< Numbers 5 >

1 The Lord told Moses,
locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
2 “Order the Israelites to expel from the camp anyone who has a skin disease, or who has a discharge, or who is unclean from touching a dead body.
praecipe filiis Israhel ut eiciant de castris omnem leprosum et qui semine fluit pollutusque est super mortuo
3 Whether male or female, you must expel them so they won't make their camp unclean, for that is where I live with them.”
tam masculum quam feminam eicite de castris ne contaminent ea cum habitaverim vobiscum
4 The Israelites followed these instructions, and expelled such people from the camp. They did what the Lord had told Moses they should do.
feceruntque ita filii Israhel et eiecerunt eos extra castra sicut locutus erat Dominus Mosi
5 The Lord told Moses,
locutus est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
6 “Tell the Israelites that when a man or woman is unfaithful to the Lord by sinning against someone else, they are guilty
loquere ad filios Israhel vir sive mulier cum fecerint ex omnibus peccatis quae solent hominibus accidere et per neglegentiam transgressi fuerint mandatum Domini atque deliquerint
7 and must confess their sin. They have to pay the full amount of compensation plus one fifth of its value, and give this to the person they have wronged.
confitebuntur peccatum suum et reddent ipsum caput quintamque partem desuper ei in quem peccaverint
8 However, if that person doesn't have a relative who can be paid the compensation, it belongs to the Lord and shall be given to the priest, together with a sacrificial ram by which the guilty person is set right.
sin autem non fuerit qui recipiat dabunt Domino et erit sacerdotis excepto ariete qui offertur pro expiatione ut sit placabilis hostia
9 All holy offerings that the Israelites bring to the priest belong to him.
omnes quoque primitiae quas offerunt filii Israhel ad sacerdotem pertinent
10 Your holy offerings belong to you, but once you give them to the priest they belong to him.”
et quicquid in sanctuarium offertur a singulis et traditur manibus sacerdotis ipsius erit
11 The Lord told Moses,
locutus est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
12 “Tell the Israelites that these are the instructions to follow if a man's wife has an affair, being unfaithful to him
loquere ad filios Israhel et dices ad eos vir cuius uxor erraverit maritumque contemnens
13 by sleeping with someone else. It may be that her husband doesn't find out and her unclean act wasn't witnessed—she wasn't caught out.
dormierit cum altero viro et hoc maritus deprehendere non quiverit sed latet adulterium et testibus argui non potest quia non est inventa in stupro
14 But if her husband becomes jealous and suspicious of his wife, whether she's guilty or not,
si spiritus zelotypiae concitaverit virum contra uxorem suam quae vel polluta est vel falsa suspicione appetitur
15 he is to take her before the priest. He is also to take with him on her behalf an offering of one tenth of an ephath of barley flour. He must also bring for her an offering of an ephah of barley flour. He's not to pour olive oil over it or put frankincense on it, since it's a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder offering to remind people about sin.
adducet eam ad sacerdotem et offeret oblationem pro illa decimam partem sati farinae hordiaciae non fundet super eam oleum nec inponet tus quia sacrificium zelotypiae est et oblatio investigans adulterium
16 The priest is to lead the wife forward and have her stand before the Lord.
offeret igitur eam sacerdos et statuet coram Domino
17 Then he shall fill a clay jar with holy water in a clay jar and sprinkle on it some dust from the floor of the Tabernacle.
adsumetque aquam sanctam in vase fictili et pauxillum terrae de pavimento tabernaculi mittet in eam
18 Once the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall let her hair loose and have her hold the reminder grain offering—the grain offering used in cases of jealousy. The priest shall hold the bitter water that curses.
cumque steterit mulier in conspectu Domini discoperiet caput eius et ponet super manus illius sacrificium recordationis et oblationem zelotypiae ipse autem tenebit aquas amarissimas in quibus cum execratione maledicta congessit
19 He shall place the woman under oath and tell her, ‘If no one else has slept with you and you have not been unfaithful and become unclean while married to your husband, may you not be harmed by this bitter water that curses.
adiurabitque eam et dicet si non dormivit vir alienus tecum et si non polluta es deserto mariti toro non te nocebunt aquae istae amarissimae in quas maledicta congessi
20 But if you have been unfaithful while married to your husband and have become unclean and have had sex with someone else…”
sin autem declinasti a viro tuo atque polluta es et concubuisti cum altero
21 (Here the priest shall place the woman under the oath of the curse as follows.) “May the Lord place a curse on you that everyone knows about by having your thighs shrink and your belly swell up.
his maledictionibus subiacebis det te Dominus in maledictionem exemplumque cunctorum in populo suo putrescere faciat femur tuum et tumens uterus disrumpatur
22 May this water that curses go into your stomach and make your belly swell up and your thighs shrink.” The woman is to answer, “I agree, I agree.”
ingrediantur aquae maledictae in ventrem tuum et utero tumescente putrescat femur et respondebit mulier amen amen
23 The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water.
scribetque sacerdos in libello ista maledicta et delebit ea aquis amarissimis in quas maledicta congessit
24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that curses, and it will cause her bitter pain if she is guilty.
et dabit ei bibere quas cum exhauserit
25 The priest shall take back from her the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord, and take it to the altar.
tollet sacerdos de manu eius sacrificium zelotypiae et elevabit illud coram Domino inponetque super altare ita dumtaxat ut prius
26 Then the priest shall take a handful of the grain offering as a reminder portion and burn it on the altar, and make the woman drink the water.
pugillum sacrificii tollat de eo quod offertur et incendat super altare et sic potum det mulieri aquas amarissimas
27 After he has made her drink the water, if she has made herself unclean and has been unfaithful to her husband, then the water that curses will cause her bitter pain. Her belly will swell up and her thighs will shrink. She will become a cursed woman among her people.
quas cum biberit si polluta est et contempto viro adulterii rea pertransibunt eam aquae maledictionis et inflato ventre conputrescet femur eritque mulier in maledictionem et in exemplum omni populo
28 But if the woman has not made herself unclean by being unfaithful and is clean, she will not experience this punishment and she will still be able to have children.
quod si polluta non fuerit erit innoxia et faciet liberos
29 This is the rule to follow in cases of jealousy when a wife has an affair and makes herself unclean while married to her husband,
ista est lex zelotypiae si declinaverit mulier a viro suo et si polluta fuerit
30 or when a husband starts feeling jealous and becomes suspicious of his wife. He shall have his wife stand before the Lord, and the priest is to carry out every part of this rule.
maritusque zelotypiae spiritu concitatus adduxerit eam in conspectu Domini et fecerit ei sacerdos iuxta omnia quae scripta sunt
31 If she is found guilty, her husband will not be held responsible. But the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.
maritus absque culpa erit et illa recipiet iniquitatem suam

< Numbers 5 >