< Acts 13 >
1 There were also in the Church that was at Antiochia, certaine Prophets and teachers, as Barnabas, and Simeon called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen (which had bin brought vp with Herod the Tetrarche) and Saul.
Anyimo udenge unigura sa wa rani vantakiya, anu ukurzuzo utize nan anu dungura wa rani. We wani Barnabas, saminu (sa a tisa we agenu) nan lukiya Barkurame nan manayin (desa wa hiri nigoo me nan ugomo Hiridus) nan shawulu.
2 Nowe as they ministred to the Lord, and fasted, the holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the worke whereunto I haue called them.
Uganiya sa zin ni nonzo na Asere nan unu canti ikono, abini me bibe bi Asere bi dusa bi gu, ''suso ri mi Barnabas nan shawulu bati katuma me sa ma tit we wa wuzi.''
3 Then fasted they and prayed, and layde their hands on them, and let them goe.
Sa nigura me na mara wa wuzi biringira nan u'inta ikoma, wa tari we tari wa gun we dusa.
4 And they, after they were sent foorth of the holy Ghost, came downe vnto Seleucia, and from thence they sayled to Cyprus.
Abini me shawulu nan Barnabas wa dusa wa kunna imum sa bibe bi ugomo Asere ba, buki wa dusa uhana usulukiya; wa kafa udusa ani zabu ku kuburus.
5 And when they were at Salamis, they preached the worde of God in the Synagogues of the Iewes: and they had also Iohn to their minister.
Uganiya sa wa raa anipin ni usalami, wa dunguri tize ti ugomo Asere udenge unigura umayahudawa, waa zin ingoo me nan Yahaya Markus unu benki uwe.
6 So when they had gone throughout the yle vnto Paphus, they found a certaine sorcerer, a false prophet, being a Iewe, named Bariesus,
Sa wa kafa anizabu nu Bafusa, wa dusa wakem ure ubire uyahuadwa una niza Bat Yeshua.
7 Which was with the Deputie Sergius Paulus, a prudent man. He called vnto him Barnabas and Saul, and desired to heare the woorde of God.
Unu umakiri nanu desa mazi nigoo me nan unu kkpanku udang me sajus Bulus unu rusa mani. Ma dusa ma titi shawalu nan Barnabas barki maa nyari ma kunna tize ta Asere.
8 But Elymas, ye sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstoode them, and sought to turne away the Deputie from the faith.
Me Elimas ''ubire mani (imum sa nize nime me na buka ini) ma wuzi ni'eru nan we; Ma nyari ma hunze unu kpanku udang nibaba ni'inko iriba.
9 Then Saul (which also is called Paul) being full of the holy Ghost, set his eyes on him,
Abini me shawulu desa me Bulus maa myinci in bibe ba ASere ma riki me aje.
10 And sayde, O full of all subtiltie and all mischiefe, the childe of the deuill, and enemie of all righteousnesse, wilt thou not cease to peruert the straight waies of the Lord?
Ma dusa magu, ''hu vana unu uburi mani, u myinci unu hunzuze abanga nan imum iburi. Hu uruni u'eru uwuza utimum ti riri mani uda kini we umangara uti na tu ugomo Asere ba?''
11 Nowe therefore behold, the hand of the Lord is vpon thee, and thou shalt be blinde, and not see the sunne for a season. And immediately there fel on him a mist and a darknes; and he went about, seeking some to leade him by the hand.
Ana me, tari ta Asere be azesere anice ni we me, udi cukuno urubo. Uda ira we uwui ba ana me aku uganiya ku cing, ''Abini me uputuru nan maree wa korso kase unyara anabu sa wadi benki me.
12 Then the Deputie when he sawe what was done, beleeued, and was astonied at the doctrine of the Lord.
Sa unu kpanku udang ma ira imum be sa ya kem ma dusa ma nya uhem a tize ti ugomo Asere.
13 Nowe when Paul and they that were with him were departed by shippe from Paphus, they came to Perga a citie of Pamphylia: then Iohn departed from them, and returned to Hierusalem.
Bulus nan aroni ame me wa barka wa dusa wa kafa anyimo ujirgi umei usuro Bafusa uhana Fijiya u bamfiliya. Yahaya maa ceki we ma kuri uhana a urshalima.
14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antiochia a citie of Pisidia, and went into the Synagogue on ye Sabbath day, and sate downe.
Bulus nan aroni ameme wadusa usuro firjiya uhana u'antakiya amanyanga Bisidiya. Abini me wa ribe udenge unigura uni wui Asabar wa cukuno.
15 And after the lecture of the Law and Prophets, the rulers of ye Synagogue sent vnto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye haue any word of exhortation for the people, say on.
Sa amara ubasa i hori i'uinso utize nan anu ukurzizo utize, anu adang udenge ubi gura wa dusa wa tuburko kadura wa gu, ''ni henu, ingi izin kare kadura ka unya uni kara ahira anabu i nya.''
16 Then Paul stoode vp and beckened with the hand, and sayde, Men of Israel, and yee that feare God, hearken.
Bulus ma dusa ma hiri ma bezi wen in tari magu, ''shi anu u'isra'ila nan shi andesa iwono Asere, kuna nin.
