< 2 Samuel 9 >

1 David said, “Is there anyone still left of Saul's family so I can be kind to him for Jonathan's sake?”
et dixit David putasne est aliquis qui remanserit de domo Saul ut faciam cum eo misericordiam propter Ionathan
2 There was a man called Ziba who used to be a servant of Saul's family. They called for him to come to David, and the king asked him, “Are you Ziba?” “Yes, I am your servant,” he replied.
erat autem de domo Saul servus nomine Siba quem cum vocasset rex ad se dixit ei tune es Siba et ille respondit ego sum servus tuus
3 The king asked him, “Is there anyone still left of Saul's family so I can be kind to him as I promised before God?” “There's still one of Jonathan's sons, who is lame in both feet,” Ziba replied.
et ait rex num superest aliquis de domo Saul ut faciam cum eo misericordiam Dei dixitque Siba regi superest filius Ionathan debilis pedibus
4 “Where is he?” asked the king. “He's in the town of Lo-debar, living in the home of Machir, son of Ammiel,” Ziba replied.
ubi inquit est et Siba ad regem ecce ait in domo est Machir filii Amihel in Lodabar
5 So King David had him brought from Machir's home.
misit ergo rex David et tulit eum de domo Machir filii Amihel de Lodabar
6 When Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David, he bowed facedown to the ground in respect. Then David said, “Welcome Mephibosheth.” “I am your servant,” he replied.
cum autem venisset Mifiboseth filius Ionathan filii Saul ad David corruit in faciem suam et adoravit dixitque David Mifiboseth qui respondit adsum servus tuus
7 “Do not be afraid,” said David, “for I will truly be kind to you for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will return to you all the land owned by your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.”
et ait ei David ne timeas quia faciens faciam in te misericordiam propter Ionathan patrem tuum et restituam tibi omnes agros Saul patris tui et tu comedes panem in mensa mea semper
8 Mephibosheth bowed down and said, “Who am I, your servant, that you should pay any attention to a dead dog like me?”
qui adorans eum dixit quis ego sum servus tuus quoniam respexisti super canem mortuum similem mei
9 Then the king called for Saul's servant Ziba and told him, “I have given to your master's grandson everything that belonged to Saul and his family.
vocavit itaque rex Sibam puerum Saul et dixit ei omnia quaecumque fuerunt Saul et universam domum eius dedi filio domini tui
10 You and your sons and workers are to farm the ground for him and bring in the produce, so that your master's grandson will have food to eat. But Mephibosheth, your master's grandson, will always eat at my table.” Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty workers.
operare igitur ei terram tu et filii tui et servi tui et inferes filio domini tui cibos ut alatur Mifiboseth autem filius domini tui comedet semper panem super mensam meam erant autem Sibae quindecim filii et viginti servi
11 Ziba replied to the king, “My lord the king, your servant will do everything that you have commanded.” So Mephibosheth ate at David's table like one of the king's sons.
dixitque Siba ad regem sicut iussisti domine mi rex servo tuo sic faciet servus tuus et Mifiboseth comedet super mensam tuam quasi unus de filiis regis
12 Mephibosheth had a young son named Mica. All the people who lived in Ziba's house became Mephibosheth's servants.
habebat autem Mifiboseth filium parvulum nomine Micha omnis vero cognatio domus Siba serviebat Mifiboseth
13 But Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, because he always ate at the king's table. He was lame in both feet.
porro Mifiboseth habitabat in Hierusalem quia de mensa regis iugiter vescebatur et erat claudus utroque pede

< 2 Samuel 9 >