< 2 Kings 7 >
1 And Eliseus said: Hear ye the word of the Lord: Thus saith the Lord: Tomorrow about this time a bushel of fine hour shall be sold for a stater, and two bushels of barley for a stater, in the gate of Samaria.
Elisha nowacho niya, “Winjuru wach ma Jehova Nyasaye. Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: Kiny kar sa maka ma, nengo gorogoro achiel mar mogo ibiro ngʼiewo silingʼ achiel, kendo gorogoro ariyo mar mogo mar shairi bende nongʼiew silingʼ ariyo e dhoranga Samaria.”
2 Then one of the lords, upon whose hand the king leaned, answering the man of God, said: If the Lord should make flood-gates in heaven, can that possibly be which thou sayest? And he said: Thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.
Jatelo ma ruoth ne yiengore e goke nowachone ngʼat Nyasaye niya, “Winji, kata ka Jehova Nyasaye nyalo yawo dhorangeye mag polo, bende manyalo timore adier?” Elisha nodwoke niya, “Ibiro neno ma gi wengeni iwuon, to ok inicham gimoro amora kuomgi!”
3 Now there were four lepers, at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another: What mean we to stay here till we die?
Koro ne nitie ji angʼwen ma jodhoho, mane bet e dhoranga dala maduongʼ. Negiwacho e kindgi giwegi niya, “Angʼo momiyo dwabed ka nyaka watho?
4 If we will enter into the city, we shall die with the famine: and if we will remain here, we must also die: come, therefore, and let us run over to the camp of the Syrians. If they spare us, we shall live: but if they kill us, we shall but die.
Ka wawacho ni wabiro dhi e dala maduongʼ, to kech ni kuno kendo wabiro tho. To bende ka wabet ka, pod wabiro mana tho. Kuom mano wadhiuru e kambi jo-Aram mondo wachiwre e lwetgi. Ka giweyowa to wanabed mangima, to ka ginegowa to wanatho.”
5 So they arose in the evening, to go to the Syrian camp, And when they were come to the first part of the camp of the Syrians, they found no man there.
Kar kogwen negiwuok ma gidhi e kambi jo-Aram. Kane gichopo e dho kambi, kata mana ngʼat achiel ne onge kanyo,
6 For the Lord had made them hear, in the camp of Syria, the noise of chariots, and of horses, and of a very great army, and they said one to another: Behold the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hethites, and of the Egyptians, and they are come upon us.
nikech Ruoth Nyasaye nosekelo luoro e chuny jo-Aram ma giwinjo geche, farese kod jolweny mangʼeny, mani nomiyo giwacho e kindgi giwegi niya, “Neyeuru kaka ruodh Israel osengʼiewo pinje mag jo-Hiti gi ruodhi mag Misri mondo omonjwa!”
7 Wherefore they arose, and fled away in the dark, and left their tents, and their horses and asses in the camp, and fled, desiring to save their lives.
Kuom mano negia malo kar kogwen ma giringo ka giweyo hembegi, farese kod punde. Negiweyo kambigi gi mwandu duto mondo gitony gires ngimagi.
8 So when these lepers were come to the beginning of the camp, they went into one tent, and ate and drank: and they took from thence silver, and gold, and raiment, and went, and hid it: and they came again, and went into another tent, and carried from thence in like manner, and hid it.
Jodhohogo nodhi nyaka dho kambi ma gidonjo e achiel kuom hembego. Negichamo chiemo kendo gimetho bangʼe gitingʼo fedha, dhahabu kod lewni mine gidhi gipandogi. Negidwogo kendo mi gidonjo e hema machielo, ma gikawo gik moko kanyo kendo gidok gipando.
9 Then they said one to another: We do not well: for this is a day of good tidings. If we hold our peace, and do not tell it till the morning, we shall be charged with a crime: come, let us go and tell it in the king’s court.
Eka negiwacho kendgi giwegi niya, “Ok watim gima kare. Ma en odiechiengʼ mar wach maber, to eka walingʼ-go mana kendwa. Ka warito ma piny oyawore, to wabiro yudo kum. Kuom mano wadhiuru sani sani mondo water wachni ni joka ruoth.”
10 So they came to the gate of the city, and told them, saying: We went to the camp of the Syrians, and we found no man there, but horses, and asses tied, and the tents standing.
