< 2 Samuel 7 >

1 By now the king was comfortable in his palace and the Lord had given him peace from all the enemy nations around him.
Padishah öz ordisida turatti, Perwerdigar uninggha etrapidiki barliq düshmenliridin aram bergendin kéyin,
2 So he said to Nathan the prophet, “Look at me—I live in a palace made of cedar, but the Ark of God is still in a tent.”
padishah Natan peyghemberge: Mana qara, men kédir yaghichidin yasalghan öyde olturimen, lékin Xudaning ehde sanduqi bir chidirning ichide turuwatidu — dédi.
3 “Go ahead, do whatever you want, for the Lord is with you,” Nathan told the king.
Natan padishahqa jawap bérip: Könglüngde néme oylighining bolsa, shuni qilghin; chünki Perwerdigar séning bilen billidur — dédi.
4 But that night the Lord spoke to Nathan and told him,
Lékin kéchide shundaq boldiki, Perwerdigarning sözi Natan’gha kélip mundaq déyildi:
5 “Go and tell my servant David, This is what the Lord says: Should you be the one to build a house for me to live in?
— Bérip qulum Dawutqa dégin: «Perwerdigar: — «Sen derweqe Manga turidighan’gha öy salmaqchimusen?» — deydu.
6 For I have never lived in a house, from the time I led the Israelites out of Egypt up till now. I have always moved from place to place, living in a tent and a Tabernacle.
— «Men Israillarni Misirdin chiqarghandin tartip, bu kün’giche bir öyde olturmidim, belki bir chédirni makan qilip, kézip yürdüm.
7 But in all those travels with all of Israel did I ever ask any Israelite leader I'd ordered to take care of my people, ‘Why haven't you built a cedar house for me?’
Men Özüm barliq Israillar bilen yürgen hemme yerlerde, xelqim Israilni padichi bolup béqishqa emr qilghanlargha, yeni Israilning herqandaq qebilisining bir [yétekchisige]: Némishqa Manga kédir yaghachtin bir öy yasimaysiler? — dep baqqanmu?
8 So then, tell my servant David this is what the Lord Almighty says. It was me who took you from the fields, from looking after sheep, to become a leader of my people Israel.
Emdi qulum Dawutqa mundaq dégin: — Samawiy qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar: — Séni xelqim Israilgha bashlamchi qilip tiklesh üchün séni yaylaqlardin, qoy béqishtin élip keldim, — deydu,
9 I have been with you wherever you've gone. I have destroyed all your enemies right in front of you, and I will make your reputation as great as the most famous people on earth.
— we meyli qeyerge barmighin, Men haman séning bilen bille boldum we séning aldingdin barliq düshmenliringni yoqitip keldim; yer yüzidiki ulughlar nam-shöhretke ige bolghandek séni ulugh nam-shöhretke sazawer qildim.
10 I will choose a place for my people Israel. I will settle them there and they won't be disturbed anymore. Evil people won't persecute them as they used to,
Men xelqim bolghan Israilgha bir jayni békitip, ularni shu yerde tikip östürimen; shuning bilen ular öz zéminida turidighan, parakendichilikke uchrimaydighan bolidu. Reziller desleptidikidek, shundaqla Men xelqim Israil üstige hökümranliq qilishqa hakimlarni teyinligen künlerdikidek, ulargha qaytidin zulum salmaydu. Men hazir sanga hemme düshmenliringdin aram berdim. Emdi Menki Perwerdigar sanga shuni éytip qoyayki, Men séning üchün bir öyni qurup bérimen!» — deydu.
11 from the time I placed judges in charge of my people. I will defeat all of your enemies. Also I want to make it clear that I the Lord will build a house for you.
12 For when you come to the end of your life and join your ancestors in death, I will bring to power one of your descendants, one of your sons, and make sure his kingdom is successful.
«Künliring toshup, ata-bowiliring bilen [ölümde] uxlighiningda, Men öz pushtingdin bolghan neslingni séning ornungda turghuzup, padishahliqini mezmut qilimen.
13 He will be the one to build me a house, and I will make sure his kingdom lasts forever.
Méning namim üchün bir öyni yasighuchi u bolidu, we Men uning padishahliq textini ebedgiche mustehkem qilimen.
14 I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me. If he does wrong, I will discipline him with the rod like people do, like a parent punishing a child.
Men uninggha ata bolimen, u Manga oghul bolidu. Eger u qebihlik qilsa, uninggha insanlarning tayiqi bilen we adem balilirining sawaq-dumbalashliri bilen terbiye bérimen.
15 But I will never take away my kindness and love from him, as I did in the case of Saul who I removed before you.
Emma Men séning aldingda örüwetken Sauldin méhir-shepqitimni juda qilghinimdek, uningdin méhir-shepqitimni juda qilmaymen.
