< Jeremiah 18 >

1 The worde which came to Ieremiah from the Lord, saying,
Beseda, ki je prišla Jeremiju od Gospoda, rekoč:
2 Arise, and go downe into the potters house, and there shall I shewe thee my words.
»Vstani in pojdi dol k lončarjevi hiši in tam ti bom povzročil, da boš slišal moje besede.«
3 Then I went downe to the potters house, and behold, he wrought a worke on the wheeles.
Potem sem odšel dol k lončarjevi hiši in glej, izdeloval je delo na kolesih.
4 And the vessell that he made of clay, was broken in the hand of the potter. so he returned, and made it another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
Posoda, ki jo je naredil iz ila je bila iznakažena v lončarjevi roki. Tako je še enkrat naredil drugo posodo, kakor se je lončarju zdelo dobro, da jo naredi.
5 Then the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Potem je k meni prišla Gospodova beseda, rekoč:
6 O house of Israel, cannot I doe with you as this potter, sayth the Lord? beholde, as the clay is in the potters hande, so are you in mine hande, O house of Israel.
»Oh Izraelova hiša, mar ne morem narediti z vami kakor ta lončar?« govori Gospod. »Glejte, kakor je ilo v lončarjevi roki, tako ste vi v moji roki, oh Izraelova hiša.
7 I will speake suddenly against a nation or against a kingdome to plucke it vp, and to roote it out and to destroy it.
V kakšnem trenutku bom govoril glede naroda in glede kraljestva, da ga izruvam, poderem in uničim.
8 But if this nation, against whom I haue pronounced, turne from their wickednesse, I will repent of the plague that I thought to bring vpon them.
Če [pa] se ta narod, zoper katerega sem proglasil, obrne od svojega zla, se bom pokesal od zla, ki sem jim ga mislil storiti.
9 And I wil speake suddenly concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdome to builde it and to plant it.
V kakšnem trenutku bom govoril glede naroda in glede kraljestva, da ga zgradim in zasadim.
10 But if it do euill in my sight and heare not my voyce, I will repent of ye good that I thought to do for them.
Če [pa] dela zlo v mojem pogledu, da ne uboga mojega glasu, potem se bom pokesal dobrega, s katerim sem rekel, da bi jim koristil.
11 Speake thou nowe therefore vnto the men of Iudah, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem, saying, Thus saith ye Lord, Behold, I prepare a plague for you, and purpose a thing against you: returne you therefore euery one from his euill way, and make your wayes and your workes good.
Zdaj torej pojdi, govori Judovim možem in prebivalcem Jeruzalema, rekoč: ›Tako govori Gospod; ›Glejte, zoper vas oblikujem zlo in zoper vas naklepam naklep. Torej se vrnite, vsakdo iz svoje hudobne poti in naredite svoje poti in svoja dejanja dobra.‹«
12 But they sayde desperately, Surely wee will walke after our owne imaginations, and doe euery man after the stubburnnesse of his wicked heart.
Rekli so: »Tam ni nobenega upanja, temveč bomo hodili po svojih lastnih naklepih in vsakdo izmed nas bo počel zamisel svojega zlega srca.«
13 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Aske now among the heathen, who hath heard such thinges? the virgin of Israel hath done very filthily.
Zato tako govori Gospod: »Vprašajte torej med pogani, kdo je slišal takšne stvari. Izraelova devica je storila zelo strašno stvar.
14 Will a man forsake the snowe of Lebanon, which commeth from the rocke of the fielde? or shall the colde flowing waters, that come from another place, be forsaken?
Mar bo človek zapustil libanonski sneg, ki prihaja iz poljske skale? Mar bodo hladne tekoče vode, ki prihajajo iz drugega kraja, zapuščene?
15 Because my people hath forgotten me, and haue burnt incense to vanitie, and their prophets haue caused them to stumble in their wayes from the auncient wayes, to walke in the pathes and way that is not troden,
Ker me je moje ljudstvo pozabilo so zažigali kadilo ničnostim in le-ti so jim storili, da se spotikajo na svojih poteh od starodavnih steza, da hodijo po stezah, na poti, ki ni nasuta,
16 To make their land desolate and a perpetual derision, so that euery one that passeth thereby, shalbe astonished and wagge his head,
da naredijo svojo deželo zapuščeno in neprestan posmeh; vsak, kdor gre tam mimo, bo osupel in bo zmajeval z glavo.
17 I will scatter them with an East winde before the enemie: I will shewe them the backe, and not the face in the day of their destruction.
Pred sovražnikom jih bom razkropil kakor z vzhodnim vetrom; pokazal jim bom hrbet in ne obraza, na dan njihove katastrofe.«
18 Then sayde they, Come, and let vs imagine some deuice against Ieremiah: for the Lawe shall not perish from the Priest, nor counsell from the wise, nor the worde from the Prophet: come, and let vs smite him with the tongue, and let vs not giue heede to any of his words.
Potem so rekli: »Pridite in naklepajmo naklepe zoper Jeremija; kajti postava ne bo izginila od duhovnika, niti nasvet od modrega, niti beseda od preroka. Pridite in udarimo ga z jezikom in ne dajmo pozornosti katerikoli izmed njegovih besed.«
19 Hearken vnto mee, O Lord, and heare the voyce of them that contend with me.
Nakloni mi pozornost, oh Gospod in prisluhni glasu tistih, ki se pričkajo z menoj.
20 Shall euill be recompensed for good? for they haue digged a pit for my soule: remember that I stood before thee, to speake good for the, and to turne away thy wrath from them.
Mar bo zlo poplačilo za dobro? Kajti izkopali so jamo za mojo dušo. Spomni se, da sem stal pred teboj, da govorim dobro zanje in da odvrnem tvoj bes od njih.
21 Therefore, deliuer vp their children to famine, and let them drop away by the force of the sworde, and let their wiues be robbed of their children, and be widowes: and let their husbands be put to death, and let their yong men be slayne by the sword in the battell.
Zato njihove otroke izroči lakoti in njihovo kri izlij s silo meča; in naj bodo njihove žene oropane svojih otrok in bodo vdove; in naj bodo njihovi možje usmrčeni; naj bodo njihovi mladeniči v bitki umorjeni z mečem.
22 Let the crye bee heard from their houses, when thou shalt bring an hoste suddenly vpon them: for they haue digged a pit to take me, and hid snares for my feete.
Naj bo krik slišan od njihovih hiš, ko boš nadnje nenadoma privedel krdelo, kajti izkopali so jamo, da bi me ujeli in skrili pasti za moja stopala.
23 Yet Lord thou knowest al their counsel against me tendeth to death: forgiue not their iniquitie, neither put out their sinne from thy sight, but let them be ouerthrowen before thee: deale thus with them in the time of thine anger.
Vendar, Gospod, ti poznaš vse njihove namere zoper mene, da me ubijejo. Ne odpusti njihove krivičnosti niti njihovega greha ne izbriši pred svojim pogledom, temveč naj bodo zrušeni pred teboj; tako postopaj z njimi v času svoje jeze.

< Jeremiah 18 >