< Psalms 66 >

1 For the music director. A song. A psalm. Everyone on earth, shout for joy to God!
in finem canticum psalmi resurrectionis iubilate Deo omnis terra
2 Sing about his marvelous reputation; praise him for his goodness!
psalmum dicite nomini eius date gloriam laudi eius
3 Tell God, “What you do is awesome! Your enemies are forced to bow before you because of your power.
dicite Deo quam terribilia sunt opera tua Domine in multitudine virtutis tuae mentientur tibi inimici tui
4 Everyone on earth worships you, singing your praises—singing praises because of who you are.” (Selah)
omnis terra adorent te et psallant tibi psalmum dicant nomini tuo diapsalma
5 Come and see what God has done! What he does for people is truly awesome!
venite et videte opera Dei terribilis in consiliis super filios hominum
6 He turned the Red Sea into dry land, and his people walked across through the waters. We celebrated there because of what he did.
qui convertit mare in aridam in flumine pertransibunt pede ibi laetabimur in ipso
7 He rules forever through his power. He keeps an eye on the nations, watching to make sure no rebels rise up in opposition. (Selah)
qui dominatur in virtute sua in aeternum oculi eius super gentes respiciunt qui exasperant non exaltentur in semet ipsis diapsalma
8 Let all people everywhere bless our God, and loudly sing praises to him.
benedicite gentes Deum nostrum et auditam facite vocem laudis eius
9 He has kept us alive, and he has not let us fall.
qui posuit animam meam ad vitam et non dedit in commotionem pedes meos
10 God, you have tested us, refining us like silver.
quoniam probasti nos Deus igne nos examinasti sicut examinatur argentum
11 You caught us in your net; you placed heavy burdens on our backs.
induxisti nos in laqueum posuisti tribulationes in dorso nostro
12 You let people ride roughshod over us; we suffered through fire and flooding, but you brought us to a safe place.
inposuisti homines super capita nostra transivimus per ignem et aquam et eduxisti nos in refrigerium
13 I will come to your Temple with burnt offerings; I will fulfill my promises to you,
introibo in domum tuam in holocaustis reddam tibi vota mea
14 the promises I made when I was in trouble.
quae distinxerunt labia mea et locutum est os meum in tribulatione mea
15 I will sacrifice burnt offerings to you of fattened livestock—the smoke of the sacrifice of rams, offerings of bulls and goats. (Selah)
holocausta medullata offeram tibi cum incensu arietum offeram tibi boves cum hircis diapsalma
16 Come and listen, everyone who honors God, and I will tell you all he has done for me.
venite audite et narrabo omnes qui timetis Deum quanta fecit animae meae
17 I called out to him, and praised him with my voice.
ad ipsum ore meo clamavi et exaltavi sub lingua mea
18 If my thinking had been sinful, the Lord would not have listened to me.
iniquitatem si aspexi in corde meo non exaudiat Dominus
19 But God did hear me! He listened to what I had to say in my prayer!
propterea exaudivit Deus adtendit voci deprecationis meae
20 Praise God, who did not disregard my prayer or take his trustworthy love from me.
benedictus Deus qui non amovit orationem meam et misericordiam suam a me

< Psalms 66 >