< Zechariah 12 >

1 A prophecy: This message came from the Lord concerning Israel, a declaration of the Lord who spread out the heavens, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who placed the breath of life within human beings.
Israel ham BOEIPA kah olrhuh ol neh BOEIPA kah olphong. Vaan a cueh tih diklai a suen, hlang mueihla khaw a khui ah a hlinsai pah.
2 Look! I am going to make Jerusalem like a cup containing alcoholic drink that will make all the surrounding nations stagger like drunks when they come to attack Judah and Jerusalem.
Jerusalem te kaepvai pilnam cungkuem ham ngingainah baeldung la ka khueh coeng ne. Judah taengah khaw, Jerusalem taengah khaw vongup neh om ni.
3 On that day I will make Jerusalem like a heavy rock to all peoples. Anyone who tries to lift the rock will injure themselves badly. All the nations will join together to attack Jerusalem.
Te khohnin a pha vaengah Jerusalem te pilnam cungkuem ham hnorhih lung la ka khueh ni. Te te aka kuel boeih tah a boe la a boe vetih a taengah diklai namtom boeih tingtun uh ni.
4 On that day I will make every horse panic-stricken and every rider go mad, declares the Lord, but I will watch over the people of Judah while I blind all the horses of their enemies.
He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Te khohnin ah tah marhang boeih te lungmitnah neh, a sokah aka ngol te pavai neh ka ngawn ni. Judah imkhui soah ka mik ka dai suidae pilnam kah marhang boeih tah mikdael neh ka ngawn ni.
5 Then the families of Judah will say to themselves, the people of Jerusalem are strong in their God, the Lord Almighty.
Te vaengah Judah khoboei rhoek loh a lungbuei ah, “A Pathen caempuei BOEIPA rhangneh Jerusalem kah khosa rhoek tah kai ham thaomnah,” a ti uh ni.
6 On that day I will make the families of Judah like burning coals in a wood, like a flaming torch in a field of straw. They will burn up to the right and to the left all the surrounding peoples, while the people of Jerusalem will live safely in their city.
Tekah khohnin ah tah Judah khoboei rhoek te thing dongkah baeldung hmai bangla, cangpa lakli kah hmaithoi hmai bangla ka khueh ni. Te vaengah kaepvai banvoei bantang kah pilnam boeih te a hlawp ni. Tedae Jerusalem tah amah hmuen la Jerusalem ah kho a sak ni.
7 The Lord will give the victory to the soldiers of Judah first so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall not be greater than that of Judah.
BOEIPA loh Judah kah dap te lamhma la a khang ni. Te daengah ni David im kah boeimang neh Jerusalem khosa rhoek kah boeimang te Judah lakah a rhoeng pawt eh.
8 On that day the Lord will place a shield around the people of Jerusalem so that even the clumsiest of them will be as skilled a warrior as David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord who leads them.
Te khohnin ah BOEIPA loh Jerusalem kah khosa ham a tungaep pah ni. Amih lakli kah aka hlinghlawk khaw te khohnin ah tah David neh David imkhui bangla, Pathen bangla, amih mikhmuh kah BOEIPA puencawn bangla om uh ni.
9 On that day I will start destroying all those nations that attack Jerusalem.
Te khohnin ah Jerusalem aka muk namtom boeih te mitmoeng sak ham ka tlap ni.
10 I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They will look at me whom they pierced, and they will wail in grief over him, mourning as for an only child, weeping bitterly as for a firstborn.
David imkhui so neh Jerusalem kah khosa rhoek soah mikdaithen neh huithuinah mueihla ka lun pah ni. Te vaengah a thun rhoek long tah kai he m'paelki uh ni. Oingaih cangloeng kah rhaengsaelung bangla anih ham rhaengsae uh ni. Caming ham a phaep uh bangla anih ham phaep uh ni.
11 On that day the mourning in Jerusalem will be as great as the mourning in Hadad-Rimmon in the valley of Megiddo.
Te khohnin ah Megiddo kolbawn kah Hadadrimmon rhaengsaelung bangla Jerusalem ah rhaengsaelung puh ni.
12 The land will mourn, every family alone: the family house of David alone and their women by themselves, the families of Nathan,
Khohmuen te koca, koca ham bueng, David imkhui koca khaw amah bueng, a yuu rhoek khaw amah bueng, Nathan imkhui koca khaw amah bueng, a yuu rhoek khaw amah bueng,
13 Levi, and Shimei—
Levi imkhui koca khaw amah bueng, a yuu rhoek khaw amah bueng, Shimei koca khaw amah bueng, a yuu rhoek khaw amah bueng.
14 and all the surviving families and their women, each group mourning alone by themselves.
Koca cungkuem khui lamkah aka sueng koca rhoek khaw, amah koca ham, a yuu rhoek khaw amamih ham a rhaengsae ni.

< Zechariah 12 >