< Deuteronomy 31 >

1 Once Moses had finished giving these instructions to all the Israelites,
and to go: continue Moses and to speak: speak [obj] [the] word [the] these to(wards) all Israel
2 he told them, I'm now a hundred and twenty years old. I can't get around like I used to, and the Lord has told me, “You are not to cross the Jordan.”
and to say to(wards) them son: aged hundred and twenty year I [the] day not be able still to/for to come out: come and to/for to come (in): come and LORD to say to(wards) me not to pass [obj] [the] Jordan [the] this
3 The Lord your God himself is going to lead you across. He will destroy these nations as you advance, and you will take over their land. Joshua will cross ahead of you, as the Lord said.
LORD God your he/she/it to pass to/for face: before your he/she/it to destroy [obj] [the] nation [the] these from to/for face: before your and to possess: take them Joshua he/she/it to pass to/for face: before your like/as as which to speak: speak LORD
4 The Lord will do to them what he did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and their land when he destroyed them.
and to make: do LORD to/for them like/as as which to make: do to/for Sihon and to/for Og king [the] Amorite and to/for land: country/planet their which to destroy [obj] them
5 The Lord will hand them over to you, and you will deal with them exactly as I've told you.
and to give: give them LORD to/for face: before your and to make: do to/for them like/as all [the] commandment which to command [obj] you
6 Be strong! Be brave! Don't be frightened or terrified of them, because the Lord your God will go with you. He won't ever leave you or abandon you.
to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen not to fear and not to tremble from face of their for LORD God your he/she/it [the] to go: went with you not to slacken you and not to leave: forsake you
7 Moses called for Joshua and told him in front of all the Israelites, “Be strong! Be brave! You will accompany this people into the country that the Lord promised to give their forefathers, and you are to allocate it for them to own.
and to call: call to Moses to/for Joshua and to say to(wards) him to/for eye: seeing all Israel to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen for you(m. s.) to come (in): come with [the] people [the] this to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to swear LORD to/for father their to/for to give: give to/for them and you(m. s.) to inherit her [obj] them
8 The Lord himself goes ahead of you. He will be with you. He won't ever leave you or abandon you. Don't be afraid and don't be discouraged.”
and LORD he/she/it [the] to go: went to/for face: before your he/she/it to be with you not to slacken you and not to leave: forsake you not to fear and not to to be dismayed
9 Moses wrote this law down and gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi, who carried the Ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the Israelite elders.
and to write Moses [obj] [the] instruction [the] this and to give: give her to(wards) [the] priest son: child Levi [the] to lift: bear [obj] ark covenant LORD and to(wards) all old: elder Israel
10 Moses gave them these orders, At the end of every seven years, the year when debts are canceled during the Festival of Shelters,
and to command Moses [obj] them to/for to say from end seven year in/on/with meeting: time appointed year [the] remission in/on/with feast [the] booth
11 and when all the Israelites comes before the Lord your God at the place he will choose, you must read this law in the for everyone to hear.
in/on/with to come (in): come all Israel to/for to see: see with face: before LORD God your in/on/with place which to choose to call: read out [obj] [the] instruction [the] this before all Israel in/on/with ear: hearing their
12 Have the people gather together—the men, women, children, and the foreigners living with you—so that they can listen and learn to respect the Lord your God and to carefully observe all the instructions of this law.
to gather [obj] [the] people [the] human and [the] woman and [the] child and sojourner your which in/on/with gate your because to hear: hear and because to learn: learn and to fear: revere [obj] LORD God your and to keep: careful to/for to make: do [obj] all word [the] instruction [the] this
13 Then their children who don't know the law will listen and learn to respect the Lord your God as the whole time you live in the country that you are going to take over after you cross the Jordan.
and son: child their which not to know to hear: hear and to learn: learn to/for to fear: revere [obj] LORD God your all [the] day: always which you(m. p.) alive upon [the] land: soil which you(m. p.) to pass [obj] [the] Jordan there [to] to/for to possess: take her
14 Then the Lord told Moses, “Listen, you are soon going to die. Tell Joshua to meet you, and then both of you are to come and stand before me at the Tent of Meeting, so that I may appoint him as leader.” Moses and Joshua went to stand before the Lord at the Tent of Meeting.
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses look! to present: come day your to/for to die to call: call to [obj] Joshua and to stand in/on/with tent meeting and to command him and to go: went Moses and Joshua and to stand in/on/with tent meeting
15 The Lord appeared there at the tent in a pillar of cloud. The cloud stood at the entrance to the tent.
and to see: see LORD in/on/with tent in/on/with pillar cloud and to stand: stand pillar [the] cloud upon entrance [the] tent
16 The Lord told Moses, “You will join your ancestors in death, and these people are going to prostitute themselves by worshiping the foreign gods of the country they are entering. They will abandon me and break the agreement I've made with them.
