< Proverbs 31 >
1 These are the words of King Lemuel, an oracle, taught to him by his mother.
Verba Lamuelis regis. Visio, qua erudivit eum mater sua.
2 What shall I tell you, my son?—the son I gave birth to, the son given in response to my vows.
Quid dilecte mi, quid dilecte uteri mei, quid dilecte votorum meorum?
3 Don't waste your strength sleeping with women, those that bring down kings.
Ne dederis mulieribus substantiam tuam, et divitias tuas ad delendos reges.
4 Lemuel, kings shouldn't be drinking wine, rulers shouldn't be drinking alcohol.
Noli regibus, o Lamuel, noli regibus dare vinum: quia nullum secretum est ubi regnat ebrietas.
5 For if they drink, they'll forget what the law says, and pervert the rights of those who are suffering.
et ne forte bibant, et obliviscantur iudiciorum, et mutent causam filiorum pauperis.
6 Give alcohol to those who are dying, and wine to those who are in terrible distress.
Date siceram moerentibus, et vinum his, qui amaro sunt animo:
7 Let them drink so they can forget their poverty, and not remember their troubles any longer.
ut bibant, et obliviscantur egestatis suae, et doloris sui non recordentur amplius.
8 Speak up for those who have no voice, for the rights of those marginalized by society.
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt:
9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the poor and destitute.
aperi os tuum, decerne quod iustum est, et iudica inopem et pauperem.
10 Who can find a strong, capable wife? She's worth more than jewels!
Mulierem fortem quis inveniet? procul, et de ultimis finibus pretium eius.
11 Her husband has complete confidence in her, and with her he'll never be poor.
Confidit in ea cor viri sui, et spoliis non indigebit.
12 She brings him good, not evil, all her life.
Reddet ei bonum, et non malum, omnibus diebus vitae suae.
13 She gets wool and flax, and with her eager hands turns them into clothes.
Quaesivit lanam et linum, et operata est consilia manuum suarum.
14 Like a merchant's ship, she brings food from far away.
Facta est quasi navis institoris, de longe portans panem suum.
15 She gets up while it's still dark to make breakfast for her family, and to plan what her servant girls need to do.
Et de nocte surrexit, deditque praedam domesticis suis, et cibaria ancillis suis.
16 She looks at a field, and decides to buy it; from the money she's earned she buys a vineyard.
Consideravit agrum, et emit eum: de fructu manuum suarum plantavit vineam.
17 She's keen to get ready, and works hard with her strong arms.
Accinxit fortitudine lumbos suos, et roboravit brachium suum.
18 She knows that the things she makes are valuable. She keeps busy—her lamp burns late into the night.
Gustavit, et vidit quia bona est negotiatio eius: non extinguetur in nocte lucerna eius.
19 She spins the thread and weaves the cloth.
Manum suam misit ad fortia, et digiti eius apprehenderunt fusum.
20 She's generous to the poor, and gives help to the needy.
Manum suam aperuit inopi, et palmas suas extendit ad pauperem.
21 She doesn't worry if it snows, because her whole family has warm clothing.
Non timebit domui suae a frigoribus nivis: omnes enim domestici eius vestiti sunt duplicibus.
22 She makes herself bedspreads; she dresses in fine linen and purple clothes.
Stragulatam vestem fecit sibi: byssus, et purpura indumentum eius.
23 Her husband is well-respected in the council at the town gates, where he sits with the town elders.
Nobilis in portis vir eius, quando sederit cum senatoribus terrae.
24 She makes linen clothes for sale, and supplies merchants with belts.
Sindonem fecit, et vendidit, et cingulum tradidit Chananaeo.
25 She's clothed with strength and dignity, and she is happy about the future.
Fortitudo et decor indumentum eius, et ridebit in die novissimo.
26 She speaks wise words, and she's kind when she gives instructions.
Os suum aperuit sapientiae, et lex clementiae in lingua eius.
27 She looks after the needs of her whole household, and she's never idle.
Consideravit semitas domus suae, et panem otiosa non comedit.
28 Her children are quick to bless her. Her husband praises her too, saying,
Surrexerunt filii eius, et beatissimam praedicaverunt: vir eius, et laudavit eam.
29 “Many women do great things, but you are better than all of them!”
Multae filiae congregaverunt sibi divitias: tu supergressa es universas.
30 Charm can deceive, and beauty fades, but a woman who honors the Lord should be praised.
Fallax gratia, et vana est pulchritudo: mulier timens Dominum ipsa laudabitur.
31 Give her the recognition she deserves; praise her publicly for what she's done.
Date ei de fructu manuum suarum: et laudent eam in portis opera eius.