< Exodus 17 >

1 Then all the Israelites left the Desert of Sin, going from place to place as they followed the Lord's commands. They camped at Rephidim, but there wasn't any water for the people to drink.
Te phoeiah Israel ca rhaengpuei boeih tah BOEIPA olka bangla a longpueng kah Sin khosoek lamloh hlah uh tih Rephidim ah rhaeh uh. Te vaengah pilnam kah a ok ham tui om pawh.
2 Some of them came and complained to Moses, saying, “Give us water to drink!” Moses replied, “Why are you complaining to me?” Moses asked. “Why are you trying to challenge the Lord?”
Te dongah pilnam te Moses neh toh uh thae tih, “Kaimih he tui m'pae lamtah ka o pawn eh,” a ti uh. Te vaengah amih te Moses loh, “Balae tih kai te nan toe uh? Balae tih BOEIPA na noemcai?” a ti nah.
3 But the people were so thirsty for water there that they went on complaining to Moses, saying, “Why did you have to bring us out of Egypt? Are you trying to kill us and our children and livestock by thirst?”
Tedae pilnam tah tui hal oeh. Te dongah pilnam te Moses taengah nul uh tih, “Balae tih Egypt lamloh kaimih nang khuen. Kamah neh ka ca rhoek neh ka tuihalh neh duek sak ham maco,” a ti nah.
4 Moses cried out to the Lord, “What am I going to do with these people? A bit more of this and they're going to stone me!”
Te vaengah Moses te BOEIPA taengah pang tih, “Pilnam ham he balae ka saii eh? Bet ca koinih kai n'dae uh hloe,” a ti nah.
5 The Lord told Moses, “Go ahead of the people, and take some of the elders of Israel with you. Take with you the walking stick you used to hit the Nile, and just go on ahead.
Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Pilnam hmai ah lamhma lamtah Israel kah a ham rhoek te namah neh puei uh. Sokko na boh nah na conghol te na kut dongah pom lamtah cet.
6 Look, I will stand there beside you by the rock at Horeb. When you hit the rock water will pour out for the people to drink.” So Moses did this as the elders of Israel watched.
Kamah he na mikhmuh kah Horeb lungpang soah ka pai ne. Lungpang te taam lamtah te lamloh tui ha phuet vaengah pilnam loh o saeh,” a ti nah. Te te Moses loh Israel a ham rhoek mikhmuh ah a saii pah.
7 He called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites argued there, and because they challenged the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord with us, or not?”
Te vaengah Israel ca rhoek kah tuituknah neh BOEIPA te a noemcai uh tih, “BOEIPA he mamih lakli ah om nim, om pawt nim?” a ti uh dongah a hmuen ming te Massah neh Meribah a sui.
8 Then some Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim.
Tedae Rephidim ah tah Amalek ha pawk tih Israel a vathoh thil.
9 Moses told Joshua, “Choose some of men and go out and fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I'll stand on the top of this hill holding the walking stick of God.”
Te dongah Moses loh Joshua taengah, “Mamih ham hlang coelh laeh, khuen lamtah Amalek te tloek laeh. Thangvuen ah kai he som lu ah ka pai ni, ka kut ah Pathen kah conghol om ngawn,” a ti nah.
10 Joshua did what Moses told him and fought the Amalekites, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur climbed to the top of the hill.
Amalek te vathoh thil ham Moses loh amah a ti nah bangla Joshua loh a saii tangloeng. Moses, Aaron neh Hur tah tlang kah som lu la luei uh.
11 As long as Moses held up the walking stick his hands, the Israelites were the ones winning, but when he lowered them, it was the Amalekites.
Moses loh a kut a thoh rhuet vaengah tah Israel loh a na dae a kut a hlak rhuet vaengah tah Amalek loh a na.
12 So when Moses' hands became heavy, the others took a stone and put it under him for him to sit on. Aaron and Hur stood on each side of Moses and held his hands up. In this way his hands were kept firmly up until the sun went down.
Tedae Moses kut a kha vaengah tah lungto a loh uh tih a dangah a phaih pa uh. Te phoeiah a soah ngol tih a kut te Aaron neh Hur loh khatben ah pakhat, khatben ah pakhat loh a moem pah. Te daengah a kut rhoi te khomik a tlak hil khuek om.
13 As a result Joshua defeated the Amalekite army.
Te dongah Joshua loh Amalek neh a pilnam te cunghang ha neh a rhaa.
14 The Lord told Moses, “Write all this down on a scroll as a reminder and read it out loud to Joshua, because I'm going to completely wipe out the Amalekites so nobody on earth will remember them.”
Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Poekkoepnah he cabu dongah daek lamtah Joshua hna ah dueh pah. Amalek poekkoepnah te vaan hmui lamloh ka khoe rhoe ka khoe ni,” a ti nah.
15 Moses built an altar and called it “the Lord is my banner of victory.”
Te dongah Moses loh hmueihtuk a suem tih a ming te BOEIPA tah ka rholik la a khue.
16 “Hold up the victory banner of the Lord!” Moses declared. “The Lord will go on fighting the Amalekites for all generations!”
Te vaengah, “Caemtloek BOEIPA kah ngolkhoel dongah kut ka phuel dongah BOEIPA loh Amalek te cadilcahma lamloh cadilcahma duela vathoh thil saeh,” a ti.

< Exodus 17 >