< Acts 24 >
1 Now after fiue dayes, Ananias the hie Priest came downe with the Elders, and with Tertullus a certaine oratour, which appeared before the Gouernour against Paul.
Erile morago ga malatsi a le matlhano Ananiase Moperesiti yo Mogolo a goroga le bangwe bagolwane ba Bajuta le mmueledi Teretulo, go tla go bolela molato wa ga Paulo.
2 And when he was called foorth, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, Seeing that we haue obtained great quietnesse through thee, and that many worthy things are done vnto this nation through thy prouidence,
Mme erile Teretulo a bidiwa, a bolelela kgosana kaga molato wa ga Paulo jaana: “Motlotlegi, rona Bajuta o re neile kagiso le kutlwano ebile o ngotlile kgethololo thata mo go rona.
3 We acknowledge it wholy, and in all places most noble Felix, with all thankes,
Mme ka se, re go leboga thata.
4 But that I be not tedious vnto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest heare vs of thy courtesie a fewe wordes.
Mme gore ke se ka ka tlhola ke go lapisa, ntheetsa ka bopelo-namagadi fela ka bokhutshwane fa ke bua ditlhogo tsa tsheko ya rona kgatlhanong le monna yo.
5 Certainely we haue found this man a pestilent fellowe, and a moouer of sedition among all the Iewes throughout the world, and a chiefe maintainer of the secte of the Nazarites:
Gonne re mmonye gore ke motho yo o letshwenyo, monna yo ka nako tsotlhe o tlhotlheletsang Bajuta mo tikologong yotlhe ya lefatshe go tsogologela mmuso wa Roma. Ke Moeteledipele wa lekoko le le bidiwang Banasaretha.
6 And hath gone about to pollute the Temple: therefore wee tooke him, and woulde haue iudged him according to our Lawe:
Mme gape o ne a leka go senya Tempele fa re mo tshwara. Re ka bo re mo neile se tota se mo tshwanetseng,
7 But the chiefe captaine Lysias came vpon vs, and with great violence tooke him out of our handes,
mme Lisiase, molaodi wa mophato, o ne a tla go mo tsaya ka kgopholo mo go rona,
8 Commanding his accusers to come to thee: of whom thou mayest (if thou wilt inquire) know all these things whereof we accuse him.
a batla gore a sekisiwe ka molao wa Roma. O ka nna wa utlwa boammaaruri jwa go mo tshwaa phoso ga rona ka go mo tlhotlhomisa.”
9 And the Iewes likewise affirmed, saying that it was so.
Mme Bajuta ba bangwe botlhe ba dumalana gore sengwe le sengwe se Teretulo o se buileng ke boammaaruri.
10 Then Paul, after that the gouernour had beckened vnto him that hee shoulde speake, answered, I do the more gladly answere for my selfe, for as much as I knowe that thou hast bene of many yeres a iudge vnto this nation,
Mme jaanong e ne e le nako ya ga Paulo gore a bue. Kgosana ya mo gwetlha ka seatla gore a eme a bue. Paulo a simolola a re, “Ke a itse rra, gore ga o bolo go nna moatlhodi wa ditsheko tsa Sejuta fa ke bua boiphemelo jwa me,
11 Seeing that thou mayest knowe, that there are but twelue dayes since I came vp to worship in Hierusalem.
o ka lemoga ka bonako gore ke malatsi a le lesome le bobedi ke sena go goroga kwa Jerusalema go tla go obama mo Tempeleng,
12 And they neither found mee in the Temple disputing with any man, neither making vproare among the people, neither in the Synagogues, nor in the citie.
mme gape o tlaa lemoga gore ga ke ise ke tsose khuduego mo tlung ya thuto kgotsa mo mebileng ya motse;
13 Neither can they proue the things, whereof they now accuse me.
mme banna ba tota ga ba ka ke ba supa dilo tse ba di ntshwaelang phoso.
14 But this I confesse vnto thee, that after the way (which they call heresie) so worship I the God of my fathers, beleeuing all things which are written in the Lawe and the Prophets,
“Mme selo sengwe fela se ke se dumelang ke gore ke dumela mo polokong, e ba e bitsang lekoko la tumelo ya bakgelogi, ke sala morago mokgwa oo wa go direla Modimo wa borraetshomogolo; ke dumela thata mo molaong wa Sejuta le sengwe le sengwe se se kwadilweng mo dibukeng tsa seporofeto;
15 And haue hope towardes God, that the resurrection of the dead, which they themselues looke for also, shalbe both of iust and vniust.
mme ke a dumela, fela jaaka banna ba, gore go tlaa nna le tsogo ya basiami le baleofi.
