< Job 24 >
1 Howe should not the times be hid from the Almightie, seeing that they which knowe him, see not his dayes?
Kwa nini nyakati za kuwahukumu waovu hazikuwekwa na Mwenyezi? Kwa nini siyo wale waliowaaminifu kwa Mungu huziona siku za hukumu zikija?
2 Some remoue the land marks, that rob the flockes and feede thereof.
Kuna waovu waondoao alama za mipaka; kuna waovu walichukua kundi kwa nguvu na kulifanya lao.
3 They leade away the asse of the fatherles: and take the widowes oxe to pledge.
Wanawadhurumu wanyonge punda wao; wanachukua ng'ombe wa mjane kuwa dhamana.
4 They make the poore to turne out of the way, so that the poore of the earth hide themselues together.
Wanawaondoa wahitaji katika njia zao kwa lazima; masikini wa dunia yote wanajificha kutoka kwao.
5 Behold, others as wilde asses in the wildernesse, goe forth to their businesse, and rise early for a praye: the wildernesse giueth him and his children foode.
Tazama, masikini hawa huenda kufanya kazi kama punda-mwitu mwituni, akitafuta chakula kwa uangalifu; pengine Araba itawapatia chakula kwa ajili ya watoto wao.
6 They reape his prouision in the fielde, but they gather the late vintage of the wicked.
Masikini huvuna katika mashamba ya wengine usiku; wanakusanya zabibu kidogo kutokana na mapato ya waovu.
7 They cause the naked to lodge without garment, and without couering in the colde.
Wana lala bila kujifunika wakati wa usiku; hawana cha kujifunika wakati wa baridi.
8 They are wet with the showres of the moutaines, and they imbrace the rocke for want of a couering.
Wanalowanishwa na mvua ya milimani; wanalala pembeni mwa miamba mikubwa kwani hawana makao.
9 They plucke the fatherles from the breast, and take the pledge of the poore.
Kuna waovu wanaowapokonya yatima katika kifua cha mama zao, na waovu wawachukuao watoto kama dhamana kutoka kwa masikini.
10 They cause him to go naked without clothing, and take the glening from the hungrie.
Lakini masikini wanatembea uchi; wajapokaa na njaa, wanabebea wengine chakula.
11 They that make oyle betweene their walles, and treade their wine presses, suffer thirst.
Masikini wanazalisha vinono ndani ya nyumba za waovu; wanakanyaga mashinikizo ya waovu, lakini wanakiu.
12 Men cry out of the citie, and the soules of the slayne cry out: yet God doth not charge them with follie.
Watu wananung'unika mjini; waliojeruhiwa wanaomboleza, lakini Mungu hasikilizi maombi yao.
13 These are they, that abhorre the light: they know not the wayes thereof, nor continue in the paths thereof.
Baadhi ya waovu hawa wanaiasi nuru; hawafahamu njia zake, wala kukaa katika njia zake.
14 The murtherer riseth earely and killeth the poore and the needie: and in the night he is as a theefe.
Muaji huinuka na nuru; huuwa masikini na waitaji; ni kama mwizi wakati wa usiku.
15 The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, and sayth, None eye shall see me, and disguiseth his face.
Pia, mzinifu hungoja wakati wa usiku; husema, 'Hakuna anionaye.' Hujibadilisha.
16 They digge through houses in the darke, which they marked for themselues in the daye: they knowe not the light.
Waovu huingia katika nyumba gizani, lakini hujifungia wakati wa mchana; hawajari nuru.
17 But the morning is euen to them as the shadow of death: if one knowe them, they are in the terrours of the shadowe of death.
Kwa kuwa asubuhi kwao wote ni kama giza totoro; wanaamani na vitisho vya giza totoro.
18 He is swift vpon the waters: their portion shalbe cursed in the earth: he will not behold the way of the vineyardes.
Wanapotea polepole, lakini, kama povu juu ya maji; shamba lao limelaaniwa; hakuna anayekwenda kufanya kazi katika mashamba yao ya mizabibu.
19 As the dry ground and heate consume the snowe waters, so shall the graue the sinners. (Sheol )
Kiangazi na joto huondoa barafu; ndivyo kuzimu pia kunavyowaaribu waliotenda dhambi. (Sheol )
20 The pitifull man shall forget him: the worme shall feele his sweetenes: he shalbe no more remembered, and the wicked shalbe broke like a tree.
Mama yake atamsahau; polepole funza watamuuma; hatakumbukwa tena; kwa hiyo, waovu watavunjika kama mti.
21 He doth euil intreat ye barren, that doeth not beare, neither doeth he good to the widowe.
Mwovu anamrarua mgumba; hawatendi jema lolote kwa mjane.
22 He draweth also the mighty by his power, and when he riseth vp, none is sure of life.
Bado Mungu huwaondoa wenye nguvu kwa nguvu zake; huinuka na kuwadhoofisha.
23 Though men giue him assurance to be in safetie, yet his eyes are vpon their wayes.
Mungu huwaacha wajione wako salama, na wanalifurahia hilo, lakini anayaangalia maisha yao.
24 They are exalted for a litle, but they are gone, and are brought lowe as all others: they are destroyed, and cut off as the toppe of an eare of corne.
Watu hawa wanatukuzwa; bado, kitambo tu, watapotea; hakika, watashushwa; watakusanywa kama wengine wote; wataondolewa kama sehemu ya juu ya masikio ya nafaka.
25 But if it be not so, where is he? or who wil proue me a lyer, and make my words of no value?
Ikiwa sivyo, nani atanithibitisha kuwa mwongo; atakaye fanya maneno yangu kuwa si kitu?”