< Psalms 58 >

1 For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David. You leaders, do you really say what is right? Do you judge people fairly?
in finem ne disperdas David in tituli inscriptione si vere utique iustitiam loquimini recta iudicate filii hominum
2 No, for in your minds you plan evil. You cause violence everywhere!
etenim in corde iniquitates operamini in terra iniustitiam manus vestrae concinnant
3 The wicked are sinners from birth; from the moment they're born they tell lies.
alienati sunt peccatores a vulva erraverunt ab utero locuti sunt falsa
4 They have venom like that of a poisonous snake, and just like a cobra they stop listening,
furor illis secundum similitudinem serpentis sicut aspidis surdae et obturantis aures suas
5 refusing to hear the voice of the snake charmers or the spellbinders.
quae non exaudiet vocem incantantium et venefici incantantis sapienter
6 God, break their teeth, and smash the jaws of these lions, Lord.
Deus conteret dentes eorum in ore ipsorum molas leonum confringet Dominus
7 May they vanish like water that flows away; when they shoot their arrows may they miss their mark.
ad nihilum devenient tamquam aqua decurrens intendit arcum suum donec infirmentur
8 May they be like the slime of snails that dissolves away, like a stillborn child that never saw the light of day.
sicut cera quae fluit auferentur supercecidit ignis et non viderunt solem
9 Before the cooking pot is hot from burning thorns, whether fresh or dry, God will blow them away.
priusquam intellegerent spinae vestrae ramnum sicut viventes sicut in ira absorbet vos
10 Those who live right will be happy when they see there is punishment; they will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
laetabitur iustus cum viderit vindictam manus suas lavabit in sanguine peccatoris
11 They will say, “There is definitely a reward for those who live right; there is certainly a God who judges fairly on earth.”
et dicet homo si utique est fructus iusto utique est Deus iudicans eos in terra

< Psalms 58 >