< 2 Samuel 18 >

1 David organized the men who were with him and put commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds in charge of them.
Davud cune hıqiy-allane g'oşunuqa ilyakka. Mang'vee g'oşun aazırna, vəşna bit'al hav'u, manbışilqa ç'ak'ınbı giviyxhe.
2 David sent the army out divided into three sections. One third was commanded by Joab, one third was commanded by Abishai, son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, and one third was commanded by Ittai the Gittite. The king told the men, “I myself will go out into battle with you.”
Davudee g'oşun xhebne cigeeqa bit'al haa'a. Ts'eppiyne destel ooqa Yoav, q'öd'esde destel ooqa Yoavna çoc, Tseruyayna dix Avişay, xhebıd'esde destel ooqar Gatğançena İttay xərna giyxhe. Paççahee g'oşunuk'le eyhen: – Zı şoka dəv'eeqa hidyark'ın gyuaras deş.
3 But the men replied, “No, you must not go out into battle! For if we have to run away, they won't care about us. Even if half of us die, they won't care about that either. But you are worth ten thousand of us, so it's better if you stay here and send us help from the town.”
Eskeraaşe mang'uk'le eyhen: – Hımayk'an, şi heepxas gyapk'eene, manbı şaqa sapk'ıl ilyaakas deş. Yişinbışin surabı hapt'eeyib, manbı şaqa meeb sapk'ıl ilyaakas deş. Ğu yişde yits'ne aazırıng'ule ooqana vor. Mançilesa, ğu şas şahareençe kumag he'e.
4 “I will do whatever you think best,” the king replied. The king stood beside the gate while all his men marched out by hundreds and by thousands.
Paççahee manbışik'le eyhen: – Şosqa nəxüdiy yugda qöö, zı həməxüdud ha'asın. Gırgına g'oşun vəşna, aazırna şahareençe qığevç'esmee, paççah şaharne akkabışisne ulyoyzar.
5 The king ordered Joab, Abishai and Ittai, “Treat young Absalom gently for me.” All the men heard the king giving orders to each of his commanders about Absalom.
Paççahee Yoavılqa, Avişayalqa, İttayalqa əmr haa'a: – Hucoona ixhes, yizdemee şene gadeyka, Avşalomuka, g'üvənaba vuxhe! Paççahee g'oşunbışde vuk'lel ulyobzuriynbışis Avşalomne hək'ee huvuna q'arar gırgıne eskeraaşik'le g'avxhuna.
6 David's army marched out to face the Israelites in battle, which was fought in the forest of Ephraim.
Davudna g'oşun, İzrailybışka dəv'ə haa'asva qığooç'e. Dəv'ə Efrayimne ç'alagee vooxhe.
7 The Israelites were defeated by David's men and many were killed that day—some twenty thousand.
Maa'ab İzrailyna g'oşun Davudne insanaaşile avub aaxva. Mane yiğıl maa'ab geeb eb k'yapk'ın, g'ad aazır insan qik'u.
8 The battle covered the whole countryside, and that day more died because of the forest than were killed by the sword.
Maana dəv'ə hiqiy-allane gırgıne cigabışeeqab hiviyxharna. Mane yiğıl ç'alagın g'ılıncıle geeb insanar gyabat'a.
9 Absalom ran into some of David's men while he was riding on his mule. As the mule went under the twisted branches of a large oak tree, Absalom's hair got caught in the tree. The mule he was riding kept going, leaving him hanging between earth and sky.
Avşalom Davudne insanaaşisqa qızaxxa. Mana cune g'atiril alixı, xənne mı'qəne yivek avğançe ı'lğəəmee, mang'una vuk'ul yivene geed bıtağbınane cigayk açayxar. Məxür mana xəə'ər givarxın axva, vuc alixına g'atirme qığevç'u avayk'anna.
10 One of David's men saw what happened, so he told Joab, “I just saw Absalom hanging from an oak tree!”
Eskeraaşine sang'uk'le man g'acu, Yoavıs yuşan ha'a: – Zak'le həşde Avşalom mı'qəne yivele qı'xı' g'acu.
11 “What! You saw him like that?” Joab said to the man. “Why didn't you kill him right then and there? I would have given you ten shekels of silver and a soldier's belt as a reward!”
Yoavee cus man yuşan hı'iyne insanık'le eyhen: – Hucoo? Vak'le manayee g'acu? Nya'a ğu mana mankecar ı'xı' gidek'u? Zı vas mançil-alla yits'ılle şekel nuk'rayniy sayib ts'iraniy hevles.
