< Ezekiel 32 >

1 On the first day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
et factum est duodecimo anno in mense duodecimo in una mensis factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens
2 “Son of man, sing a funeral song for Pharaoh king of Egypt and tell him: You think you're like a lion among the nations but in reality you're like a sea monster. You roll around in your rivers, stirring up the waters with your feet, making the water muddy.
fili hominis adsume lamentum super Pharao regem Aegypti et dices ad eum leoni gentium adsimilatus es et draconi qui est in mari et ventilabas cornu in fluminibus tuis et conturbabas aquas pedibus tuis et conculcabas flumina eorum
3 This is what the Lord God says: In the presence of many nations I'm going to spread my net over you, and they will pull you up in my net.
propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus expandam super te rete meum in multitudine populorum multorum et extrahent te in sagena mea
4 I will drop you on the land; I will throw you down on the bare earth. I will make all the birds of prey come and land you; I will have all the wild animals eat you until they're satisfied.
et proiciam te in terram super faciem agri abiciam te et habitare faciam super te omnia volatilia caeli et saturabo de te bestias universae terrae
5 I will dump your flesh on the mountains and fill the valleys with your remains.
et dabo carnes tuas super montes et implebo colles tuos sanie tua
6 I will fill the land with your flowing blood, pouring it out on the mountains, filling the valleys.
et inrigabo terram pedore sanguinis tui super montes et valles implebuntur ex te
7 When I put out the light of your life, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars. I will use a cloud to cover the sun, and the moon will stop shining.
et operiam cum extinctus fueris caelos et nigrescere faciam stellas eius solem nube tegam et luna non dabit lumen suum
8 I will darken all the bright lights in the heavens above you, and I will make your land go dark, declares the Lord God.
omnia luminaria caeli maerere faciam super te et dabo tenebras super terram tuam dicit Dominus Deus
9 When I destroy you I will make many people frightened, even in countries you don't know anything about.
et inritabo cor populorum multorum cum induxero contritionem tuam in gentibus super terras quas nescis
10 Many will be shocked at what I do to you, and their kings will be horrified at what has happened to you, trembling when I wave my sword in front of them. On the day that you fall all of them will shake in fear for their lives.
et stupescere faciam super te populos multos et reges eorum horrore nimio formidabunt super te cum volare coeperit gladius meus super facies eorum et obstupescent repente singuli pro anima sua in die ruinae suae
11 For this is what the Lord God says: The sword of the king of Babylon will attack you!
quia haec dicit Dominus Deus gladius regis Babylonis veniet tibi
12 I will allow your army to be defeated, your soldiers killed by the swords of the powerful enemy army from the cruelest of all nations. They will ruin of the glories of Egypt and destroy all your people.
in gladiis fortium deiciam multitudinem tuam inexpugnabiles gentes omnes heae et vastabunt superbiam Aegypti et dissipabitur multitudo eius
13 I will slaughter all your livestock living beside the wide rivers. Nobody will be there to stir rivers up with their feet; no livestock hooves will make them muddy.
et perdam omnia iumenta eius quae erant super aquas plurimas et non conturbabit eas pes hominis ultra neque ungula iumentorum turbabit eas
14 I will allow their waters to settle and I will make her rivers flow smoothly like oil, declares the Lord God.
tunc purissimas reddam aquas eorum et flumina eorum quasi oleum adducam ait Dominus Deus
15 When I turn Egypt into a wasteland, completely emptying it out, when I kill everyone who lives there, then they will acknowledge that I am the Lord.
cum dedero terram Aegypti desolatam deseretur autem terra a plenitudine sua quando percussero omnes habitatores eius et scient quia ego Dominus
16 This is the funeral song that foreign women will sing. They will sing it in mourning over Egypt and all its many people, declares the Lord God.”
planctus est et plangent eum filiae gentium plangent eum super Aegypto et super multitudine eius plangent eum ait Dominus Deus
17 On the fifteenth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
et factum est in duodecimo anno in quintadecima mensis factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens
18 “Son of man, weep for all the many Egyptians. Send them along with the people of powerful nations down into the depths of the earth with those who go down into the grave.
