< Judges 9 >

1 Then Abimelech the sonne of Ierubbaal went to Shechem vnto his mothers brethren, and communed with them, and with all the familie, and house of his mothers father, saying,
Jerubáalov sin Abiméleh je šel do Sihema, do bratov svoje matere in se z njimi posvetoval in z vso družino hiše očeta svoje matere, rekoč:
2 Say, I pray you, in the audience of all the men of Shechem, Whether is better for you, that all the sonnes of Ierubbaal, which are seuentie persons, reigne ouer you, either that one reigne ouer you? Remember also, that I am your bone, and your flesh.
»Govorite, prosim vas, na ušesa vsem sihemskim gospodarjem: ›Ali je za vas bolje, da vsi Jerubáalovi sinovi, katerih je sedemdeset oseb, kraljujejo nad vami ali da nad vami kraljuje eden? Spomnite se tudi, da sem jaz vaša kost in vaše meso.‹«
3 Then his mothers brethren spake of him in the audience of all the men of Shechem, all these wordes: and their hearts were moued to follow Abimelech: for sayd they, He is our brother.
Bratje njegove matere so vse te besede o njem govorili v ušesa vseh sihemskih gospodarjev in njihova srca nagnili, da sledijo Abimélehu, kajti rekli so: »On je naš brat.«
4 And they gaue him seuentie pieces of siluer out of the house of Baal-berith, wherewith Abimelech hired vayne and light fellowes which followed him.
Iz hiše Baal-berita so mu dali sedemdeset koščkov srebra, s katerimi je Abiméleh najel prazno-glave in nepomembne osebe, ki so mu sledili.
5 And he went vnto his fathers house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren, the sonnes of Ierubbaal, about seuentie persons vpon one stone: yet Iotham the yongest sonne of Ierubbaal was left: for he hid himselfe.
Odšel je v hišo svojega očeta pri Ofri in na enem kamnu usmrtil svoje brate, Jerubáalove sinove, ki jih je bilo sedemdeset oseb. Kljub temu pa je ostal najmlajši Jerubáalov sin Jotám, kajti ta se je skril.
6 And all the men of Shechem gathered together with all the house of Millo, and came and made Abimelech King in the playne, where the stone was erected in Shechem.
Vsi sihemski gospodarji so se zbrali skupaj in vsa Milójeva hiša in odšli ter Abiméleha postavili za kralja pri ravninskem stebru, ki je bil v Sihemu.
7 And when they told it to Iotham, he went and stoode in the top of mount Gerizim, and lift vp his voyce, and cryed, and sayd vnto them, Hearken vnto mee, you men of Shechem, that God may hearken vnto you.
Ko so to povedali Jotámu, je ta odšel in se postavil na vrhu gore Garizím, povzdignil svoj glas, zavpil in jim rekel: »Prisluhnite mi, vi sihemski gospodarji, da bo Bog lahko prisluhnil vam.
8 The trees went foorth to anoynt a King ouer them, and sayde vnto the oliue tree, Reigne thou ouer vs.
Drevesa so šla naprej ob času, da mazilijo kralja nad seboj in rekla so oljki: ›Kraljuj nad nami.‹
9 But the oliue tree said vnto them, Should I leaue my fatnes, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to aduance me aboue ye trees?
Toda oljka jim je rekla: ›Mar naj zapustim svojo mastnost, s katero po meni častijo Boga in človeka in grem, da bi bila povišana nad drevesa?‹
10 Then the trees sayde to the fig tree, Come thou, and be King ouer vs.
Drevesa so rekla figovemu drevesu: ›Ti pridi in kraljuj nad nami.‹
11 But the fig tree answered them, Should I forsake my sweetenesse, and my good fruite, and goe to aduance me aboue the trees?
Toda figovo drevo jim je reklo: ›Mar naj zapustim svojo sladkost in svoj dober sad in grem, da bi bilo povišano nad drevesa?‹
12 Then sayd the trees vnto the Vine, Come thou, and be king ouer vs.
Potem so drevesa rekla trti: ›Ti pridi in kraljuj nad nami.‹
13 But the Vine sayde vnto them, Should I leaue my wine, whereby I cheare God and man, and goe to aduance me aboue the trees?
Trta pa jim je rekla: ›Mar naj zapustim svoje vino, ki razveseljuje Boga in človeka in grem, da naj bi bila povišana nad drevesa?‹
14 Then said all the trees vnto the bramble, Come thou, and reigne ouer vs.
Potem so vsa drevesa rekla trnovemu grmu: ›Ti pridi in kraljuj nad nami.‹
15 And the bramble said vnto the trees, If ye will in deede anoynt me King ouer you, come, and put your trust vnder my shadowe: and if not, the fire shall come out of the bramble, and consume the Cedars of Lebanon.
