< Psalms 144 >

1 A psalm of David. Praise the Lord—he is my rock. He trains me for battle, he gives me skill for war.
David adversus Goliad benedictus Dominus Deus meus qui docet manus meas ad proelium digitos meos ad bellum
2 He is the one who faithfully loves me, protects me, and defends me. He is the one who rescues me, shields me from danger, and keeps me safe. He defeats nations and places them under my rule.
misericordia mea et refugium meum susceptor meus et liberator meus protector meus et in eo speravi qui subdis populum meum sub me
3 Lord, what are human beings that you should care about them? What are people that you should concern yourself with them?
Domine quid est homo quia innotuisti ei aut filius hominis quia reputas eum
4 Humanity is like a breath; their lives are like a passing shadow.
homo vanitati similis factus est dies eius sicut umbra praetereunt
5 Part your heavens and come down. Touch the mountains so that they give off smoke.
Domine inclina caelos tuos et descende tange montes et fumigabunt
6 Scatter your enemies with flashes of lightning! Let your arrows fly and send them running in confusion!
fulgora coruscationem et dissipabis eos emitte sagittas tuas et conturbabis eos
7 Stretch down your hand from heaven and set me free. Rescue me from raging waters, from the oppression of foreign enemies.
emitte manum tuam de alto eripe me et libera me de aquis multis de manu filiorum alienorum
8 They are such liars, even telling lies under oath.
quorum os locutum est vanitatem et dextera eorum dextera iniquitatis
9 God, I will sing a new song to you, accompanied by a ten-stringed harp,
Deus canticum novum cantabo tibi in psalterio decacordo psallam tibi
10 to you, the one who gives victory to kings. You saved your servant David from death by the sword.
qui das salutem regibus qui redimit David servum suum de gladio maligno
11 Set me free. Rescue me from the oppression of foreign enemies. They are such liars, even telling lies under oath.
eripe me et eripe me de manu filiorum alienigenarum quorum os locutum est vanitatem et dextera eorum dextera iniquitatis
12 Then our sons will grow up like plants in their youth and become mature, and our daughters will be like beautiful pillars carved to support a palace.
quorum filii sicut novella plantationis in iuventute sua filiae eorum conpositae circumornatae ut similitudo templi
13 Our storehouses will be full of all kinds of crops; our flocks of sheep will grow by thousands, increasing by tens of thousands in the pastures.
promptuaria eorum plena eructantia ex hoc in illud oves eorum fetosae abundantes in egressibus suis
14 Our cattle will grow fat. No one will break down our city walls, there will be no exile, no cries of mourning in our town squares.
boves eorum crassi non est ruina maceriae neque transitus neque clamor in plateis eorum
15 The people who live like this will be happy. Happy are those whose God is the Lord.
beatum dixerunt populum cui haec sunt beatus populus cuius Dominus Deus eius

< Psalms 144 >