac kulana! Kaksakunul nwe tok ma pahtpat.
21 And he changes times and seasons: he appoints kings, and removes [them], giving wisdom to the wise, and prudence to them that have understanding:
El nununku pacl uh ac ekyek lun pulan pacl uh; El tulokunak ac ikruiya tokosra uh; El pa sang etauk ac lalmwetmet.
22 he reveals deep and secret [matters]; knowing what is in darkness, and the light is with him.
El ikasla kalmen ma lukma ac ma loal kalmac; El etu ma su oan wikla in lohsr uh, Ac El sifacna rauniyukla ke kalem.
23 I give thanks to you, and praise [you], O God of my fathers, for you has given me wisdom and power, and has made known to me the things which we asked of you; and you has made known to me the king's vision.
Nga kaksakin kom ac akfulatye kom, God lun mwet matu luk. Kom ase ku nu sik ac etauk luk; Kom topokma pre luk, Ac akkalemye nu sesr ma kut in fahk nu sin tokosra.”
24 And Daniel came to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon, and said to him; Destroy not the wise men of Babylon, but bring me in before the king, and I will declare the interpretation to the king.
Na Daniel el som nu yorol Arioch, su tuh supweyuk in uniya mwet kasru fulat lun tokosra inge, ac el fahk nu sel, “Nimet kom onelosla. Usyula nu yorol tokosra ac nga fah fahkang nu sel kalmen mweme se lal ah.”
25 Then Arioch in haste brought in Daniel before the king, and said to him, I have found a man of the children of the captivity of Judea, who will declare the interpretation to the king.
Kitin pacl ah na Arioch el usalak Daniel nu ye mutal tokosra ac fahk nu sel, “Nga konauk sie sin mwet Israel ma wi sruoh, su ac ku in fahkak nu sin tokosra kalmen mweme se lom.”
26 And the king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was Baltasar, Canst you declare to me the dream which I saw, and the interpretation thereof?
Na tokosra el fahk nu sel Daniel (su oayapa pangpang Belteshazzar), “Kom ku in fahkma mweme se luk ah, ac aketeya lah mea kalmac?”
27 And Daniel answered before the king, and said, The mystery which the king asks [the explanation of] is not [in the power] of the wise men, magicians, enchanters, [or] soothsayers to declare to the king.
Ac Daniel el topuk, “O Tokosra, wangin mwet mwenmen, mwet inutnut, mwet susfa, ku mwet tuni ma oan yen engyeng uh, su ac ku in fahkak nu sum ma se ingan.
28 But there is a God in heaven revealing mysteries, and he has made known to king Nabuchodonosor what things must come to pass in the last days. Your dream, and the visions of your head upon your bed, are as follows,
Tusruktu, oasr sie God inkusrao su ikasla ma lukma uh. El akkalemye nu sin Tokosra ma su ac sikyak in pacl fahsru uh. Ac inge nga ac fahkot mweme sacn, su kom arurumai ke kom motul.
29 O king: your thoughts upon your bed arose [as to] what must come to pass hereafter: and he that reveals mysteries has made known to you what must come to pass.
“Ke pacl se tokosra tuh motul ah, tokosra mwemei ma ac sikyak in pacl tok uh; ac God, su ikasla kalmen ma lukma, El akkalemye ma ac sikyak uh.
30 Moreover, this mystery has not been revealed to me by reason of wisdom which is in me beyond all [others] living, but for the sake of making known the interpretation to the king, that you might know the thoughts of your heart.
Ma lukma se inge akkalemyeyukme nu sik, tia ke sripen nga lalmwetmet liki kutena mwet, a tuh Tokosra in ku in etu kalmen mweme sac, ac in kalem ke nunak su sikyak nu sin tokosra.
31 You, O king, saw, and behold an image: that image was great, and the appearance of it excellent, standing before your face; and the form of it was terrible.
“O Tokosra, in aruruma sac, tokosra tuh liye sie ma sruloala na yohk tu ye mutun tokosra — arulana kalem ac saromrom, ac mwe aksangeng in liyeyuk.
32 [It was] an image, the head of which was of fine gold, its hands and breast and arms of silver, [its] belly and thighs of brass,
Sifa ah orekla ke gold ma wo emeet; iniwa ah ac pao ah orek ke silver; ac infulwal nu ke intwel orekla ke bronze.
33 its legs of iron, its feet, part of iron and part of earthenware.
Nial orekla ke osra, ac falkal orekla ke osra ac fohk kle akulamisak.
34 You saw until a stone was cut out of a mountain without hands, and it struck the image upon its feet of iron and earthenware, and utterly reduced them to powder.
Ke kom tuh ngetang liye ah, eot na lulap se tufwacla liki fin fulu se, a tia ma mwet moklela, twe sunna nia su orek ke osra ac kle, ac koteya.
35 Then once for all the earthenware, the iron, the brass, the silver, the gold, were ground to powder, and became as chaff from the summer threshing floor; and the violence of the wind carried them away, and no place was found for them: and the stone which had struck the image became a great mountain, and filled all the earth.
In pacl sacna osra, kle, bronze, silver, ac gold nukewa kac ah mokutkuti, oana kulun wheat ma kulkulla ke pacl fol uh, ac ipsriki oana apat uh. Eng ah okla ma inge nufon ac tia sie ip kac lula. A eot sac yokelik nwe oana eol soko su afinya faclu nufon.
