< Job 10 >

1 I hate my life! Let me speak freely about my complaints—I can't keep my bitterness to myself.
わが心生命と厭ふ 然ば我わが憂愁を包まず言あらはし わが魂神の苦きによりて語はん
2 I will tell God, “Don't just condemn me—tell me what you have against me.
われ神に申さん 我を罪ありしとしたまふ勿れ 何故に我とあらそふかを我に示したまへ
3 Do you enjoy accusing me? Why do you reject me, someone you made with your own hands, and yet smile on the scheming of the wicked?
なんぢ虐遇を爲し 汝の手の作を打棄て惡き者の謀計を照すことを善としたまふや
4 Do you have human eyes? Do you see like human beings do?
汝は肉眼を有たまふや 汝の觀たまふ所は人の觀るがごとくなるや
5 Is your life as short as mortal beings? Are your years as brief as those of humanity,
なんぢの日は人間の日のごとく 汝の年は人の日のごとくなるや
6 that you have to examine my wrongs and investigate my sins?
7 Even though you know I'm not guilty, no one can save me from you.
されども汝はすでに我の罪なきを知たまふ また汝の手より救ひいだし得る者なし
8 You made me and shaped me with your own hands, and yet you destroy me.
汝の手われをいとなみ我をことごとく作れり 然るに汝今われを滅ぼしたまふなり
9 Remember that you shaped me like a piece of clay—are you now going to turn me back into dust?
請ふ記念たまへ 汝は土塊をもてすてるがごとくに我を作りたまへり 然るに復われを塵に歸さんとしたまふや
10 You poured me out like milk, you curdled me like cheese.
11 You clothed me with skin and flesh; you wove my body together with bones and muscles.
12 You granted me life and showed me your kindness; you have taken great care of me.
13 But you kept these things hidden in your heart. I know your purpose was
然はあれど汝これらの事を御心に藏しおきたまへり 我この事汝の心にあるを知る
14 to watch me, and if I sinned, then you would not forgive my wrongs.
15 If I'm guilty I'm in trouble, if I'm innocent I can't hold my head high because I'm totally disgraced as I look at my sufferings.
我もし行状あしからば禍あらん 假令われ義かるとも我頭を擧じ 其は我は衷に羞耻充ち 眼にわが患難を見ればなり
16 If I do hold my head high you hunt me down like a lion, showing how powerful you are in hurting me.
もし頭を擧なば獅子のごとくに汝われを追打ち 我身の上に復なんぢの奇しき能力をあらはしたまはん
17 You repeat your arguments against me, you pour out more and more of your anger against me, you send fresh armies against me.
汝はしばしば證する者を入かへて我を攻め 我にむかひて汝の震怒を増し新手に新手を加へて我を攻めたまふ
18 So why did you allow me to be born? I wish that I had died, and nobody had ever seen me!
何とて汝われを胎より出したまひしや 然らずば我は息絶え目に見らるること無く
19 It would have been better if I had never existed, taken straight from the womb to the grave.
曾て有ざりし如くならん 即ち我は胎より墓に持ゆかれん
20 I only have a few days left, so why don't you leave me alone so I can have a little peace
わが日は幾時も无きに非ずや 願くは彼姑らく息て我を離れ我をして少しく安んぜしめんことを
21 before I go to where I shall never return from, the land of darkness and the shadow of death—
我が往て復返ることなきその先に斯あらしめよ 我は暗き地 死の蔭の地に往ん
22 the land of total darkness where death's shadow lies, a place of chaos where light itself is darkness.”
この地は暗くして晦冥に等しく死の蔭にして區分なし 彼處にては光明も黒暗のごとし

< Job 10 >