fili hominis cane lugubre super multitudine Aegypti et detrahe eam ipsam et filias gentium robustarum ad terram ultimam cum his qui descendunt in lacum
19 Do you think you're more beautiful than anyone else? Go down and take your place in the grave with the heathen!
quo pulchrior es descende et dormi cum incircumcisis
20 They will lie among those killed by the sword. A sword is ready to kill all the many people of Egypt.
in medio interfectorum gladio cadent gladius datus est adtraxerunt eam et omnes populos eius
21 Powerful chiefs will speak from Sheol about Egypt and its allies: ‘They have come down here and lie with the heathen, with those killed by the sword.’ (Sheol h7585)
loquentur ei potentissimi robustorum de medio inferni qui cum auxiliatoribus eius descenderunt et dormierunt incircumcisi interfecti gladio (Sheol h7585)
22 Assyria is there with all its people—it's surrounded by graves. All of them died violent deaths, killed by the sword.
ibi Assur et omnis multitudo eius in circuitu illius sepulchra eius omnes interfecti et qui ceciderunt gladio
23 Its graves are set in the deepest parts of the place of the dead, and the graves of all its people surround Assyria's grave. All of them died violent deaths, killed by the sword, these people who once terrorized others when they were alive.
quorum data sunt sepulchra in novissimis laci et facta est multitudo eius per gyrum sepulchri eius universi interfecti cadentesque gladio qui dederant quondam formidinem in terra viventium
24 Elam is there with all its people around its grave. All of them died violent deaths, killed by the sword. They went down into the grave, these heathen people who once terrorized others when they were alive. They are disgraced, along with all others who go down into the grave.
ibi Aelam et omnis multitudo eius per gyrum sepulchri sui omnes hii interfecti ruentesque gladio qui descenderunt incircumcisi ad terram ultimam qui posuerunt terrorem suum in terra viventium et portaverunt ignominiam suam cum his qui descendunt in lacum
25 A resting place is made ready among those who have been killed for Elam and all its many people—their graves surround Elam's grave. They are all heathen and were killed by the sword, though they once terrorized others when they were alive. They are disgraced, along with all others who go down into the grave. They are laid to rest among those who have been killed.
in medio interfectorum posuerunt cubile eius in universis populis eius in circuitu eius sepulchrum illius omnes hii incircumcisi interfectique gladio dederant enim terrorem in terra viventium et portaverunt ignominiam suam cum his qui descendunt in lacum in medio interfectorum positi sunt
26 Meshech and Tubal are there with all their many people, surrounded by all their graves. They are all heathen and were killed by the sword, though they once terrorized others when they were alive.
ibi Mosoch et Thubal et omnis multitudo eius in circuitu illius sepulchra eius omnes hii incircumcisi interfectique et cadentes gladio quia dederunt formidinem suam in terra viventium
27 But they're not laid to rest with the fallen warriors of long ago who went down into Sheol with their weapons of war. Their swords were placed underneath their heads and their shields over their bones, although these powerful warriors once terrorized others when they were alive. (Sheol h7585)
et non dormient cum fortibus cadentibusque et incircumcisis qui descenderunt ad infernum cum armis suis et posuerunt gladios suos sub capitibus suis et fuerunt iniquitates eorum in ossibus eorum quia terror fortium facti sunt in terra viventium (Sheol h7585)
28 However, you will also be cut down and laid to rest with the heathen, with those killed by the sword.
et tu ergo in medio incircumcisorum contereris et dormies cum interfectis gladio
29 Edom is there with all its kings and princes. Once they were powerful, but now they too are laid to rest with those killed by the sword. They lie with the heathen, with those who go down into the grave.
ibi Idumea et reges eius omnes duces eius qui dati sunt cum exercitu suo cum interfectis gladio et qui cum incircumcisis dormierunt et cum his qui descenderunt in lacum
30 All the leaders from the north, and all the people of Sidon are there too. They also are disgraced, going down with those who were killed, in spite of their formidable power. They are heathen, lying there with those killed by the sword, and have the disgrace of those who go down into the grave.
ibi principes aquilonis omnes et universi venatores qui deducti sunt cum interfectis paventes et in sua fortitudine confusi qui dormierunt incircumcisi cum interfectis gladio et portaverunt confusionem suam cum his qui descendunt in lacum
31 Pharaoh will see them and be pleased that he and all his many people are not the only ones killed by the sword, declares the Lord God.
vidit eos Pharao et consolatus est super universa multitudine sua quae interfecta est gladio Pharao et omnis exercitus eius ait Dominus Deus
32 For I will terrorize those who are alive so that Pharaoh and all his many people will be laid to rest with the heathen, with those killed by the sword, declares the Lord God.”
quia dedi terrorem meum in terra viventium et dormivit in medio incircumcisorum cum interfectis gladio Pharao et omnis multitudo eius ait Dominus Deus

< Ezekiel 32 >