17 The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they dwelt in the land of Egypt, and with an high arme brought them out thereof.
Ugomo Asere u'israi'la maa zauka acokoro aru, maa kinki ugbardang uweme uganiya me sa rani umasar nan usuro akatuma kadang ka meme maa suso we anyimo me.
18 And about the time of fourtie yeeres, suffered he their maners in the wildernesse.
Maa nati iriba nan we uhana tiwe akuri anaze anyimo anija.
19 And he destroied seuen nations in the land of Chanaan, and deuided their lad to them by lot.
Sama mara uhua uti pinping tini usunare a ma nyanga mu kan'ana maa nya acokoro aru ukalu.
20 Then afterward he gaue vnto them Iudges about foure hundreth and fiftie yeeres, vnto the time of Samuel the Prophet.
Vat timum tiginome taa kem anyimo ati we akuri anazi unu cibi sa taa aki sa igono me ya aka ugomo maa wuzi u'inko utize nan se sa ya biki uganiya u'aye samaila unu ukurzuzo utize maa ē.
21 So after that, they desired a King, and God gaue vnto them Saul, the sonne of Cis, a man of ye tribe of Beniamin, by the space of fourty yeres.
Anabu wa dusa wa iki wa gu anya we ugomo, ugomo Asere ma nya we saul vana ukish, unu unilem ni Benjamin maa cukuno we ugomo uhana utiwe akuri anazi.
22 And after he had taken him away, he raised vp Dauid to be their King, of whom he witnessed, saying, I haue found Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after mine owne heart, which will doe all things that I will.
Ugomo Asere maa tuzo me ukpanku utigomo, ma hirza Dauda ma cukuno ugomo uwe.
23 Of this mans seede hath God according to his promise raised vp to Israel, ye Sauiour Iesus:
Usuro ubisana bi unu ugino me, ugomo Asere maa suso Yeso unu bura, gusi u'inko sa anu inko.
24 When Iohn had first preached before his coming the baptisme of repentance to all the people of Israel.
Igene me ya kem uduku u aye u Yeso u'e, Yahaya ma buu abanga uzurso ukaba utize wa anu Isara'ila.
25 And when Iohn had fulfilled his course, he saide, Whom ye thinke that I am, I am not he: but beholde, there commeth one after me, whose shooe of his feete I am not worthy to loose.
Sa Yahaya ma mara katuma ka meme, ma dusa magu, ''ibasa mi aveni? Daki mi mani ba. Kunna nin uye ma rani sa ma'eze adumo am de besa in bari in sofi tizin ta kwatak ameme ba.
26 Yee men and brethren, children of the generation of Abraham, and whosoeuer among you feareth God, to you is the woorde of this saluation sent.
Ni henu, ahana usuro ubisana bi Ibrahim, nan an desa wa tarsa Asere anyimo ashi me, barki haru wani a nyan duru kadura kubura kageme.
27 For the inhabitants of Hierusalem, and their rulers, because they knewe him not, nor yet the woordes of the Prophets, which are read euery Sabbath day, they haue fulfilled them in condemning him.
Barki an desa wa aki anyimo urushalima, nan anu atigomo tiwe me, daki wa rusa me ba, wa kuri wa myinca uboo anu kurzuzo utize ta Asere sa a basa konde uya uwui wa Asabar abanga uhuna ume.
28 And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate to kill him.
Vat sa daki wa kem imum besa idi wu wa hume ba, wa dusa iki Bilatus ma hu me.
29 And when they had fulfilled all things that were written of him, they tooke him downe from the tree, and put him in a sepulchre.
Sa wa mara me asesere utiti me sa agangirka me, wa soki anyimo icau.
30 But God raised him vp from the dead.
Ugomo Asere ma hirza me usuro iwono.
31 And hee was seene many dayes of them, which came vp with him from Galile to Hierusalem, which are his witnesses vnto the people.
Anabu sa wa e nigo me nan me usuro ugalili nan urshalima wa meki uhura ume uhana uti ye gbardang. Anu aginome we wani anu tonno umeme ana me.
32 And we declare vnto you, that touching the promise made vnto the fathers,
Ta ayen shi in utize ti urunta, aban utira utize me sa a wuzi acoro ashime ni.
33 God hath fulfilled it vnto vs their children, in that he raised vp Iesus, euen as it is written in the seconde Psalme, Thou art my Sonne: this day haue I begotten thee.
Ugomo Asere ceki duru utira utize ti ge me. Barki anime ma hirza Yeso usuro icau gusi uzina me sa tizi anyimo uzabura ukure, ''hu vana um mani kani me, ma cukuno acoo aweme kani me.''
34 Nowe as concerning that he raised him vp from the dead, no more to returne to corruption, he hath said thus, I wil giue you the holy things of Dauid, which are faithfull.
Imum sa ya kuri iwu ahirza usuro icau ine ini kati nipum nimeme niwici, ma buki ana, ''indi nya shi ure aje u Dauda ulau, tikadura.''
