< Kings I 16 >

1 And the Lord said to Samuel, How long do you mourn for Saul, whereas I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and come, I will send you to Jessae, to Bethleem; for I have seen among his sons a king for me.
Waaqayyos Saamuʼeeliin akkana jedhe; “Saaʼol isa ani akka inni Israaʼel irratti mootii hin taaneef tuffadhe sanaaf hamma yoomiitti boossa? Gaanfa keetti zayitii guuttadhuutii deemi; ani gara Isseeyi nama Beetlihemitti sin erga. Ani ilmaan isaa keessaa isa tokko akka mootii taʼuuf filadheeraatii.”
2 And Samuel said, How can I go? whereas Saul will hear of it, and kill me: and the Lord said, Take a heifer in your hand and you shall say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord.
Saamuʼeel garuu, “Ani akkamittin deemuu dandaʼa? Saaʼol yoo waan kana dhagaʼe na ajjeesa” jedhe. Waaqayyo immoo akkana jedhe; “Goromsa tokko fudhadhuu dhaqiitii, ‘Ani Waaqayyoof aarsaa dhiʼeessuufin dhufe’ jedhi.
3 And you shall call Jessae to the sacrifice, and I will make known to you what you shall do; and you shall anoint him whom I shall mention to you.
Isseeyinis gara aarsaatti waami; ani waan ati gootu sitti argisiisa. Atis nama ani sitti argisiisu sana naa dibda.”
4 And Samuel did all that the Lord told him; and he came to Bethleem: and the elders of the city were amazed at meeting him, and said, Do you come peaceably, you Seer?
Saamuʼeelis waan Waaqayyo isa ajaje godhe. Yommuu inni Beetlihem gaʼetti maanguddoonni magaalaa sanaa hollachaa isa simachuu dhufanii, “Ati naguma dhuftee?” jedhanii isa gaafatan.
5 And he said, Peaceably: I am come to sacrifice to the Lord. Sanctify yourselves, and rejoice with me this day: and he sanctified Jessae and his sons, and he called them to the sacrifice.
Saamuʼeelis deebisee, “Eeyyee naguma; ani Waaqayyoof aarsaa dhiʼeessuun dhufe. Isinis of qulqulleessaatii na wajjin gara aarsaa kottaa” jedhe. Ergasiis inni Isseeyii fi ilmaan isaa qulqulleessee gara aarsaatti isaan waame.
6 And it came to pass when they came in, that he saw Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord's anointed [is] before him.
Yeroo isaan achi gaʼanittis Saamuʼeel Eliiyaabin argee, “Dhugumaan namni Waaqayyo dibe as fuula Waaqayyoo dura dhaabateera” jedhee garaatti yaade.
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance, nor on his stature, for I have rejected him; for God sees not as man looks; for man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.
Waaqayyo garuu Saamuʼeeliin, “Ani isa tuffadheeraatii bifa isaa yookaan hojjaa isaa hin ilaalin. Waaqayyo waan namni ilaalu hin ilaalu. Namni bifa ilaala; Waaqayyo garuu waan garaa keessa jiru ilaala” jedhe.
8 And Jessae called Aminadab, and he passed before Samuel: and he said, Neither has God chosen this one.
Isseeyis ergasii Abiinaadaabin waamee akka inni fuula Saamuʼeel dura darbu godhe. Saamuʼeel garuu, “Waaqayyo isa kana hin filanne” jedhe.
9 And Jessae caused Sama to pass by: and he said, Neither has God chosen this one.
Isseey akka Shamaan darbu godhe; Saamuʼeel garuu, “Waaqayyo isa kanas hin filanne” jedhe.
10 And Jessae caused his seven sons to pass before Samuel: and Samuel said, the Lord has not chosen these.
Isseey akka ilmaan isaa torbanuu fuula Saamuʼeel dura darban godhe; Saamuʼeel garuu, “Waaqayyo isaan kanneen hin filanne” jedhe.
11 And Samuel said to Jessae, Hast you no more sons? And Jessae said, [There is] yet a little one; behold, he tends the flock. And Samuel said to Jessae, Send and fetch him for we may not sit down till he comes.
Innis, “Ilmaan kee hundi kanneenumaa?” jedhee Isseeyin gaafate. Isseeyis, “Quxxisuun hunda isaanii tokko jira; inni garuu hoolota tiksaa jira” jedhe. Saamuʼeelis, “Nama itti ergiitii isa fichisiisi; nu hamma inni dhufutti hin teenyuutii” jedhe.