12 But the man replied, “Even if you gave me a thousand shekels of silver, I wouldn't hurt the king's son. We all heard the king give the order to you, Abishai, and Ittai, ‘Look after young Absalom for me.’
Mane insanee Yoavık'le eyhen: – Yizde xılyaqa aazır şekelib huvunaxhiy, zı paççahne duxaylqa xıl g'udyoyt'alıy. Vak'le, Avişayk'le, İttayk'le, «Yizdemee mana gade Avşalom havaceva» paççahee əmr haa'a zak'le g'ayxhiyn.
13 If I had disobeyed and killed Absalom—and the king finds out everything—you yourself wouldn't have defended me.”
Zı paççahne cuvabıke qığeç'u, Avşalom gik'unaxhiy, vuççud nəxüdcad paççahıke dyugul ha'as eyxhe deş. Ğunad yizın sura aqqas deşdiy.
14 “I'm not going to waste time waiting around like this with you!” Joab told him. He grabbed three spears and drove them into Absalom's heart while he was still alive, hanging from the oak tree.
Yoavee mang'uk'le eyhen: – Zaqa, vaka avaak'an haa'asda gah deşda. Avşalom mı'qəne yivele qı'xı'carniy vor, mana qik'u deşiy. Yoavee xılyaqa xhebılle mizrag alyat'u, mang'une yik'eeqa hiyxə.
15 Ten of Joab's armor-bearers surrounded Absalom and hacked him to death.
Yoavın silah haqqana yits'iyre gade Avşalomusqa yoq'ne surale qeepxha, mana ı'xı' gek'ana.
16 Then Joab blew the ram's horn, and his men stopped chasing the Israelites because Joab had signaled them to stop.
Qiyğa, g'oşunun İzrailybışiqa qihna gyapk'iy ç'əv he'ecenva, Yoavee şeypur ı'lyviyxə.
17 They took Absalom and threw him into a deep pit in the forest, and piled a large heap of stones over him. All the Israelites ran away to their homes.
Avşalomur yivele g'ayşu, ç'alageene sa xənne g'uyeeqa dağaraççe. Ooqab g'ayebışda anbar saa'a. Manke gırgın İzrailybı cone xaybışeeqa heebaxa.
18 Absalom while he was alive had made a stone pillar and set it up in the King's Valley as a memorial to himself, for he thought to himself, “I don't have a son to keep the memory of my name alive.” He named the pillar after himself, and it's called Absalom's Monument even today.
Avşalomee üç'ürnang'a sa xəbna g'aye alyapt'ı, mana Paççahaaşine Q'adaalil cus aabida xhinne ulyoozar haa'a. Mang'vee mane g'ayel «Zas yizın do havacesda dix ıxha deşva» uvhu, mane g'ayeys cun do hele. G'iyniyne yiğılid mançik'le Avşalomna haykalva eyhe.
19 Then Ahimaaz, son of Zadok, said, “Please let me run and take the good news to the king that the Lord has vindicated him over his enemies.”
Tsadokne duxee, Axima'atsee eyhen: – Hasre zı g'adayxvan paççahısqa hark'ın, Rəbbee vuc duşmanaaşine xılençe g'attixhan hı'ıva xabar hevles.
20 “You're not the man to take the good news today,” Joab replied. “You can do it some other time, but don't do it today, because the king's son is dead.”
Yoavee mang'uk'le eyhen: – Ğu mana gaf g'iyna deş, sa menne yiğıl sa mebna yugna gaf paççahıs hee'e. G'iyna mang'una dix qik'u.
21 So Joab said to a man from Ethiopia, “Go and tell the king what you have seen.” He bowed to Joab and ran off.
Yoavee Kuş eyhene cigeençene adamiyk'le eyhen: – Hoora, paççahısqa hak'ne, g'iyna g'acuynbı mang'us yuşan he'e. Mana insanır Yoavıs kyorzul, mançe g'adayxvan ayk'anna.
22 Ahimaaz asked Joab again, “Never mind what happens, please let me run too, after the Ethiopian!” “Son, why do you want to run—you won't get anything for it?” Joab replied.
Tsadokne duxee Axima'atsee meed Yoavık'le eyhen: – Hucooyiy eyxhe ixhecen, hasre zınar şene adamiyqa qihna g'adaxvanas. Yoavee eyhen: – Nya'a, dix, vasır şeng'uqar qihna g'adaxvanas ıkkan? Ğu mana gaf hav'uva vas mukaafat heles deş.
23 “Doesn't matter, I want to run anyway,” he said. “Fine, start running!” Joab told him. Ahimaaz took the route over flatter ground and overtook the Ethiopian.