36 This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
“Pa inge mweme sac. Inge nga ac akkalemye nu sin tokosra kalmac uh.
37 You, O king, are a king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given a powerful and strong and honorable kingdom,
O Tokosra, kom pa fulat oemeet sin tokosra nukewa uh. God inkusrao El orala tuh kom in tokosra fulat, ac El sot nu sum wal, ku, ac sunak.
38 in every place where the children of men dwell: and he has given into your hand the wild beasts of the field, and the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea, and he has made you lord of all.
El orala tuh in kom pa leum fin acn nukewa faclu ma oasr mwet muta we, ac oayapa leum fin kosro ac won nukewa. Kom pa sifa se ma orekla ke gold inge.
39 You are the head of gold. And after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to you, an a third kingdom which is the brass, which shall have dominion over all the earth;
Ac fah mau oasr pac sie tokosrai tukum, su ac tia arulana pwengpeng oana tokosrai se lom inge, ac toko ac oasr pac sie tokosrai aktolu, ma orekla ke bronze, su ac leumi faclu nufon.
40 and a fourth kingdom, which shall be strong as iron: as iron beats to powder and subdues all things, so shall it beat to powder and subdue.
Toko, ac oasr tokosrai se pac akakosr su ac fokoko oana osra uh. Tokosrai se ingan ac fah fukulya ac kunauselik tokosrai nukewa meet ah, oana ke osra uh ac fukulya ac kunauselik ma nukewa.
41 And whereas you saw the feet and the toes, part of earthenware and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet there shall be in it of the strength of iron, as you saw the iron mixed with earthenware.
Kom tuh liye pac lah falkal ac kufinnial orekla ke fohk kle ac osra. Kalmac pa tokosrai se inge ac mau kitakatelik, na ku se la uh ac ku in srifal mweyen oasr osra ac fohk kle akulamisi kac.
42 And [whereas] the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of earthenware, part of the kingdom shall be strong, and [part] of it shall be broken.
Kufinnial — su kutu ip uh osra ac kutu fohk kle — akkalemye lah tafu tokosrai se inge ac ku, ac tafu ac munas.
43 Whereas you saw the iron mixed with earthenware, they shall be mingled with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave together, as the iron does not mix itself with earthenware.
Kom oayapa liye lah osra ah akulamisi ke fohk kle. Kalmen ma se inge pa mwet leum ke tokosrai se inge ac srike in orani sou lalos in ma se lac ke elos ac oru mwet lalos uh in tukeni apayuki, tusruktu elos ac tia ku in orani, oana ke osra ac fohk kle tia ku in akonoki.
44 And in the days of those kings the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and his kingdom shall not be left to another people, [but] it shall beat to pieces and grind to powder all [other] kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
In pacl lun mwet leum inge, God inkusrao El ac fah oakiya sie tokosrai su ac fah wangin saflaiya. Ac fah tiana ku in kutangyukla, a ac fah kunausla nufon tokosrai ingan, na ac fah oanna nwe tok.
45 Whereas you saw that a stone was cut out of a mountain without hands, and it beat to pieces the earthenware, the iron, the brass, the silver, the gold; the great God has made known to the king what must happen hereafter: and the dream is true, and the interpretation thereof sure.
Kom tuh liye pac ke eot sac ipipla liki fin fulu sac a wanginna mwet mokleak, ac ke eot sac tukya ma sruloala sac ma orekla ke osra, bronze, fohk kle, silver ac gold. God fulat El fahk nu sum, O Tokosra, ma ac sikyak in pacl fahsru uh. Nga fahkot kewa ma kom mwemei, ac akkalemye pac nu sum kalmac uh.”
46 Then king Nabuchodonosor fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel, and gave orders to offer to him gifts and incense.
Na Tokosra Nebuchadnezzar el pasrla nwe ten ac sapkin tuh in orek mwe kisa ac mwe sang nu sel Daniel.
47 And the king answered and said to Daniel, Of a truth your God is a God of gods, and Lord of kings, who reveals mysteries; for you has been able to reveal this mystery.
Tokosra el fahk, “God lom El fulat liki god nukewa. El Leum fin tokosra uh, ac El ikasla kalmen ma lukma. Nga etu ouinge mweyen kom ku in aketeya ma lukma se inge.”
48 And the king promoted Daniel, and gave him great and abundant gifts, and set him over the whole province of Babylon, and [made him] chief satrap over all the wise men of Babylon.
Ouinge el akfulatyalak Daniel nu ke sie wal fulat, ac sang nu sel mwe lung na wowo puspis, ac oru elan leumi acn Babylon, ac oru tuh in el pa leum fin un mwet kasru fulat nukewa lun tokosra.
49 And Daniel asked of the king, and he appointed Sedrach, Misach, and Abdenago, over the affairs of the province of Babylon: but Daniel was in the king's palace.
Fal nu ke siyuk se lal Daniel, Tokosra el eisalang Shadrach, Meshach, ac Abednego in karingin mukuikui nukewa in acn Babylon; a Daniel el mutana inkul fulat sin tokosra.

< Daniel 2 >