12 And he sent and fetched him: and he was ruddy, with beauty of eyes, and very goodly to behold. And the Lord said to Samuel, Arise, and anoint David, for he is good.
Kanaaf Isseeyi nama itti ergee isa fichisiise. Innis diimaa, nama iji isaa miidhaguu fi nama dhaaba tolu ture. Waaqayyos, “Kaʼii isa dibi; inni ani filadhe isa kanaatii” jedhe.
13 And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward: and Samuel arose, and departed to Armathaim.
Kanaafuu Saamuʼeel gaanfa zayitii fuudhee fuula obboloota isaa duratti isa dibe; guyyaa sanaa jalqabee Hafuurri Waaqayyoo humnaan Daawit irra buʼe. Saamuʼeelis gara Raamaa deeme.
14 And the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.
Hafuurri Waaqayyoos Saaʼol irraa fagaate; hafuurri hamaan Waaqayyo biraa ergame immoo Saaʼolin dhiphise.
15 And Saul's servants said to him, Behold now, and evil spirit from the Lord torments you.
Tajaajiltoonni Saaʼol akkana isaan jedhan; “Kunoo hafuurri hamaan Waaqa biraa ergamee si dhiphisaa jira.
16 Let now your servants speak before you, and let them seek for our lord a man skilled to play on the harp; and it shall come to pass when an evil spirit comes upon you and he shall play on his harp, that you shall be well, and he shall refresh you.
Egaa gooftaan keenya akka isaan nama baganaa taphachuu dandaʼu barbaadaniif tajaajiltoota isaa warra fuula isaa dura jiran haa ajaju. Innis yommuu hafuurri hamaan sun Waaqa biraa sitti dhufu baganaa siif taphata; sittis ni wayyaaʼa.”
17 And Saul said to his servants, Look now out for me a skillful player, and bring him to me.
Kanaafuu Saaʼol tajaajiltoota isaatiin, “Nama akka gaariitti baganaa taphachuu dandaʼu tokko barbaadaatii naa fidaa” jedhe.
18 And one of his servants answered and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jessae the Bethleemite, and he understands playing [on the harp], and the man [is] prudent, and a warrior, and wise in speech, and the man [is] handsome, and the Lord [is] with him.
Tajaajiltoota sana keessaa tokko, “Kunoo ilma Isseey nama Beetlihem kan baganaa taphachuu beeku tokko ani argeera. Innis jagnaa fi loltuu dha. Nama dubbii beekuu fi miidhagaa dha. Waaqayyos isa wajjin jira” jedhee deebise.
19 And Saul sent messengers to Jessae, saying, Send to me your son David who is with your flock.
Saaʼolis Isseeyitti ergamoota ergee, “Ilma kee Daawit isa hoolota bira jiru sana naa ergi” jedhe.
20 And Jessae took a homer of bread, and a bottle of wine, and one kid of the goats, and sent them by the hand of his son David to Saul.
Isseeyis harree tokko fidee buddeenaa fi daadhii wayinii qalqalloo tokko itti feʼee, ilmoo reʼee tokko wajjin ilma isaa Daawitin Saaʼoliif erge.
21 And David went in to Saul, and stood before him; and he loved him greatly; and he became his armor-bearer.
Daawit gara Saaʼol dhufee tajaajila isaa jalqabe. Saaʼol akka malee isa jaallate; Daawitis nama miʼa lolaa isaaf baatu taʼe.
22 And Saul sent to Jessae, saying, Let David, I pray you, stand before me, for he has found grace in my eyes.
Saaʼolis, “Akka inni na wajjin turee na tajaajiluuf Daawitiif eeyyami; ani isatti gammadeeraatii” jedhee Isseeyitti dhaame.
23 And it came to pass when the evil spirit was upon Saul, that David took his harp, and played with his hand: and Saul was refreshed, and [it was] well with him, and the evil spirit departed from him.
Yommuu hafuurri hamaan Waaqa biraa Saaʼolitti dhufu hunda, Daawit baganaa isaa fudhatee taphata ture; Saaʼolis boqonnaa argata; itti wayyaaʼas ture. Hafuurri hamaan sunis isa dhiisee deema ture.

< Kings I 16 >