< 1 Kings 5 >

1 And Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon; for he had heard that they had anointed him king in the place of his father; for Hiram always loved David.
UHiramu inkosi yeTire wasethuma inceku zakhe kuSolomoni, ngoba wayezwile ukuthi bamgcobile ukuthi abe yinkosi esikhundleni sikayise, ngoba uHiramu wayemthanda uDavida insuku zonke.
2 And Solomon sent to Hiram, saying,
USolomoni wasethumela kuHiramu esithi:
3 Thou knowest that David my father could not build a house unto the name of Jehovah his God, because of the wars which were about him on every side, until Jehovah put them under the soles of his feet.
Wena uyazi ukuthi uDavida ubaba wayengelakwakhela ibizo leNkosi uNkulunkulu wakhe indlu ngenxa yezimpi ezazimzingelezele, iNkosi yaze yazifaka ngaphansi kwengaphansi yenyawo zakhe.
4 But now Jehovah my God has given me rest on every side: there is neither adversary nor evil event.
Kodwa khathesi iNkosi uNkulunkulu inginikile ukuphumula inhlangothi zonke; kakulasitha, njalo kakulabubi obenzakalayo.
5 And behold, I purpose to build a house unto the name of Jehovah my God, as Jehovah spoke to David my father saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy stead, he shall build a house unto my name.
Khangela-ke, ngizimisele ukwakhela ibizo leNkosi uNkulunkulu wami indlu njengokutsho kweNkosi kuDavida ubaba isithi: Indodana yakho engizayibeka esihlalweni sakho sobukhosi esikhundleni sakho, yona izakwakhela ibizo lami indlu.
6 And now command that they hew me cedar-trees out of Lebanon; and my servants shall be with thy servants; and I will give thee hire for thy servants according to all that thou shalt say; for thou knowest that there is not among us any that are experienced in cutting timber like to the Zidonians.
Ngakho-ke laya ukuthi bangigamulele imisedari eLebhanoni, lenceku zami zizakuba lenceku zakho; leholo lenceku zakho ngizakunika njengakho konke okutshoyo. Ngoba wena uyakwazi ukuthi kakho phakathi kwethu okwaziyo ukugamula izihlahla njengabeSidoni.
7 And it came to pass when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be Jehovah this day, who has given to David a wise son over this great people.
Kwasekusithi uHiramu esizwa amazwi kaSolomoni wathokoza kakhulu wathi: Kayibusiswe iNkosi lamuhla emnikileyo uDavida indodana ehlakaniphileyo phezu kwalesisizwe esikhulu.
8 And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have heard the things which thou sentest to me for: I will do all thy desire concerning timber of cedar, and concerning timber of cypress.
UHiramu wasethumela kuSolomoni esithi: Ngizwile lokho ongithumele ngakho; mina ngizakwenza zonke iziloyiso zakho mayelana lezigodo zemisedari lamayelana lezigodo zamafiri.
9 My servants shall bring [them] down from Lebanon to the sea; and I will convey them by sea [in] rafts to the place that thou shalt appoint me, and will cause them to be broken up there, and thou shalt receive them. And thou shalt accomplish my desire in giving food for my household.
Inceku zami zizazehlisa zisuka eLebhanoni zisiya elwandle; mina-ke ngizazenza okundendayo olwandle ukuya endaweni ozayiqamba kimi, ngizithukulule lapho; wena-ke uzazithathela khona, wena uzakwenza isifiso sami ngokupha abendlu yami ukudla.
10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar-trees and cypress-trees [according to] all his desire.
Ngakho uHiramu wamnika uSolomoni izigodo zemisedari lezigodo zamafiri njengokwezifiso zakhe zonke.
11 And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of wheat as food for his household, and twenty measures of beaten oil: thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year.
LoSolomoni wanika uHiramu amakhori engqoloyi azinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amathathu lambili, ukudla kwabendlu yakhe, lamakhori angamatshumi amabili amafutha akhanyiweyo. Ngokunjalo uSolomoni wamupha uHiramu iminyaka ngeminyaka.
12 And Jehovah gave Solomon wisdom as he promised him. And there was peace between Hiram and Solomon; and they two made a league.
INkosi yasimnika uSolomoni inhlakanipho njengokutsho kwayo kuye. Kwasekusiba khona ukuthula phakathi kukaHiramu loSolomoni; benza isivumelwano bobabili.
13 And king Solomon raised a levy out of all Israel; and the levy was thirty thousand men.
Inkosi uSolomoni yabutha izibhalwa kuIsrayeli wonke; lezibhalwa zazingabantu abazinkulungwane ezingamatshumi amathathu.
14 And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month by courses; a month they were in Lebanon, two months at home; and Adoniram was over the levy.
Yasibathuma eLebhanoni, abazinkulungwane ezilitshumi ngenyanga ngamazopho, inyanga beseLebhanoni, inyanga ezimbili besekhaya. LoAdoniramu wayephezu kwezibhalwa.
15 And Solomon had seventy thousand that bore burdens, and eighty thousand stone-masons in the mountains;
Futhi uSolomoni wayelabayizinkulungwane ezingamatshumi ayisikhombisa abathwala imithwalo, lababazi abazinkulungwane ezingamatshumi ayisificaminwembili ezintabeni,
16 besides the overseers whom Solomon had set over the work, three thousand three hundred, who ruled over the people that wrought in the work.
ngaphandle kwezinduna zabaphathi bakaSolomoni, ababephethe umsebenzi, izinkulungwane ezintathu lamakhulu amathathu, ezazibusa abantu ababesenza umsebenzi.
17 And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, hewn stones, to lay the foundation of the house.
Inkosi yasilaya, baletha amatshe amakhulu, amatshe aligugu, okubeka isisekelo sendlu, amatshe abaziweyo.
18 And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders and the Giblites hewed them, and prepared timber and stones to build the house.
Abakhi bakaSolomoni labakhi bakaHiramu lamaGebhali basebebaza, balungisa izigodo lamatshe ukwakha indlu.

< 1 Kings 5 >