< Galatians 3 >

1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the trueth, to whome Iesus Christ before was described in your sight, and among you crucified?
he nirbbodhaa gaalaatilokaa. h, yu. smaaka. m madhye kru"se hata iva yii"su. h khrii. s.to yu. smaaka. m samak. sa. m prakaa"sita aasiit ato yuuya. m yathaa satya. m vaakya. m na g. rhliitha tathaa kenaamuhyata?
2 This only would I learne of you, Receiued ye the Spirit by the workes of the Lawe, or by the hearing of faith preached?
aha. m yu. smatta. h kathaamekaa. m jij naase yuuyam aatmaana. m kenaalabhadhva. m? vyavasthaapaalanena ki. m vaa vi"svaasavaakyasya "srava. nena?
3 Are ye so foolish, that after ye haue begun in the Spirit, ye would now be made perfect by the flesh?
yuuya. m kim iid. rg abodhaa yad aatmanaa karmmaarabhya "sariire. na tat saadhayitu. m yatadhve?
4 Haue ye suffered so many things in vaine? if so be it be euen in vaine.
tarhi yu. smaaka. m gurutaro du. hkhabhoga. h ki. m ni. sphalo bhavi. syati? kuphalayukto vaa ki. m bhavi. syati?
5 He therefore that ministreth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it through the workes of the Law, or by the hearing of faith preached?
yo yu. smabhyam aatmaana. m dattavaan yu. smanmadhya aa"scaryyaa. ni karmmaa. ni ca saadhitavaan sa ki. m vyavasthaapaalanena vi"svaasavaakyasya "srava. nena vaa tat k. rtavaan?
6 Yea rather as Abraham beleeued God, and it was imputed to him for righteousnes.
likhitamaaste, ibraahiima ii"svare vya"svasiit sa ca vi"svaasastasmai pu. nyaartha. m ga. nito babhuuva,
7 Knowe ye therefore, that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
ato ye vi"svaasaa"sritaasta evebraahiima. h santaanaa iti yu. smaabhi rj naayataa. m|
8 For the Scripture foreseeing, that God would iustifie the Gentiles through faith, preached before the Gospel vnto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all the Gentiles be blessed.
ii"svaro bhinnajaatiiyaan vi"svaasena sapu. nyiikari. syatiiti puurvva. m j naatvaa "saastradaataa puurvvam ibraahiima. m susa. mvaada. m "sraavayana jagaada, tvatto bhinnajaatiiyaa. h sarvva aa"si. sa. m praapsyantiiti|
9 So then they which be of faith, are blessed with faithfull Abraham.
ato ye vi"svaasaa"sritaaste vi"svaasinebraahiimaa saarddham aa"si. sa. m labhante|
10 For as many as are of the workes of the Lawe, are vnder the curse: for it is written, Cursed is euery man that continueth not in all things, which are written in the booke of the Law, to doe them.
yaavanto lokaa vyavasthaayaa. h karmma. nyaa"srayanti te sarvve "saapaadhiinaa bhavanti yato likhitamaaste, yathaa, "ya. h ka"scid etasya vyavasthaagranthasya sarvvavaakyaani ni"scidra. m na paalayati sa "sapta iti|"
11 And that no man is iustified by the Law in the sight of God, it is euident: for the iust shall liue by faith.
ii"svarasya saak. saat ko. api vyavasthayaa sapu. nyo na bhavati tada vyakta. m yata. h "pu. nyavaan maanavo vi"svaasena jiivi. syatiiti" "saastriiya. m vaca. h|
12 And the Lawe is not of faith: but the man that shall doe those things, shall liue in them.
vyavasthaa tu vi"svaasasambandhinii na bhavati kintvetaani ya. h paalayi. syati sa eva tai rjiivi. syatiitiniyamasambandhinii|
13 Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the Lawe, made a curse for vs, (for it is written, Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree)
khrii. s.to. asmaan parikriiya vyavasthaayaa. h "saapaat mocitavaan yato. asmaaka. m vinimayena sa svaya. m "saapaaspadamabhavat tadadhi likhitamaaste, yathaa, "ya. h ka"scit taraavullambyate so. abhi"sapta iti|"
14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Iesus, that wee might receiue the promise of the Spirite through faith.
tasmaad khrii. s.tena yii"sunevraahiima aa"sii rbhinnajaatiiyaloke. su varttate tena vaya. m pratij naatam aatmaana. m vi"svaasena labdhu. m "saknuma. h|
15 Brethren, I speake as men do: though it be but a mans couenant, when it is confirmed, yet no man doeth abrogate it, or addeth any thing thereto.
