< Zechariah 3 >

1 Then the Lord showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing on his right accusing him.
et ostendit mihi Iesum sacerdotem magnum stantem coram angelo Domini et Satan stabat a dextris eius ut adversaretur ei
2 And the Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebukes you Satan. I, the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you. Isn't he like a half-burned stick snatched from the fire?”
et dixit Dominus ad Satan increpet Dominus in te Satan et increpet Dominus in te qui elegit Hierusalem numquid non iste torris est erutus de igne
3 Joshua was wearing filthy clothes as he stood in front of the angel.
et Iesus erat indutus vestibus sordidis et stabat ante faciem angeli
4 The angel said to those standing there, “Take off his filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “See how I have taken away your sins from you, and now I am dressing you with fine clothes.”
qui respondit et ait ad eos qui stabant coram se dicens auferte vestimenta sordida ab eo et dixit ad eum ecce abstuli a te iniquitatem tuam et indui te mutatoriis
5 Then I said, “Wrap a clean turban around his head.” So they wrapped a clean turban around his head and put the clothes on him while the angel of the Lord stood there.
et dixit ponite cidarim mundam super caput eius et posuerunt cidarim mundam super caput eius et induerunt eum vestibus et angelus Domini stabat
6 Then the angel of the Lord solemnly advised Joshua, saying,
et contestabatur angelus Domini Iesum dicens
7 “This is what the Lord Almighty says: If you follow my ways and observe my commands, then you will govern my Temple and its courtyards. I will allow you to walk among those standing here.
haec dicit Dominus exercituum si in viis meis ambulaveris et custodiam meam custodieris tu quoque iudicabis domum meam et custodies atria mea et dabo tibi ambulantes de his qui nunc hic adsistunt
8 Pay attention, high priest Joshua and all your fellow-priests that you teach! You are a sign of good things to come. Look! I am going to bring my servant, the Branch.
audi Iesu sacerdos magne tu et amici tui qui habitant coram te quia viri portendentes sunt ecce enim ego adducam servum meum orientem
9 See that I have placed a precious stone in front of Joshua, a single stone with seven faces. Watch, for I myself am going to engrave seven eyes on it, declares the Lord Almighty, and I will wipe away the sins of this land in a single day.
quia ecce lapis quem dedi coram Iesu super lapidem unum septem oculi sunt ecce ego celabo sculpturam eius ait Dominus exercituum et auferam iniquitatem terrae illius in die una
10 On that day everyone will invite their friends to sit in peace under their vines and fig trees, says the Lord Almighty.”
in die illa dicit Dominus exercituum vocabit vir amicum suum subter vineam et subter ficum

< Zechariah 3 >