Trnov grm je rekel drevesom: ›Če me resnično mazilite za kralja nad seboj, potem pridite in svoje zaupanje položite v mojo senco, in če ne, naj ogenj pride iz trnovega grma in použije libanonske cedre.‹
16 Now therefore, if ye doe truely and vncorruptly to make Abimelech King, and if ye haue delt well with Ierubbaal and with his house, and haue done vnto him according to the deseruing of his handes,
Zdaj torej, če ste storili resnično in iskreno v tem, da ste si postavili Abiméleha za kralja in če ste dobro postopali z Jerubáalom in njegovo hišo in mu storili glede na ravnanje njegovih rok
17 (For my father fought for you, and aduentured his life, and deliuered you out of the handes of Midian.
(kajti moj oče se je bojeval za vas in v ospredju tvegal svoje življenje in vas osvobodil iz roke Midjáncev
18 And yee are risen vp against my fathers house this day, and haue slayne his children, about seuentie persons vpon one stone, and haue made Abimelech the sonne of his mayde seruant, King ouer the men of Shechem, because hee is your brother)
in ste ta dan vstali zoper hišo mojega očeta in umorili njegove sinove, sedemdeset oseb na enem kamnu in postavili Abiméleha, sina njegove dekle, za kralja nad sihemskimi gospodarji, ker je vaš brat).
19 If ye then haue delt truely and purely with Ierubbaal, and with his house this day, then reioyce with you.
Če ste torej ta dan resnično in iskreno postopali z Jerubáalom in njegovo hišo, potem se veselite z Abimélehom in naj se tudi on veseli z vami.
20 But if not, let a fire come out from Abimelech, and consume the men of Shechem and the house of Millo: also let a fire come foorth from the men of Shechem, and from the house of Millo, and consume Abimelech.
Toda če ne, naj ogenj pride od Abiméleha in pogoltne sihemske gospodarje in Milójevo hišo. In ogenj naj pride od sihemskih gospodarjev in od Milójeve hiše in požre Abiméleha.
21 And Iotham ran away, and fled, and went to Beer, and dwelt there for feare of Abimelech his brother.
Jotám je stekel proč, pobegnil in odšel v Beêr in tam prebival zaradi strahu pred svojim bratom Abimélehom.
22 So Abimelech reigned three yeere ouer Israel.
Ko je Abiméleh tri leta kraljeval nad Izraelom,
23 But God sent an euil spirit betweene Abimelech, and the men of Shechem: and the men of Shechem brake their promise to Abimelech,
je potem Bog med Abiméleha in sihemske gospodarje poslal zlega duha in sihemski gospodarji so zahrbtno postopali z Abimélehom,
24 That the crueltie toward the seuentie sonnes of Ierubbaal and their blood might come and be laide vpon Abimelech their brother, which had slayne them, and vpon the men of Shechem, which had ayded him to kill his brethren.
da bi ta krutost, storjena sedemdesetim Jerubáalovim sinovom lahko prišla in bi bila njihova kri položena na njihovega brata Abiméleha, ki jih je umoril in na sihemske gospodarje, ki so mu pomagali pri morjenju njegovih bratov.
25 So the men of Shechem set men in wayte for him in the toppes of the mountaines: who robbed all that passed that way by them: and it was tolde Abimelech.
Sihemski gospodarji so zanj postavili prežavce v zasedi na vrhu gora in ti so oropali vse, ki so mimo njih prišli po tej poti, in to je bilo povedano Abimélehu.
26 Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed came with his brethren, and they went to Shechem: and the men of Shechem put their confidence in him.
Ebedov sin Gáal je prišel s svojimi brati in odšel preko v Sihem in sihemski gospodarji so svoje zaupanje položili vanj.
27 Therefore they went out into the field, and gathered in their grapes and troade them, and made merie, and went into the house of their gods, and did eate and drinke, and cursed Abimelech.
Odšli so ven na polja in obrali svoje vinograde in tlačili grozdje in se veselili in odšli v hišo svojega boga, jedli, pili in preklinjali Abiméleha.
28 Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed sayde, Who is Abimelech? and who is Shechem, that wee should serue him? Is he not the sonne of Ierubbaal? and Zebul is his officer? Serue rather the men of Hamor the father of Shechem: for why should we serue him?