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses behold you to lie down: lay down with father your and to arise: rise [the] people [the] this and to fornicate after God foreign [the] land: country/planet which he/she/it to come (in): come there [to] in/on/with entrails: among his and to leave: forsake me and to break [obj] covenant my which to cut: make(covenant) with him
17 Then I will abandon them and turn away from them, so they will be destroyed, and they will experience many disasters and problems. At that time they'll say, ‘We're suffering these disasters because our God has abandoned us!’
and to be incensed face: anger my in/on/with him in/on/with day [the] he/she/it and to leave: forsake them and to hide face my from them and to be to/for to eat and to find him distress: evil many and distress and to say in/on/with day [the] he/she/it not upon for nothing God my in/on/with entrails: among my to find me [the] distress: evil [the] these
18 Then I will definitely ignore them because of all the evil they have done by worshiping other gods.
and I to hide to hide face my in/on/with day [the] he/she/it upon all [the] distress: evil which to make: do for to turn to(wards) God another
19 So write down this song and teach it to the Israelites. Help them learn to sing it, so it will provide evidence for me against them.
and now to write to/for you [obj] [the] song [the] this and to learn: teach her [obj] son: descendant/people Israel to set: put her in/on/with lip their because to be to/for me [the] song [the] this to/for witness in/on/with son: descendant/people Israel
20 Once I've led them into the country that I promised to give their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey, they will have plenty to eat and will do well. Then they will go and worship other gods, and they will abandon me and break my agreement.
for to come (in): bring him to(wards) [the] land: soil which to swear to/for father his to flow: flowing milk and honey and to eat and to satisfy and to prosper and to turn to(wards) God another and to serve: minister them and to spurn me and to break [obj] covenant my
21 Once they've experienced plenty of trouble and suffering, this song will testify against them, because their descendants won't forget the words. I know what they're like, even before I lead them into the country that I promised to give them.”
and to be for to find [obj] him distress: evil many and distress and to answer [the] song [the] this to/for face: before his to/for witness for not to forget from lip seed: children his for to know [obj] intention his which he/she/it to make: do [the] day in/on/with before to come (in): bring him to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to swear
22 Right then Moses wrote down this song and taught it to the Israelites.
and to write Moses [obj] [the] song [the] this in/on/with day [the] he/she/it and to learn: teach her [obj] son: descendant/people Israel
23 Then the Lord appointed Joshua son of Nun as leader, and told him, “Be strong! Be brave! For you are going to lead the Israelites into the country that I promised to give them, and I will be with you.”
and to command [obj] Joshua son: child Nun and to say to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen for you(m. s.) to come (in): bring [obj] son: descendant/people Israel to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to swear to/for them and I to be with you
24 After Moses had finished writing down this Law in a book from start to finish,
and to be like/as to end: finish Moses to/for to write [obj] word [the] instruction [the] this upon scroll: book till to finish they
25 he ordered the Levites who carried the Ark of the Lord's Agreement:
and to command Moses [obj] [the] Levi to lift: bear ark covenant LORD to/for to say
26 “Place this book of the Law beside the Ark of the Lord your God's Agreement, so that it will be kept there as a evidence against you.
to take: take [obj] scroll: book [the] instruction [the] this and to set: put [obj] him from side ark covenant LORD God your and to be there in/on/with you to/for witness
27 I know how stubborn and rebellious you are. If you've already started rebelling against the Lord while I'm still alive, how much worse will you get after I die?
for I to know [obj] rebellion your and [obj] neck your [the] severe look! in/on/with still I alive with you [the] day to rebel to be with LORD and also for after death my
28 Summon all the elders of your tribes and all your officers to gather here before me so that I can tell them this directly and call on heaven and earth as witnesses against them.
to gather to(wards) me [obj] all old: elder tribe your and official your and to speak: speak in/on/with ear: to ears their [obj] [the] word [the] these and to testify in/on/with them [obj] [the] heaven and [obj] [the] land: country/planet
29 I know that after my death you will become completely immoral, leaving the path I have ordered you to follow. In the future, evil things will happen to you because of the evil sins you commit in the sight of the Lord, making him angry by what you do.”
for to know after death my for to ruin to ruin [emph?] and to turn aside: turn aside from [the] way: conduct which to command [obj] you and to encounter: chanced [obj] you [the] distress: evil in/on/with end [the] day for to make: do [obj] [the] bad: evil in/on/with eye: seeing LORD to/for to provoke him in/on/with deed: work hand your
30 Then Moses recited all the words of this song as the Israelites listened.
and to speak: speak Moses in/on/with ear: to ears all assembly Israel [obj] word [the] song [the] this till to finish they

< Deuteronomy 31 >