< Job 34 >

1 And Eliu continued his discourse, and said:
Eka Elihu nowacho kama:
2 Hear ye, wise men, my words, and ye learned, hearken to me:
“Winjuru wechena, un joma riek; chiknauru itu, un joma osomo.
3 For the ear trieth words, and the mouth discerneth meats by the taste.
Nikech it temo weche mana kaka lep bilo chiemo.
4 Let us choose to us judgment, and let us see among ourselves what is the best.
Wayieruru kendwa gima nikare; wapuonjreuru kaachiel kuom gima ber.
5 For Job hath said: I am just, and God hath overthrown my judgment.
“Ayub wacho ni, ‘Aonge ketho, to Nyasaye otamore timona maber.
6 For in judging me there is a lie: my arrow is violent without any sin.
Kata obedo ni an kare, to pod ikwana mana ni an ja-miriambo; kata obedo ni aonge ketho, to asere mare osechwoya, moweya gi adhola ma ok thiedhre!’
7 What man is there like Job, who drinketh up scorning like water?
To en ngʼa machalo gi Ayub; mamodho ajara kaka pi?
8 Who goeth in company with them that work iniquity, and walketh with wicked men?
En e achiel gi joma timbegi richo; kendo oriwore gi joricho.
9 For he hath said: Man shall not please God, although he run with him.
Nikech osebedo kowacho ni, ‘Onge ohala ma dhano yudo, ka otemo matek mondo otim gima ber ne Nyasaye!’
10 Therefore, ye men of understanding, hear me: far from god be wickedness, and iniquity from the Almighty.
“Omiyo lingʼuru uwinja, un joma nigi winjo. Nyasaye ok nyal timo gima rach kata dichiel, Jehova Nyasaye Maratego ok tim gima ok owinjore.
11 For he will render to a man his work, and according to the ways of every one he will reward them.
Ochulo dhano kaluwore gi timbene okelone mana gima owinjore gi timbene.
12 For in very deed God will not condemn without cause, neither will the Almighty pervert judgment.
En gima kwero mondo Nyasaye otim gima ok owinjore; kendo mondo Jehova Nyasaye Maratego ongʼad bura ma ok nikare.
13 What other hath he appointed over the earth? or whom hath he set over the world which he made?
En ngʼa mane okete jarit piny? En ngʼa mane oketo piny duto e bwo tekone?
14 If he turn his heart to him, he shall draw his spirit and breath unto himself.
Ka dabed ni Nyasaye ogolo muche makelo ngima kuom dhano,
15 All flesh shall perish together, and man shall return into ashes.
to ji duto ditho dichiel kendo dhano didogi e lowo.
16 If then thou hast understanding, hear what is said, and hearken to the voice of my words.
“Ka un gi winjo adier to winjuru wachni; kendo chikuru itu ne gima awacho.
17 Can he be healed that loveth not judgment? and how dost thou so far condemn him that is just?
Ngʼama ochayo adiera bende nyalo rito loch adier? Ere gimomiyo iketo bura kuom ngʼama ja-ratiro kendo Jal Maratego?
18 Who saith to the king: Thou art an apostate: who calleth rulers ungodly?
Donge Nyasaye ema wacho ne ruodhi ni, ‘Un joma nono,’ kendo owacho ne jo-mwandu ni, ‘Timbeu richo,’
19 Who accepteth not the persons of princes: nor hath regarded the tyrant, when he contended against the poor man: for all are the work of his hands.
Nyasaye ok odewo kata mana wangʼ ruodhi kendo ok otim maber ne jo-mwandu to jochan to oweyo, nikech gin duto gin chwech lwete?
20 They shall suddenly die, and the people shall be troubled at midnight, and they shall pass, and take away the violent without hand.
Joma roteke tho apoya e dier otieno; inegogi mi gilal nono, kendo igologi e dier ji, to ok gi lwet dhano.
21 For his eyes are upon the ways of men, and he considereth all their steps.
“Wangʼe osiko karango timbe ji; oneno okangʼ kokangʼ ma gigoyo.
22 There is no darkness, and there is no shadow of death, where they may be hid who work iniquity.
Onge kama otimo mudho kata kama olil gi tipo ma joricho nyalo pondoe.
23 For it is no longer in the power of man to enter into judgment with God.
Onge gima ochuno ni Nyasaye nyaka non dhano amingʼa eka okelgi e nyime mondo oyalgi.
24 He shall break in pieces many and innumerable, and shall make others to stand in their stead.
Oketho telo mar joma roteke ma ok oyalogi kendo oketo joma moko e telo kargi.
25 For he knoweth their works: and therefore he shall bring night on them, and they shall be destroyed.
Nikech ongʼeyo timbegi oloko loch mag-gi gotieno mi otiekgi chuth.
26 He hath struck them, as being wicked, in open sight.
Okumo joricho e lela nikech timbegi maricho kama ji duto nyalo nenogie,
27 Who as it were on purpose have revolted from him, and would not understand all his ways:
nikech negilokore giweyo luwe kendo ne ok gidewo yorene kata achiel.
28 So that they caused the cry of the needy to come to him, and he heard the voice of the poor.
Negimiyo ywak joma odhier ochopo malo e nyime, mine owinjo ywak jochan.
29 For when he granteth peace, who is there that can condemn? When he hideth his countenance, who is there that can behold him, whether it regard nations, or all men?
Kata ka nenore ni olingʼ, to en ngʼa ma dingʼadne bura? Koso kopando wangʼe, to en ngʼa ma dinene? To kata kamano en ema orito ogendini
30 Who maketh a man that is a hypocrite to reign for the sins of the people?
mondo kik gibed e bwo loch ngʼat mokia Nyasaye, kendo machiko ni ji obadho.
31 Seeing then I have spoken of God, I will not hinder thee in thy turn.
“Ka dipo ngʼato nyalo wachone Nyasaye ni, ‘Aseketho to ok anachak atimne ngʼato marach.
32 If I have erred, teach thou me: if I have spoken iniquity, I will add no more.
Puonja mondo ane gik mopondona; kapo asetimo gimoro marach, to ok abi achak atim kamano kendo!’
33 Doth God require it of thee, because it hath displeased thee? for thou begannest to speak, and not I: but if thou know any thing better, speak.
Ere kaka idwaro ni Nyasaye otimni maber, to in to idagi lokori? In ema nyaka ingʼad e pachi iwuon, ok an, omiyo koro nyisane gima ingʼeyo.
34 Let men of understanding speak to me, and let a wise man hearken to me.
“Joma nigi winjo nyiso pachgi joma riek mawinja wachona ni,
35 But Job hath spoken foolishly, and his words sound not discipline.
‘Ayub osewuoyo maonge rieko; osewacho weche ma ok oparo maber.’
36 My father, let Job be tried even to the end: cease not from the man of iniquity.
Yaye, mad med ameda temo Ayub nyaka giko nikech aduokane chalo aduoka ngʼama timbene richo.
37 Because he addeth blasphemy upon his sins, let him be tied fast in the mean time amongst us: and then let him provoke God to judgment with his speeches.
Omedo dhi nyime gi timo richo koyanyo Nyasaye e nyim ogandane, kendo omedo wuoyo marach kuom Nyasaye.”

< Job 34 >