< 1 Samuel 1 >

1 Once there was a man from Ramathaim-zophim in the hill country of Ephraim. His name was Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, from the tribe of Ephraim.
Masang laiyin Elkanah kiti mikhat Ramah kho thinglhang gam molsang Ramathiam Zophim mun’ah anacheng in ahi. Ama chu Jeroham chapa, Elihu chapa, Tohu chapa, Zuph chapa, Ephriam mi ahi.
2 He had two wives. The name of the first wife was Hannah, and the name of the second, Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
Elkanah in ji ni aneiyin, Hannah le Peninnah ahi. Peninnah in cha aneiyin, ahin Hannah vang'in aneipoi.
3 Every year Elkanah would leave his town and go to worship and sacrifice to the Lord Almighty at Shiloh, where Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were the Lord's priests.
Elkanah hi kumseh leh Shiloh a Pakai van gam sepaite henga gan kilhaina maicham semdin acheyin ahi. Hiche lai chun Eli Pakai thempupan chapa ni aneiyin ahi, amani min chu Hopni le Phinehe ahilhone.
4 Whenever Elkanah offered a sacrifice, he would give portions of it to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters.
Elkanah hin gan kilhaina abolni tengle achan dingdol sachan chu Peninnah le achate apeyin ahi.
5 He would give an extra portion to Hannah, to show his love for her even though the Lord hadn't given her any children.
Chule Hannah angailut jeh chun, Pakaiyin anaobu akhapeh jeh chun, sachan chan khat bou apeyin ahi.
6 Her rival—the other wife—would taunt her badly to upset her because the Lord hadn't given her any children.
Chumale Pakaiyin Hannah chu anaobu akhapeh jeh chun, Peninnah in jong Hannah chu noise tah in alunghan han nadin totnopnan abolyin ahi.
7 This went on for years. Whenever Hannah went to the Lord's Temple, Peninnah would taunt her until she cried and couldn't eat.
Kumlhun seh leh abang bang ahiyingin-Hannah Pakai hou dinga Houin'a achetengle Peninnah kitinu hin phin lunghang jin, hijeh chun amanu akapin anjong aneji tapon ahi.
8 “Hannah, what are you crying for?” her husband Elkanah would ask. “Why don't you eat? Why are you so upset? Aren't I better to you than ten sons?”
“Ipi jeh’a naka ham, Hannah?” Elkanah in adongin, “Ibola an nelouva umah nahim? Chule ibola lungkhama um nahim? Kei neinei hime-chapa somkhat neiho sanga kaphatchom joh louham? ati.
9 One time when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah got up and went to the Temple. Eli the priest was sitting on his seat by the entrance to the Lord's Temple.
Amahon Shiloh’a gan kilhaina anneh, twidon achaiphat’un, Hannah akipatdoh in taoding in achetai. Eli thempu chu Pakai houin khombul khatna touna chunga touva ahi.
10 She was terribly upset, and prayed to the Lord as she cried and cried.
Hannah vang chu lhase beh seh jengin, Pakai henga ataovin, lhasetah in akapjah in ahi.
11 She made a vow, asking, “Lord Almighty, if only you would pay attention to the suffering of your servant and remember me, and not forget me but give me a son, then I will dedicate him to the Lord for his whole life, and no razor shall ever touch his head.”
Chule amanun kitepna khat aneiyin, “O Van gam Sepaite Pakai, gentheiya ka kana neihin velhin lang kataona neihin ngailhah peh inlang ‘chapa khat neipetan,’” ati.
12 As Hannah went on praying before the Lord, Eli watched her mouth.
Amanu Pakai henga ataopet’in Eli thempun ane phunchu ana mulhin ahi.
13 Hannah was praying in her head, and though her lips were moving, her voice made no sound. Eli thought she must be drunk.
Anephu achaloh chu amun, ahinlah ataogin aw chu ajapoi, ageldan in amanu hin ju adonkham hinte ati ahi.
14 “Do you have to come here drunk?” he asked. “Get rid of your wine!”
Aman Hannah jah’a “Hilai munna hi jukham puma nahung ham? Najukham chu paidoh loijin,” ati.
15 “It's not that, my lord,” Hannah replied. “I'm a very miserable woman. I haven't been drinking wine or beer; I'm just pouring my heart out to the Lord.
