< Deuteronomy 33 >

1 And this is the blessing wherewith Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.
Eyi ne nhyira a Onyankopɔn nipa Mose de hyiraa Israelfo no ansa na ɔrewu:
2 And he said: The LORD came from Sinai, and rose from Seir unto them; He shined forth from mount Paran, and He came from the myriads holy, at His right hand was a fiery law unto them.
Ose, “Awurade fi Sinai bae ofi Seir baa wɔn so; ɔhran fi Paran bepɔw so. Ɔde akronkronfo pii bae fi anafo fam ne mmepɔw nsian so.
3 Yea, He loveth the peoples, all His holy ones — they are in Thy hand; and they sit down at Thy feet, receiving of Thy words.
Nokware ni, wo na wodɔ nnipa no, akronkronfo nyinaa wɔ wo nsam. Wɔn nyinaa kotow wo nan ase, na wonya nkyerɛkyerɛ fi wo hɔ,
4 Moses commanded us a law, an inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.
mmara a Mose de maa yɛn no; Yakob nkurɔfo agyapade.
5 And there was a king in Jeshurun, when the heads of the people were gathered, all the tribes of Israel together.
Ɔyɛɛ ɔhene wɔ Yeshurun bere a nnipa no ntuanofo hyiae, wɔne Israel mmusuakuw no.
6 Let Reuben live, and not die in that his men become few.
“Ma Ruben nya nkwa na onwu, na mma ne nkurɔfo so nhuan.”
7 And this for Judah, and he said: Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah, and bring him in unto his people; his hands shall contend for him, and Thou shalt be a help against his adversaries.
Na ɔkaa eyi faa Yuda ho: “Tie, Awurade, tie Yuda sufrɛ; fa no brɛ ne nkurɔfo. Ɔde nʼankasa nsa bɔ ne ho ban. Ao, yɛ ne boafo tia nʼatamfo!”
8 And of Levi he said: Thy Thummim and Thy Urim be with Thy holy one, whom Thou didst prove at Massah, with whom Thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah;
Asɛm a ɔka faa Lewi abusuakuw ho: “Awurade, wode ade kronkron ama wʼasomfo nokwafo Lewifo. Wosɔɔ wɔn hwɛe wɔ Masa wɔne wɔn koe wɔ Meriba asu ho.
9 Who said of his father, and of his mother: 'I have not seen him'; neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew he his own children; for they have observed Thy word, and keep Thy covenant.
Lewifo tiee wʼasɛm bɔɔ wʼapam no ho ban. Wodii wo nokware sen sɛnea wodii wɔn awofo, abusuafo ne wɔn mma nokware.
10 They shall teach Jacob Thine ordinances, and Israel Thy law; they shall put incense before Thee, and whole burnt-offering upon Thine altar.
Afei, ma wɔnkyerɛ Yakob wo mmara no. Ma wɔmfa wo nkyerɛkyerɛ no mma Israelfo. Wɔde aduhuam bɛba wʼanim Abɛbɔ ɔhyew afɔre wɔ afɔremuka so.
11 Bless, LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands; smite through the loins of them that rise up against him, and of them that hate him, that they rise not again.
Hyira Lewifo, Ao Awurade na ma wɔn nsa ano nnwuma nsɔ wʼani. Bubu wɔn atamfo; bɔ wɔn atamfo hwe fam a wɔnsɔre bio.”
12 Of Benjamin he said: The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by Him; He covereth him all the day, and He dwelleth between his shoulders.
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Benyamin abusuakuw ho: “Ma Awurade dɔ nnye ntin wɔ Benyamin nkurɔfo mu, efisɛ ɔbɔ wɔn ho ban daa nyinaa, na nea Awurade dɔ no no nhome wɔ ne nwini ase daa.”
13 And of Joseph he said: Blessed of the LORD be his land; for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath,
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Yosef mmusuakuw ho: “Awurade mfa ne sorosoro bosu a ɛsom bo ne bun mu nsu a efi asase ase no, nhyira wɔn nsase.
14 And for the precious things of the fruits of the sun, and for the precious things of the yield of the moons,
Ɔmfa ne nnepa efi owia mu ba ne adonne a ebetumi apue afi ɔsram so;
15 And for the tops of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the everlasting hills,
ne nnɔbae pa a efi tete mmepɔw mu ne nea abu so wɔ nkoko a etim hɔ daa mu
16 And for the precious things of the earth and the fulness thereof, and the good will of Him that dwelt in the bush; let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the head of him that is prince among his brethren.
ne akyɛde a ɛso nni a efi asase ne ne mayɛ mu, ne adom a efi nea na ɔte nwura a ɛhyew mu no. Saa nhyira yi nyinaa mmra Yosef ti so, nea ɔyɛ ne nuanom mu ɔheneba no anintɔn mu.