Ebedov sin Gáal je rekel: »Kdo je Abiméleh in kdo je Sihem, da bi mu služili? Mar ni on Jerubáalov sin? In Zebúl njegov častnik? Služite možem Sihemovega očeta Hamórja, kajti zakaj bi mi služili njemu?
29 Now would God this people were vnder mine hand: then would I put away Abimelech. And he said to Abimelech, Increase thine army, and come out.
Bog daj, da bi bilo to ljudstvo pod mojo roko! Potem bi odstranil Abiméleha.« In Abimélehu je rekel: »Okrepi svojo vojsko in pridi ven.«
30 And when Zebul the ruler of the citie heard the wordes of Gaal the sonne of Ebed, his wrath was kindled.
Ko je Zebúl, vladar mesta, slišal besede Ebedovega sina Gáala, je bila njegova jeza vžgana.
31 Therefore he sent messengers vnto Abimelech priuily, saying, Beholde, Gaal the sonne of Ebed and his brethren be come to Shechem, and beholde, they fortifie the citie against thee.
Na skrivnem je poslal poslance k Abimélehu, rekoč: »Glej, Ebedov sin Gáal in njegovi bratje so prišli v Sihem in glej, zoper tebe utrjujejo mesto.
32 Now therefore arise by night, thou and the people that is with thee, and lye in wayte in the fielde.
Zdaj se torej dvigni ponoči ti in ljudstvo, ki je s teboj in na polju prežite v zasedi
33 And rise early in the morning as soone as the sunne is vp, and assault the citie: and when he and the people that is with him, shall come out against thee, doe to him what thou canst.
in zgodilo se bo, da zjutraj, takoj ko bo sonce vzšlo, da boš zgodaj vstal in se nameril na mesto. In glej, ko bodo on in ljudstvo, ki je z njim, prišli ven zoper tebe, potem jim boš lahko storil kakor boš našel priložnost.«
34 So Abimelech rose vp, and all the people that were with him by night: and they lay in wayte against Shechem in foure bandes.
Abiméleh je ponoči vstal in vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim in so v štirih skupinah prežali zoper Sihem.
35 Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed went out and stood in the entring of the gate of the citie: and Abimelech rose vp, and the folke that were with him, from lying in waite.
Ebedov sin Gáal je odšel ven in stal v vhodu velikih vrat mesta. Abiméleh in ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim, pa je vstalo od prežanja.
36 And when Gaal sawe the people, he said to Zebul, Beholde, there come people downe from the tops of the mountaines: and Zebul said vnto him, The shadowe of the mountaines seeme men vnto thee.
Ko je Gáal zagledal ljudstvo, je rekel Zebúlu: »Glej, tam prihaja ljudstvo dol iz vrha gorovja.« Zebúl mu je rekel: »Senco gorovja vidiš, kakor bi bili možje.«
37 And Gaal spake againe, and said, See, there come folke downe by the middle of the land, and another bande commeth by the way of the plaine of Meonenim.
Gáal je ponovno spregovoril in rekel: »Vidiš, tam prihaja dol ljudstvo po sredi dežele in druga skupina prihaja vzdolž ravnine Maonim.«
38 Then sayd Zebul vnto him, Where is now thy mouth, that said, Who is Abimelech, that we should serue him? Is not this the people that thou hast despised? Go out now, I pray thee, and fight with them.
Potem mu je Zebúl rekel: »Kje so sedaj tvoja usta, s katerimi praviš: ›Kdo je Abiméleh, da bi mu služili?‹ Mar ni to ljudstvo, ki si ga preziral? Pojdi sedaj ven, prosim te in se bori z njimi.«
39 And Gaal went out before the men of Shechem, and fought with Abimelech.
Gáal je odšel ven pred sihemskimi gospodarji in se boril z Abimélehom.
40 But Abimelech pursued him, and he fledde before him, and many were ouerthrowen and wounded, euen vnto the entring of the gate.
Abiméleh ga je pregnal in ta je pobegnil pred njim in mnogi so bili zrušeni in ranjeni, celó do vhoda velikih vrat.
41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: and Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren that they should not dwell in Shechem.
Abiméleh je prebival pri Arúmi, Zebúl pa je vrgel ven Gáala in njegove brate, da ne bi prebivali v Sihemu.
42 And on the morowe, the people went out into the fielde: which was tolde Abimelech.
Naslednji dan se je pripetilo, da je ljudstvo odšlo ven na polje in povedali so Abimélehu.
43 And he tooke the people, and deuided them into three bandes, and layde wayte in the fieldes, and looked, and beholde, the people were come out of the citie, and he rose vp against them, and smote them.