he bhraat. rga. na maanu. saa. naa. m riityanusaare. naaha. m kathayaami kenacit maanavena yo niyamo niracaayi tasya vik. rti rv. rddhi rvaa kenaapi na kriyate|
16 Nowe to Abraham and his seede were the promises made. Hee saith not, And to the seedes, as speaking of many: but, And to thy seede, as of one, which is Christ.
parantvibraahiime tasya santaanaaya ca pratij naa. h prati "su"sruvire tatra santaana"sabda. m bahuvacanaantam abhuutvaa tava santaanaayetyekavacanaanta. m babhuuva sa ca santaana. h khrii. s.ta eva|
17 And this I say, that the couenant that was confirmed afore of God in respect of Christ, the Lawe which was foure hundreth and thirtie yeeres after, can not disanull, that it shoulde make the promise of none effect.
ataevaaha. m vadaami, ii"svare. na yo niyama. h puraa khrii. s.tamadhi niracaayi tata. h para. m tri. m"sadadhikacatu. h"satavatsare. su gate. su sthaapitaa vyavasthaa ta. m niyama. m nirarthakiik. rtya tadiiyapratij naa loptu. m na "saknoti|
18 For if the inheritance be of the Lawe, it is no more by the promise, but God gaue it freely vnto Abraham by promise.
yasmaat sampadadhikaaro yadi vyavasthayaa bhavati tarhi pratij nayaa na bhavati kintvii"svara. h pratij nayaa tadadhikaaritvam ibraahiime. adadaat|
19 Wherefore then serueth the Law? It was added because of the transgressions, til the seed came, vnto the which the promise was made: and it was ordeined by Angels in the hande of a Mediatour.
tarhi vyavasthaa kimbhuutaa? pratij naa yasmai prati"srutaa tasya santaanasyaagamana. m yaavad vyabhicaaranivaara. naartha. m vyavasthaapi dattaa, saa ca duutairaaj naapitaa madhyasthasya kare samarpitaa ca|
20 Nowe a Mediatour is not a Mediatour of one: but God is one.
naikasya madhyastho vidyate kintvii"svara eka eva|
21 Is the Lawe then against the promises of God? God forbid: For if there had bene a Lawe giuen which coulde haue giuen life, surely righteousnes should haue bene by the Lawe.
tarhi vyavasthaa kim ii"svarasya pratij naanaa. m viruddhaa? tanna bhavatu| yasmaad yadi saa vyavasthaa jiivanadaanesamarthaabhavi. syat tarhi vyavasthayaiva pu. nyalaabho. abhavi. syat|
22 But the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne, that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beleeue.
kintu yii"sukhrii. s.te yo vi"svaasastatsambandhiyaa. h pratij naayaa. h phala. m yad vi"svaasilokebhyo diiyate tadartha. m "saastradaataa sarvvaan paapaadhiinaan ga. nayati|
23 But before faith came, we were kept vnder the Law, as vnder a garison, and shut vp vnto that faith, which should afterward be reueiled.
ataeva vi"svaasasyaanaagatasamaye vaya. m vyavasthaadhiinaa. h santo vi"svaasasyodaya. m yaavad ruddhaa ivaarak. syaamahe|
24 Wherefore the Lawe was our scholemaster to bring vs to Christ, that we might be made righteous by faith.
ittha. m vaya. m yad vi"svaasena sapu. nyiibhavaamastadartha. m khrii. s.tasya samiipam asmaan netu. m vyavasthaagratho. asmaaka. m vinetaa babhuuva|
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer vnder a scholemaster.
kintvadhunaagate vi"svaase vaya. m tasya vineturanadhiinaa abhavaama|
26 For ye are al the sonnes of God by faith, in Christ Iesus.
khrii. s.te yii"sau vi"svasanaat sarvve yuuyam ii"svarasya santaanaa jaataa. h|
27 For all ye that are baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ.
yuuya. m yaavanto lokaa. h khrii. s.te majjitaa abhavata sarvve khrii. s.ta. m parihitavanta. h|
28 There is neither Iewe nor Grecian: there is neither bonde nor free: there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Iesus.
ato yu. smanmadhye yihuudiyuunaanino rdaasasvatantrayo ryo. saapuru. sayo"sca ko. api vi"se. so naasti; sarvve yuuya. m khrii. s.te yii"saaveka eva|
29 And if ye be Christes, then are ye Abrahams seede, and heires by promise.
ki nca yuuya. m yadi khrii. s.tasya bhavatha tarhi sutaraam ibraahiima. h santaanaa. h pratij nayaa sampadadhikaari. na"scaadhve|

< Galatians 3 >