17 His firstling bullock, majesty is his; and his horns are the horns of the wild-ox; with them he shall gore the peoples all of them, even the ends of the earth; and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.
Yosef sɛ nantwinini a ɔyɛ abakan wɔ ahenni mu. Ne ahoɔden te sɛ ɔtrɔm mmɛn. Ɔde bɛwowɔ aman no, wɔn a wɔwɔ asase ano no mpo. Eyinom ne Efraim mpem du du no; eyinom ne Manase mpempem no.”
18 And of Zebulun he said: Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out, and, Issachar, in thy tents.
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Sebulon ne Isakar mmusuakuw ho: “Sebulon asefo, munni anigye wɔ mo adifi mu. Isakar asefo, munni anigye wɔ mo ntamadan mu.
19 They shall call peoples unto the mountain; there shall they offer sacrifices of righteousness; for they shall suck the abundance of the seas, and the hidden treasures of the sand.
Wɔbɛfrɛ nnipa ahorow akɔ bepɔw no so kɔbɔ trenee afɔre wɔ hɔ; wobefi po mu adenya mmoroso mu ato pon afi ademude a ahintaw wɔ nwea mu.”
20 And of Gad he said: Blessed be He that enlargeth Gad; he dwelleth as a lioness, and teareth the arm, yea, the crown of the head.
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Gad abusuakuw ho: “Nhyira nka obi a ɔtrɛw Gad mantam mu! Gad te hɔ sɛ gyata a ɔretetew abasa anaa eti.
21 And he chose a first part for himself, for there a portion of a ruler was reserved; and there came the heads of the people, he executed the righteousness of the LORD, and His ordinances with Israel.
Gad nkurɔfo paw asase pa no maa wɔn ho; ɔkannifo kyɛfa na wɔde maa wɔn. Bere a nkurɔfo no mpanyimfo hyiae no, wɔyɛɛ Awurade atɛntrenee apɛde no, ne nʼatemmu a ɛfa Israelfo ho no.”
22 And of Dan he said: Dan is a lion's whelp, that leapeth forth from Bashan.
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Dan abusuakuw ho: “Dan yɛ gyata ba a, ɔrepue afi Basan.”
23 And of Naphtali he said: O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the sea and the south.
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Naftali abusuakuw ho: “Naftali wɔ adom bebree na Awurade nhyira ayɛ wo ma; ɔtare no anafo fam bɛyɛ wo kyɛfa.”
24 And of Asher he said: Blessed be Asher above sons; let him be the favoured of his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.
Asɛm a Mose ka faa Aser abusuakuw ho: “Mma no mu nea wɔahyira no koraa ne Aser; wɔmma ne nuanom mpɛ nʼasɛm, na ɔmfa ngo nguare nʼanan ase.
25 Iron and brass shall be thy bars; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.
Wʼapon ho nkyerewa nyɛ dade ne kɔbere mfrafrae; wʼahoɔden ne wo nkwanna bɛsae so.
26 There is none like unto God, O Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven as thy help, and in His excellency on the skies.
“Onyankopɔn biara nni hɔ sɛ Yeshurun Nyankopɔn; a ɔnam ɔsorosoro ne nʼahenni mu mununkum so ba bɛboa wo.
27 The eternal God is a dwelling-place, and underneath are the everlasting arms; and He thrust out the enemy from before thee, and said: 'Destroy.'
Onyankopɔn a ɔwɔ hɔ daa yɛ wo guankɔbea; nea ɛwɔ ase no ne abasa a ɛwɔ hɔ daa no. Ɔbɛpam wʼatamfo afi wʼanim; ɔbɛka se, ‘Sɛe wɔn!’
28 And Israel dwelleth in safety, the fountain of Jacob alone, in a land of corn and wine; yea, his heavens drop down dew.
Enti, Israel bɛtena ase dwoodwoo; Yakob benya bammɔ wɔ asase a atoko ne nsa foforo wɔ so, faako a ɔsoro bosu gugu.
29 Happy art thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee? a people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and that is the sword of thy excellency! And thine enemies shall dwindle away before thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places.
Nhyira nka mo, Israel! Hena na ɔte sɛ mo, nnipa a Awurade agye mo nkwa. Ɔyɛ mo nkatabo ne boafo ne mo anuonyam afoa! Mo atamfo bɛkotow mo anim, na moatiatia wɔn sorɔnsorɔmmea.”

< Deuteronomy 33 >