35 Wherefore hee sayeth also in another place, Thou wilt not suffer thine Holy one to see corruption.
Ige me ure uzabura, ''be sa ya wuna ma kuri ma buka a ure uzabura, ''uda aki unu lau um wici ba.
36 Howbeit, Dauid after hee had serued his time by the counsell of God, hee slept, and was laid with his fathers, and sawe corruption.
Sa Dauda ma wuzi nirere ni tarsa Asere anyimo iriba ime me nan imum besa ugomo Asere ma unyara, maa wi, avati nigoo me nan acoro ameme, maa wici.
37 But he whom God raised vp, sawe no corruption.
Desa ugomo Asere maa hirza daki maa iri uwuco ba.
38 Be it knowen vnto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes.
Ni henu, rusani usuro unu ugino me uni, adunguri shi tize ti ugomo Asere barki aperkin in madini mashi me.
39 And from al things, from which ye could not be iustified by the Law of Moses, by him euery one that beleeueth, is iustified.
Usuro umeme uni vat desa ma nya nice made kem ubura usuro u'inko utize ti Musa daki ta ceki fong ba.
40 Beware therefore lest that come vpon you, which is spoken of in the Prophets,
Barki anime tarsa nin seke in timum sa anu kurzu utize ta Asere sa waa buki kati myinca ace ashi me.
41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and vanish away: for I woorke a woorke in your daies, a woorke which yee shall not beleeue, if a man would declare it you.
Shi anu zatu kunna utize, idi wu hem, i kunna biyau, i kuri imari, barki in zin katuma atiye tishi me, katuma sa ida hem ba, inki uye ma buka shi.
42 And when they were come out of the Synagogue of the Iewes, the Gentiles besought, that they woulde preach these woordes to them the next Sabbath day.
Usuro wan Bulus nan Barnabas waazigino me, anu wa dusa wa meki utira uwe tari, bati wa kuri wa buu usasana utize tigino me roni Asabar ukuro.
43 Nowe when the congregation was dissolued, many of the Iewes and Proselytes that feared God, followed Paul and Barnabas, which spake to them, and exhorted them to continue in the grace of God.
Sa biringira ba mara, mayahudawa gbardang nan an desa wa kabi tize ta mayahudawa wa tarsi bulus nan Barnabas, wa gbarika uguna wa rī aje in katuma ka Asere.
44 And ye next Sabbath day came almost the whole citie together, to heare the worde of God.
Sa Asabar akuro vat nipin wa gurna bati wa kunna tize ta Asere.
45 But when the Iewes saw the people, they were full of enuie, and spake against those things, which were spoken of Paul, contrarying them, and railing on them.
Sa mayahudawa wa ira nigura na anabu, wa myinca in ni riba ibiit (ni'eru). Wa dusa boo utize tizenzen anice ni tize ti Bulus wa zogizi me.
46 Then Paul and Barnabas spake boldly, and sayde, It was necessarie that the woorde of God shoulde first haue beene spoken vnto you: but seeing yee put it from you, and iudge your selues vnworthie of euerlasting life, loe, we turne to the Gentiles. (aiōnios )
Bulus nan Barnabas wa wuzi tize in ni iriba ihu wa gu, ''ya wunna uri atubi she wani tize ta Asere shi ya gashi tini ya tuburko ni tini ani kira, ya kurzo ni ace ashi me gusi andesa daki wa bari u kem uvengize uzati umarsa akura Asere ba, kunna nin, tidi gamirka uhana ahira anu zatu urusa Asere.'' (aiōnios )
47 For so hath the Lord commanded vs, saying, I haue made thee a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be the saluation vnto the end of the world.
Barki anime, ugomo Asere ma guna, ''ma wuna we u cukuno masaa ahira andesa wa ta we Asere ba, bati ucukuno una ukem ubura antimo unee vat.''
48 And when the Gentiles heard it, they were glad, and glorified the woorde of the Lord: and as many as were ordeined vnto eternall life, beleeued. (aiōnios )
Sa anu zatu rusa Asere wa kunna abanga age me, wa wuzi iriba irum, wa nonziko tize ugomo Asere. Maroo ma an de be sa amu inko uguna wa kem uvengize uzatu marsa wa hem. (aiōnios )
49 Thus the worde of the Lord was published throughout the whole countrey.
Tize ti ugomo Asere taa ribe vat anyimo a manyanga me.
50 But the Iewes stirred certaine deuoute and honourable women, and the chiefe men of the citie, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coastes.
Sa ya cukuno anime, mayahudawa wa dusa wa turi ane age be sa wa wito ace awe atize ta Asere nan anu kaba wan ananu anipin, imum i ge me yaa hunguko ijasi anice ni Bulus nan Barnabas, wa gidi we anyimo a manyanga ma we me.
51 But they shooke off the dust of their feete against them, and came vnto Iconium.
Bulus nan Barnbas wa dusa wa zamir ususur me sa wa rani atbuna ti we me, ya bezi imum ubasa, wa dusa uhana ikoniya.
52 And the disciples were filled with ioy, and with the holy Ghost.
Anu tarsa u Yeso waa myinca ni ni riba irum nan bibe bi lau ba Asere.