< Leviticus 24 >

1 The Lord told Moses,
Yahweh akamwambia Musa, akisema,
2 “Order the Israelites to bring you pure, pressed olive oil for the lamps, so they will always stay lit.
“Waamru watu wa Israeli wakuletee mafuta halisi yaliyokamliwa kutokana na mizeituni ili yatumike kwenye taa, ili kwamba taa ziweze kuwaka daima na kuleta mwanga.
3 From evening until morning Aaron is to constantly look after the lamps continually before the Lord, outside the veil of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting. This regulation is for all time and for all future generations.
Nje ya pazia lililoko mbele ya sanduku la maamzi ndani ya hema la kukutania, Aroni ataiwasha daima taa mbele za Yahweh, tangu asubuhi hata jioni. Hii itakuwa amri ya kudumu katika vizazi vyote vya watu wenu.
4 He is to constantly look after the lamps placed on the pure gold lampstand before the Lord.
Kuhani mkuu atazifanya taa ziwake daima mbele za Yahweh, taa hizo zilizo kwenye kinara cha dhahabu safi.
5 Using the best flour bake twelve loaves, with two-tenths of an ephah of flour per loaf.
Yawapasa kuchukua unga laini na kuoka kwa huo mikate kumi na miwili. Ni lazima kuwe na mbili za kumi za efa za unga katika kila mkate.
6 Place them in two piles, six in each pile, on the table made of pure gold that stands before the Lord.
Kisha mtaipanga juu ya meza ya dhahabu safi mbele za Yahweh katika safu mbili, mikate sita katika kila safu,
7 Place pure frankincense beside each pile to go with the bread to act as the ‘reminder part,’ a food offering to the Lord.
Mtaweka uvumba safi kando ya kila safu ya mikata kuwa sadaka ya kuwakilisha. Uvumba huo utachomwa kwa moto kwa ajili ya Yahweh.
8 Every Sabbath day the bread shall be placed before the Lord, given by the Israelites as an ongoing sign of the eternal agreement.
Kila siku ya Sabato kuhani mkuu sharti aipange kwa utaratibu hiyo mikate mbele za Yahweh kwa niaba ya watu wa Israeli, iwe ishara ya agano la milele.
9 It is for Aaron and his descendants. They are to eat it in a holy place; for they must treat it as a most holy part of the food offerings given to the Lord. It is their share of the food offerings for all time.”
Sadaka hii itakuwa kwa ajili ya Aroni na wanawe, na ni lazima waile mahali palipo patakatifu, kwa kuwa ni sehemu ya matoleo kwa Yahweh yaliyofanywa kwa moto.”
10 One day a man who had an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father went into the Israelite camp and had a fight with an Israelite.
Sasa ilitokea kwamba mwana wa mwanamke Mwisraeli, ambaye baba yake alikuwa Mmisri, alikwenda miongoni mwa watu wa Israeli. Huyu mwana wa mwanamke Mwisraeli akagombana na mwanume Mwisraeli kambini.
11 The Israelite woman's son cursed the name of the Lord. So they took him before Moses. (His mother's name was Shelomith, daughter of Dibri, from the tribe of Dan.)
Mwana wa mwanamke Mwisraeli akalikufuru jina la Yahweh na kumlaani Mungu, kwa hiyo watu wakamleta kwa Musa. Jina la mama yake aliitwa Shelomithi, binti wa Dibri, kutoka kabila la Dani.
12 They detained him until it was clear what the Lord wanted them to do about it.
Wakamweka kizuizini mpaka Yahweh mwenyewe atakapotangaza mapenzi yake kwao.
13 The Lord told Moses,
Kisha Yahweh akamwambia Musa,
14 “Take the man who cursed me outside the camp. Have all who heard him curse put their hands on his head; then have everyone stone him to death.
“Mchukue nje ya kambi huyo aliyemlaani Mungu. Wale wote waliomskia wataweka mikono yao juu ya kichwa chake, na kisha kusanyiko lote watamponda kwa mawe.
15 Tell the Israelites that anyone who curses their God will be punished for their sin.
Ni lazima uwaeleze watu wa Israeli na kusema, 'Yeyote anayemlaani Mungu wake imempasa kubeba hatia yake mwenyewe.
16 Anyone who curses the name of the Lord must to be executed. All of you must stone them to death, whether they are a foreigner who lives with you or an Israelite. If they curse my name, they must be executed.
Yeye anayelikufuru jina la Yahweh kwa hakika ni lazima auawe. Hakika, kusanyiko lote litampiga mawe, ama awe mgeni au Mwisraeli mwenyeji mzaliwa. Ikiwa yeyote analikufuru jina la Yahweh, ni lazima auawe.
17 Anyone who kills someone else must be executed.
Naye amuuaye mtu mwingine ni lazima kwa hakika auewa.
18 Anyone who kills an animal has to replace it—a life for a life.
Yeye anayemuua mnyama wa mwingine sharti amfidie, uhai kwa uhai.
19 If anyone injures someone else, whatever they've done must be done to them:
Iwapo mtu anamjeruhi jirani yake, ni lazima atendewe vivyo hivyo alivyomtendea jirani yake:
20 a broken bone for a broken bone, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Whatever way they injured the victim, the same must be done to them.
Mvunjiko kwa mvunjiko, jicho kwa jicho, jino kwa jino. Kama amesababisha jeraha kwa mtu, ndivyo ipasavyo kutendwa kwake.
21 Anyone who kills an animal has to replace it, but anyone who kills someone else must be executed.
Yeyote auaye mnyama ni lazima amfidie, na yeyote auaye mtu ni lazima auawe.
22 The same laws apply to foreigners who live with you as to Israelites, for I am the Lord your God.”
Ni lazima mwe na sheria moja kwa wote, mgeni na Mwisraeli mwenyeji mzaliwa, kwa kuwa Mimi ndimi Yahweh Mungu wanu.”
23 Moses told this to the Israelites, and they took the man who cursed the Lord outside the camp and stoned him to death. The Israelites did what the Lord ordered Moses to do.
Kwa hiyo Musa akazungumza na watu wa Israeli, nao watu wakamleta mwanaume huyo nje ya kambi, yule ambaye alikuwa amemlaani Yahweh. Wakampiga kwa mawe. Watu waisraeli wakaitekeleza amri ya Yahweh aliyoitoa kupitia Musa.

< Leviticus 24 >