16 Your house and your kingdom will last forever; your dynasty will be secure forever.”
Shuning bilen séning öyüng we séning padishahliqing aldingda hemishe mezmut qilinidu; texting ebedgiche mezmut turghuzulidu».
17 This is what Nathan explained to David—everything he was told in this divine revelation.
Natan bu barliq sözler we barliq wehiyni héchnéme qaldurmay, Dawutqa éytip berdi.
18 Then King David went and sat down in the presence of the Lord. He prayed, “Who am I, Lord God, and what is significant about my family, that you have brought me to this place?
Andin Dawut padishah kirip, Perwerdigarning aldida olturup mundaq dédi: «I, Reb Perwerdigar, men zadi kim idim, méning öyüm néme idi, Sen méni mushu derijige köturgüdek?
19 God, you talk as if this was a small thing in your eyes, and you also have spoken about the future of my house, my family dynasty. Is this your usual way of dealing with human beings, Lord God?
Lékin, i Reb Perwerdigar, [méning bu mertiwem] Séning neziringde kichikkine bir ish hésablandi; chünki Sen men qulungning öyining yiraq kelgüsi toghruluq sözliding; bu hemmila ademge daim bolidighan ishmu, i, Reb Perwerdigar?
20 What more can I, David, tell you? You know exactly what your servant is like, Lord God.
Emdi Dawut Sanga yene néme désun? Sen Öz qulungni tonuysen, i, Reb Perwerdigar!
21 You're doing all this for me and you have explained it to me, your servant, and because of your promise and because it's what you want to do.
Sen söz-wedeng wejidin, Öz könglüngdikige asasen bu ulugh ishning hemmisini qulung bilsun dep békitip qilghansen.
22 How great you are, Lord God! There really is no-one like you; there is no other God, only you. We have never heard about anyone else.
Shunga Sen ulughsen, i Perwerdigar; qulaqlirimiz barliq anglighinidek, Séning tengdishing yoq, Sendin bashqa héchqandaq ilah yoqtur.
23 Who else is as fortunate as your people Israel? Who else on earth did God go and redeem to make his own people? You gained a wonderful reputation for yourself by all the tremendous, amazing things you did in driving out other nations and their gods before your people as you redeemed them from Egypt.
Xelqing Israildek yene bashqa bir el barmu, ular jahanda alahide turidu? — Chünki [Sen] Xuda ularni Misirdin qutquzup Özüngge xas bir xelq qilish üchün, shundaqla nam-shöhretke ige bolush üchün, Özüng barding; Sen Özüng üchün Misirdin, ellerdin we ularning ilahliridin qutquzup chiqqan xelqing aldida zémining üchün ulugh we dehshetlik ishlarni qilding.
24 You made your people Israel your own forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.
Sen xelqing Israilni Özüng üchün ebedgiche bir xelq bolushqa békitting; Sen, i Perwerdigar, ularning Xudasi boldung.
25 So now, Lord God, please ensure that what you have said about me and my house happens, and is confirmed forever. Please do as you have promised,
Emdi hazir, i Perwerdigar Xuda, Öz qulung we uning öyi toghrisida éytqan wedengge ebedgiche mezmut emel qilghin; Sen dégenliring boyiche ishni ada qilghaysen!
26 and may your true nature be honored forever, with people declaring, ‘The Lord Almighty is Israel's God!’ May the house of your servant David continue to be there in your presence.
Séning naming ebedgiche ulughlinip: — Samawiy qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar Israilning üstide turidighan Xudadur, dep éytilsun, shundaqla Öz qulungning öy-sulalisi séning aldingda mezmut turghuzulsun.
27 Lord Almighty, God of Israel, you have revealed this to me, your servant, telling me, ‘I will build a house for you.’ That's why your servant has had the courage to pray this prayer to you.
Chünki Sen, i samawiy qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar, Israilning Xudasi Öz qulunggha: Men sanga bir öy-sulale qurup bérimen, dep wehiy qilding; shunga qulung bu duani séning aldingda qilishqa jür’et qildi.
28 Lord Almighty, you are God! Your words are truth, and you are the one who has promised these good things to your servant.
Emdi sen, i Reb Perwerdigar, birdinbir Xudadursen, Séning sözliring heqiqettur we Sen bu bext-iltipatni Öz qulunggha wede qilding;
29 So now, please bless your servant's house that it may continue in your presence forever. For you have spoken, Lord God, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever.”
shunga qulungning öy-jemetini Séning aldingda menggü turushqa nésip qilip beriketligeysen; chünki Sen, i Reb Perwerdigar, buni wede qilghansen; bu bext-iltipating bilen Öz qulungning öy-jemeti ebedgiche bext-iltipatqa nésip bolidu».

< 2 Samuel 7 >