Mang'vee eyhen: – Hasre hucooyiy eyxhe ixhecen, zı g'adaxvanasda. Yoavee mang'uk'le «G'adaxvneva» eyhe. Axima'ats Q'adaaline yəqqı'n g'adarxhun, Kuş eyhene cigeençene adamiyle ögee qexhe.
24 David was sitting between the inside and outside gates. The watchman climbed up to the roof of the gateway by the wall. He looked out, and saw a man running by himself.
Mane gahıl Davud anneyiy g'anne akkabışde yı'q'nee gyu'ur eyxhe. G'aravulyçiy şaharne akkayne oone cabırılqa ılqeç'umee, mang'uk'le sa insan g'adayxvan qöö g'ece.
25 So he shouted down to tell the king. “If he's by himself then he's bringing good news,” the king replied. As the first runner got closer,
Mang'vee paççahılqa onu'u, cuk'le g'acuyn paççahıs yuşan ha'a. Paççahee eyhen: – İnsan saxhee mang'vee, xabar vukkekka vuxhes. Mana insan hiyxhar ıxha.
26 the watchman saw someone else running, and he shouted down to the gatekeeper, “Look! There's another man running by himself!” “He'll also be bringing good news,” said the king.
G'aravulyçiyk'le g'adayxvan qööna sa merna insanır g'ece. Mang'vee akkee ulyorzuling'ulqa onu'u, eyhen: – Meer sa merna insanır g'adayxvan qöö. Paççahee eyhen: – Manar xabar vukkekkana vor.
27 “The first man seems to me to be running like Ahimaaz, son of Zadok,” said the watchman. “He's a good man,” he king replied. “He'll bring good news.”
G'aravulyçee eyhen: – Ts'erriyng'un g'adarxhuniy Tsadokne duxayne Axima'atsne g'adarxhuniyıkıd akar. Paççahee eyhen: – Mana yugna insan vor, mana yugne xabarıka ı'qqə.
28 Ahimaaz shouted out greetings to the king, Then he came and he bowed facedown before the king. “Blessed be the Lord your God!” he said. “He has defeated the men who rebelled against Your Majesty!”
Axima'atsee paççahık'le it'umda eyhen: – Gırgın yugda vod! Qiyğa mana paççahne ögil ç'iyelqamee k'yorzul eyhen: – Yuğne Allahıs, Rəbbis şukur vuxhena! Rəbbee valqa, yizde paççahılqa, xıl g'ott'uluynbı yuğnecab xılyaqa quvuynbı.
29 “How is young Absalom? Is he alright?” the king asked. Ahimaaz answered, “It was very chaotic when your officer Joab sent me, your servant. I really don't know what was happening.”
Paççahee eyhen: – Yizda dix Avşalom yugrane vor? Axima'atsee eyhen: – Yoavee zınay sa merna paççahna nukar g'uxoolemee, zak'le maa'ad alikkı-gikkıy gitxhu g'acu. Zak'le maa hucoome ıxhay, nenme ıxhay ats'a deş.
30 “Stand to one side and wait,” the king told him. So Ahimaaz stood to one side and waited.
Paççahee eyhen: – Sa suralqana qıxha, maa'ar ulyozre. Manar sa suralqana qıxha ulyoyzarna.
31 Right then the Ethiopian arrived and said, “Your Majesty, listen to the good news! Today the Lord has defeated all those who rebelled against you!”
Kuş eyhene cigeençena qarı eyhen: – Yizde xərıng'us, paççahıs zaqa yugna xabar vobna! Rəbbee g'iyna valqa g'elil qeepxhaynbışde xılençe ğu g'attixhan hı'ına.
32 “How is young Absalom? Is he alright?” the king asked. The Ethiopian replied, “May what has happened to the young man happen to Your Majesty's enemies, and to everyone who rebels against you!”
Paççahee mang'uk'le eyhen: – Yizda dix Avşalom yugrane vor? Kuş eyhene cigeençeng'vee eyhen: – Hasre yizde xərıng'une paççahne duşmanaaşikiy, mang'ulqa g'elil qeepxhayne gırgıng'uk Avşalomuk ıxhayn ixhecen.
33 The king broke down. He went up to the room over the gate and cried. As he walked, he sobbed out, “My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! I wish I'd died instead of you, Absalom, my son, my son!”
Paççah sacuraycar qa'a. Mana şaharne akkabışde oone gozeeqa ılqeç'u, geşşena. Mang'vee ooqa ılqə-ılqə eyhe ıxha: – Yizda dix, yizda dix Avşalom! Dix, yiğne cigee zıcarxhiy qik'una! Yizda dix Avşalom!

< 2 Samuel 18 >