“Kahipoi, kapu!” tin adonbut’e, “Keiman ju kadonpoi, chule khamnathei ho jong kadonpoi, ahinlah kei hi numei genthei chungnung kahi, Pakai agsunga hi kahinna pumpia thuseijoh kahibouve,” ati.
16 Please don't think I'm a bad woman! I have been praying because of all my troubles and grief.”
“Keima numei phalouvin neigel hihbeh in! Ahinlah lung genthei puma taojing jengjoh kahibouve,” ati.
17 “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel give you what you have asked him for,” Eli replied.
Hiche chung thu ahin Elin hitin ana seipeh in ahi, “Lungmongin chetan, Israel Pathen in nathilthum jouse chu nasan peh intin phatthei naboh hen.”
18 “Thank you for your kindness to your servant,” she said. Then she went on her way, had something to eat, and she didn't look sad any more.
Hannah in jong, “Oh hepu kakipah e!” atin, akinunglen an anepantai, alungkham tapon ahi.
19 Elkanah and Hannah got up early the next morning to worship the Lord and then they went home to Ramah. Elkanah made love to his wife Hannah, and the Lord honored her request.
Ajingkah khovah matah’in ainsung pumpi athouvun, Pakai houkit dingin ache tauve. Chujou’in ain’u Ramah ah ahung kile kit tauvin ahi.
20 In due course she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”
Chule Hannah chun aphat chan, naosen pasal khat aneitai. Amanun jong amin Samuel asahtai, ajeh chu “Ama ding’a hi Pakai koma kathum ahi,” ati.
21 Elkanah and all his family went to make the yearly sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow.
Akum kit’in Elkanah le ainsung mite jouse kum kichaiya gan kilhaina-a Pakai hou ding in akitol kit tauve.
22 But Hannah did not go. She told her husband, “Once the boy is weaned I will take him to be presented to the Lord and to remain there forever.”
Ahinlah Hannah chu anache tapon ahi. Ainneipu komah hitin aseiyin, “Naosen aletdom kahsen ngah hitin kumkit tengle keiman hinpui ingting, imatih chana dingin Pakai toh umden tante,” ati.
23 “Do as you see fit,” her husband Elkanah replied. “Stay here until you have weaned him. May the Lord fulfill what he has said.” So Hannah stayed behind and nursed her son until she had weaned him.
Nasei chu aphaselle tin Elkanah in pha asatai. “Tutadin hichea hin uminlang, Pakaiyin nakitepna bang in napanpi hen.” Hijeh chun amanu inah aumin, naosen aletdom kahsen aumpin ahi.
24 When she had weaned him, Hannah took the boy with her, along with a three-year-old bull, an ephah of flour, and a wineskin containing wine. Even though the boy was young, she brought him to the Lord's Temple at Shiloh.
Chuin naosen ahunglet domphat in, Hannah in Shiloh a pon-in ah ahinpuiyin ahi. Amahon bongchal kumthum lhingsa khat toh ahinpui thauvin, changbong neldisel Ephah dimkhat toh apon lengpitwi peng thei khat dimset toh akidop’in naosen chapang chu Shiloh khoa Pakai houna in ah ahin puilut tai, naosen chu chapang chabou ahi nalaiye.
25 After they had slaughtered the bull, they presented the boy to Eli.
Bongchal atha jou phat’un amahon naosen chu Eli thempu kom ahin puilut tauve.
26 “Please, my lord,” said Hannah, “as surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here with you praying to the Lord.
“Kapuu, neigeldoh em?” tin Hannah in adong in ahi. “Keima kum tampi hilai muna Pakai henga anatao jing numei nu chu kahi,” ati.
27 I prayed for this boy, and since the Lord has given me what I asked him for,
“Pakai koma hiche chapa hi eipeh dia ana taojing kahin, Pakaiyin kataona eidonbut pen tan ahi,” ati.
28 now I'm giving him to the Lord. As long as he lives he will be dedicated to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.
“Tun keiman amahi Pakai henga kahin pehdoh ahitai. Ahinkho lhumkeiya dinga kapehdoh ahitai. Hichun amahon hikoma chun Pakai chibai aboh tauve.

< 1 Samuel 1 >