Ta je vzel ljudstvo in jih razdelil v tri skupine. Na polju so prežali v zasedi in glej, ljudstvo je prišlo ven iz mesta. Vstal je zoper njih in jih udaril.
44 And Abimelech, and the bandes that were with him, russhed forwarde, and stoode in the entring of the gate of the citie: and the two other bandes ran vpon all the people that were in the fielde and slewe them.
Abiméleh in skupina, ki je bila z njim, je pohitela naprej in stala na vhodu velikih vrat mesta in dve drugi skupini sta stekli nad vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo na poljih in jih usmrtili.
45 And when Abimelech had fought against the citie all that day, he tooke the citie, and slewe the people that was therein, and destroyed the citie and sowed salt in it.
Abiméleh se je ves tisti dan boril zoper mesto, zavzel mesto, usmrtil ljudstvo, ki je bilo v njem, premagal mesto in ga potresel s soljo.
46 And when all the men of the towre of Shechem heard it, they entred into an holde of the house of the god Berith.
Ko so vsi gospodarji sihemskega stolpa to slišali, so vstopili v trdnjavo hiše boga Berita.
47 And it was tolde Abimelech, that all the men of the towre of Shechem were gathered together.
To je bilo povedano Abimélehu, da so bili vsi gospodarji sihemskega stolpa zbrani skupaj.
48 And Abimelech gate him vp to mounte Zalmon, hee and all the people that were with him: and Abimelech tooke axes with him, and cut downe boughes of trees, and tooke them, and bare them on his shoulder, and sayde vnto the folke that were with him, What ye haue seene me doe, make haste, and doe like me.
Abiméleh se je povzpel na goro Calmón, on in vse ljudstvo, ki je bilo z njim in Abiméleh je v svojo roko vzel sekiro, odsekal vejo iz dreves, jo vzel in jo položil na svojo ramo in rekel ljudstvu, ki je bilo z njim: »Kar ste videli storiti mene, pohitite in storite, kakor sem storil jaz.«
49 Then all the people also cut downe euery man his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put them to the holde, and set the holde on fire with them: so all the men of the towre of Shechem dyed also, about a thousand men and women.
Podobno je vse ljudstvo odsekalo vsak svojo vejo, sledilo Abimélehu, jih položili k trdnjavi in zažgali trdnjavo nad njimi. Tako da so umrli tudi vsi ljudje iz sihemskega stolpa, okoli tisoč mož in žena.
50 Then went Abimelech to Tebez, and besieged Tebez, and tooke it.
Potem je Abiméleh odšel v Tebéc, se utaboril zoper Tebéc in ga zavzel.
51 But there was a strong towre within the citie, and thither fledde all the men and women, and all the chiefe of the citie, and shut it to them, and went vp to the toppe of the towre.
Toda tam, znotraj mesta, je bil močan stolp in tja so pobegnili vsi možje in žene in vsi iz mesta in ga za seboj zaprli in se spravili na vrh stolpa.
52 And Abimelech came vnto the towre and fought against it, and went hard vnto the doore of the towre to set it on fire.
Abiméleh je prišel k stolpu, se boril zoper njega in se približal vratom stolpa, da bi ga zažgal z ognjem.
53 But a certaine woman cast a piece of a milstone vpon Abimelechs head, and brake his braine pan.
Neka ženska je kos mlinskega kamna vrgla na Abimélehovo glavo in razbila njegovo lobanjo.
54 Then Abimelech called hastily his page that bare his harneis, and sayde vnto him, Drawe thy sworde and slay me, that men say not of me, A woman slewe him. And his page thrust him thorowe, and he dyed.
Potem je naglo zaklical k mladeniču, svojemu nosilcu bojne opreme in mu rekel: »Izvleci svoj meč in me usmrti, da ne bodo ljudje o meni rekli: ›Ubila ga je ženska.‹« In njegov mladenič ga je prebodel in ta je umrl.
55 And when the men of Israel sawe that Abimelech was dead, they departed euery man vnto his owne place.
Ko so možje iz Izraela videli, da je bil Abiméleh mrtev, so odšli vsak mož na svoj kraj.
56 Thus God rendred the wickednes of Abimelech, which he did vnto his father, in slaying his seuentie brethren.
Tako je Bog povrnil Abimélehovo zlobnost, ki jo je storil svojemu očetu z umorom svojih sedemdesetih bratov
57 Also all the wickednes of the men of Shechem did God bring vpon their heads. So vpon them came the curse of Iotham the sonne of Ierubbaal.
in vse zlo sihemskih ljudi je Bog povrnil na njihove glave in nadnje je prišlo prekletstvo Jerubáalovega sina Jotáma.

< Judges 9 >