16 And herein I endeuour my selfe to haue alway a cleare conscience towarde God, and toward men.
Mme ka ntlha ya se, ke leka ka bojotlhe gore ka metlha yotlhe ke nne le pelo e e senang sekgopi fa pele ga Modimo le batho.
17 Now after many yeres, I came and brought almes to my nation and offerings.
“Morago ga dingwaga tse dintsinyana tse di fetileng, ke ne ka boela kwa Jerusalema ka madi go thusa Bajuta, le go ntshetsa Modimo setlhabelo.
18 At what time, certaine Iewes of Asia founde mee purified in the Temple, neither with multitude, nor with tumult.
Balatofatsi ba me ba ne ba mpona mo Tempeleng fa ke ntsha dimpho tsa me. Ke ne ke ipeotse tlhogo jaaka go batlwa ke melao ya bone mme go ne go se na bontsi bope fa go nna, le fa e le khuduego! Mme Bajuta bangwe ba ba neng ba tswa Asia ba ne ba le teng,
19 Who ought to haue bene present before thee, and accuse me, if they had ought against me.
(ba ba neng ba tshwanetse ba ka bo ba le fano fa, fa e le gore ba na le sengwe kgatlhanong le nna),
20 Or let these themselues say, if they haue found any vniust thing in mee, while I stoode in the Council,
mme bona! Botsa banna ba gone fa gore ke ofe molato o lekgotla la bone le o bonyeng mo go nna,
21 Except it be for this one voyce, that I cried standing among them, Of the resurrection of the dead am I accused of you this day.
fa e se go bua selo se le sengwe fela se ke neng ke sa tshwanela go se bua fa ke re, ‘Ke fano fa pele ga lekgotla go iphemela ka ntlha ya go dumela gore baswi ba tlaa tsoga gape!’”
22 Nowe when Felix heard these things, he deferred them, and said, When I shall more perfectly know the things which concerne this way, by the comming of Lysias the chiefe Captaine, I will decise your matter.
Mme Felise, yo o neng a itse gore Bakeresete ba ne ba ise ba ke ba tsamaye ba tsosa khuduego, a bolelela Bajuta gore ba iketle ba emele go goroga ga ga Lusia molaodi wa mophato, mme ke gone o tlaa atlholang kgang.
23 Then hee commanded a Centurion to keepe Paul, and that he should haue ease, and that he should forbid none of his acquaintance to minister vnto him, or to come vnto him.
Mme a laola gore Paulo a tsenngwe mo kgolegelong, a bo a laela batlhokomedi gore ba mo tshware sentle le gore ba seka ba itsa ditsala dipe tsa gagwe go mo etela kgotsa go mo tlisetsa dimpho go dira gore a nametsege fa a ntse a le mo kgolegelong.
24 And after certaine dayes, came Felix with his wife Drusilla, which was a Iewesse, and he called foorth Paul, and heard him of the faith in Christ.
Erile morago ga malatsi a se kae Felise a tla le Durusila, mosadi wa gagwe wa Mojuta. A romela gore Paulo a ye go bidiwa, ba reetsa jaaka a ba bolelela kaga tumelo mo go Keresete Jesu.
25 And as he disputed of righteousnes and temperance, and of the iudgement to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time, and when I haue conuenient time, I will call for thee.
Mme erile a sa ntse a buisanya nabo kaga tshiamo le boikgapo le katlholo e e tlang, Felise a boifa thata. Mme a mo raya a re, “Tsamaya jaanong, mme fa ke na le nako e e siameng, ke tlaa go bitsa gape.”
26 Hee hoped also that money shoulde haue bene giuen him of Paul, that he might loose him: wherefore hee sent for him the oftner, and communed with him.
Mme gape o ne a gopola gore Paulo o tlaa mo reka ka madi, jalo, he, o ne a mmitsa kgapetsakgapetsa go buisanya nae.
27 When two yeeres were expired, Porcius Festus came into Felix roume: and Felix willing to get fauour of the Iewes, left Paul bound.
Dingwaga tse pedi tsa fela ba ntse ba buisanya; mme Porokio Feseto a tsaya maemo a ga Felise. Mme ka gore Felise o ne a batla go itumedisa Bajuta, o ne a tlogela Paulo mo kgolegelong.