Omiyo negidhi magiluongo jorit rangeye mag dala maduongʼ kendo giwachonegi niya, “Ne wadhi e kambi jo-Aram to ok wayudo kata ngʼato achiel kata dwond ngʼato ne ok wawinjo to mana farese motwe gi punde kod hembe mowe mana kaka ne gin.”
11 Then the guards of the gate went, and told it within the king’s palace.
Jorit rangeye nogoyo koko kowinjo wach maberno mi wachno notundo ne joka ruoth.
12 And he arose in the night and said to his servants: I tell you what the Syrians have done to us: They know that we suffer great famine, and therefore they are gone out of the camp, and lie hid in the fields, saying: When they come out of the city we shall take them alive, and then we may get into the city.
Ruoth nochungʼ malo otienono mowachone jodonge niya “Abiro nyisou gima jo-Aram osetimonwa. Gingʼeyo ni kech omakowa, omiyo giringo gia e kambigi ka gidhi pondo e bungu, ka giparo ni, ‘Jogi biro wuok oko kendo wabiro dhi ma wakawgi duto ka gingima miwadonji e dala maduongʼ.’”
13 And one of his servants answered: Let us take the five horses that are remaining in the city (because there are no more in the whole multitude of Israel, for the rest are consumed, ) and let us send and see.
Achiel kuom jodonge nodwoko niya, “Yier jomoko odhi e dala maduongʼ mondo okaw farese abich modongʼ kanyo. Ngima joidh faresego biro chalo mana gi ngima jo-Israel mowe ka; adier, gibiro chalo mana gi jo-Israel ma kech kayogi. Kuom mano waorgi mondo gidhi ginon gima timore.”
14 They brought therefore two horses, and the king sent into the camp of the Syrians, saying: Go, and see.
Eka ne giyiero geche lweny ariyo gi faresegi kendo ruoth noorogi luwo bangʼ jolweny mag Aram. Nowachone joriemb gechego niya, “Dhiuru mondo unon-ane gima osetimore.”
15 And they went after them as far as the Jordan: and behold all the way was full of garments, and vessels, which the Syrians had cast away in their fright, and the messengers returned and told the king.
Negiluwo bangʼ-gi nyaka aora Jordan mine giyudo ka yo opongʼ gi lewni kod gik moko mane lwar ka jo-Aram ringo ka kihondko ogoyogi. Bangʼ mano jootego noduogo monyiso ruoth gima gisetimo.
16 And the people going out pillaged the camp of the Syrians: and a bushel of fine flour was sold for a stater, and two bushels of barley for a stater, according to the word of the Lord.
Eka ji nowuok modhi oyako kambi jo-Aram. Kuom mano nengo gorogoro achiel mar mogo ne en silingʼ achiel to mogo mar shairi gorogoro ariyo nongʼiew silingʼ achiel mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nosewacho.
17 And the king appointed that lord on whose hand he leaned, to stand at the gate: and the people trod upon him in the entrance of the gate; and he died, as the man of God had said, when the king came down to him.
Ruoth noketo jatend lweny mane oyiengore goke cha mondo orit dhorangach, to ji nonyone ka gimwomore e dhorangach motho mana kaka ngʼat Nyasaye ne osekoro e kinde mane ruoth obiro neno janabino e ode.
18 And it came to pass according to the word of the man of God, which he spoke to the king, when he said: Two bushels of barley shall be for a stater, and a bushel of fine flour for a stater, at this very time tomorrow in the gate of Samaria.
Notimore mana kaka ngʼat Nyasaye ne osewacho ni ruoth niya, “Kiny e sa maka ma, nengo mar mogo gorogoro achiel nongʼiew silingʼ achiel to mogo mar shairi gorogoro ariyo nongʼiew silingʼ achiel e dhoranga Samaria.”
19 When that lord answered the man of God, and said: Although the Lord should make flood-gates in heaven, could this come to pass which thou sayest? And he said to him: Thou shalt see with thy eyes, and shalt not eat thereof.
To jateloni nowachone ngʼat Nyasaye niya, “Winji, kata ka Jehova Nyasaye nyalo yawo dhorangeye mag polo, bende manyalo timore adier?” Ngʼat Nyasaye nodwoke niya, “Ibiro nene gi wangʼi, to ok inicham gimoro amora kuome!”
20 And so it fell out to him as it was foretold, and the people trod upon him in the gate, and he died.
Kendo mano e gima ne otimorene, nimar ji nomwomore gie dhorangach monyone mi otho.