< Deuteronomy 5 >

1 Then Moses called all the Israelites together and told them: Listen, people of Israel to the rules and regulations that I'm giving you today. Learn them and make sure you follow them carefully.
vocavitque Moses omnem Israhelem et dixit ad eum audi Israhel caerimonias atque iudicia quae ego loquor in auribus vestris hodie discite ea et opere conplete
2 Remember that the Lord our God made an agreement with us at Horeb.
Dominus Deus noster pepigit nobiscum foedus in Horeb
3 He didn't make this agreement with our fathers, but with us, all of those who are still alive today.
non cum patribus nostris iniit pactum sed nobiscum qui inpraesentiarum sumus et vivimus
4 The Lord talked with you person to person from the fire on the mountain.
facie ad faciem locutus est nobis in monte de medio ignis
5 This was the time when I stood between the Lord and you to tell you what the Lord said, because you were afraid of the fire and refused to go up the mountain. He told you,
ego sequester et medius fui inter Dominum et vos in tempore illo ut adnuntiarem vobis verba eius timuistis enim ignem et non ascendistis in montem et ait
6 “I am the Lord your God, who led you out of Egypt, out of the prison-house of slavery.
ego Dominus Deus tuus qui eduxi te de terra Aegypti de domo servitutis
7 You must not have any other gods except me.
non habebis deos alienos in conspectu meo
8 You must not make for yourself any kind of idol, whether in the form of anything in the heavens above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters below.
non facies tibi sculptile nec similitudinem omnium quae in caelo sunt desuper et quae in terra deorsum et quae versantur in aquis sub terra
9 You must not bow down before them or worship them; for I am the Lord your God and I am passionately exclusive. I lay the consequences of the sin of those who hate me on their sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons;
non adorabis ea et non coles ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus Deus aemulator reddens iniquitatem patrum super filios in tertiam et quartam generationem his qui oderunt me
10 but I show trustworthy love to the thousands of generations who love me and keep my commandments.
et faciens misericordiam in multa milia diligentibus me et custodientibus praecepta mea
11 You must not use the name of the Lord your God in a wrong way, for the Lord will not forgive anyone who uses his name in a wrong way.
non usurpabis nomen Domini Dei tui frustra quia non erit inpunitus qui super re vana nomen eius adsumpserit
12 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, as the Lord as the Lord your God has commanded you to do.
observa diem sabbati ut sanctifices eum sicut praecepit tibi Dominus Deus tuus
13 You have six days to work and earn your living,
sex diebus operaberis et facies omnia opera tua
14 but the seventh day is the Sabbath to honor the Lord your God. On this day you must not do any work—not you, not your son or daughter, not your male slave or female slave or your ox or donkey or any of your livestock, and not the foreigner who is staying with you, so that your male slave and females slave can have the same rest as you.
septimus dies sabbati est id est requies Domini Dei tui non facies in eo quicquam operis tu et filius tuus et filia servus et ancilla et bos et asinus et omne iumentum tuum et peregrinus qui est intra portas tuas ut requiescat servus et ancilla tua sicut et tu
15 Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, and that the Lord your God led you out from there with his great power and incredible strength. This is why the Lord your God has ordered you to keep the Sabbath day.
memento quod et ipse servieris in Aegypto et eduxerit te inde Dominus Deus tuus in manu forti et brachio extento idcirco praecepit tibi ut observares diem sabbati
16 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you to do, so that you may live a long time and do well in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
honora patrem tuum et matrem sicut praecepit tibi Dominus Deus tuus ut longo vivas tempore et bene sit tibi in terra quam Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi
17 You must not kill people.
non occides
18 You must not commit adultery.
neque moechaberis
19 You must not steal.
furtumque non facies
20 You must not give false evidence against others.
nec loqueris contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium
21 You must not desire to have anyone else's wife. You must not desire to have their house or field, or their male slave or female slave, or their ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to them.”
non concupisces uxorem proximi tui non domum non agrum non servum non ancillam non bovem non asinum et universa quae illius sunt
22 In a loud voice the Lord gave these commandments to all of you, speaking from the fire, the cloud, and the deep darkness that covered the mountain. He didn't add anything else. He wrote them down on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.
haec verba locutus est Dominus ad omnem multitudinem vestram in monte de medio ignis et nubis et caliginis voce magna nihil addens amplius et scripsit ea in duabus tabulis lapideis quas tradidit mihi
23 When you heard the voice that came from the darkness while the mountain was on fire, all your tribal leaders and elders came to me,
vos autem postquam audistis vocem de medio tenebrarum et montem ardere vidistis accessistis ad me omnes principes tribuum et maiores natu atque dixistis
24 and said, “Listen, the Lord our God has revealed glory and majesty to us, and we have heard his voice that came from the fire. Today we have seen that human beings can don't die even when God speaks with them.
ecce ostendit nobis Dominus Deus noster maiestatem et magnitudinem suam vocem eius audivimus de medio ignis et probavimus hodie quod loquente Deo cum homine vixerit homo
25 But we could still die, couldn't we? This enormous fire is going to burn us up, and we'll die if the Lord our God continues to speak to us.
cur ergo morimur et devorabit nos ignis hic maximus si enim audierimus ultra vocem Domini Dei nostri moriemur
26 Has anybody else ever heard the living God speak from the fire and survived, we have?
quid est omnis caro ut audiat vocem Dei viventis qui de medio ignis loquitur sicut nos audivimus et possit vivere
27 You go and listen to everything the Lord our God tells you. Then you can repeat to us everything the Lord our God tells you. We promise to listen and obey.”
tu magis accede et audi cuncta quae dixerit Dominus Deus noster tibi loquerisque ad nos et nos audientes faciemus ea
28 The Lord heard what you told me, and he said to me, “I've heard what these people told you. All that they've said is good.
quod cum audisset Dominus ait ad me audivi vocem verborum populi huius quae locuti sunt tibi bene omnia sunt locuti
29 I only wish they really did respect me and always kept my commandments so that they and their children would do well for all time.
quis det talem eos habere mentem ut timeant me et custodiant universa mandata mea in omni tempore ut bene sit eis et filiis eorum in sempiternum
30 Go and tell them: ‘You need to return to your tents.’
vade et dic eis revertimini in tentoria vestra
31 But you are to stay here with me so that I can give you all the commandments and rules and regulations you are to teach them to follow in the country that I am giving them to take over and own.”
tu vero hic sta mecum et loquar tibi omnia mandata et caerimonias atque iudicia quae docebis eos ut faciant ea in terra quam dabo illis in possessionem
32 So make sure you do what the Lord your God has ordered you to do—don't go astray in any direction.
custodite igitur et facite quae praecepit Dominus Deus vobis non declinabitis neque ad dextram neque ad sinistram
33 Follow all the ways the Lord your God has shown you, so that you do well and live long lives in the country that you will occupy.
sed per viam quam praecepit Dominus Deus vester ambulabitis ut vivatis et bene sit vobis et protelentur dies in terra possessionis vestrae

< Deuteronomy 5 >