< Nehemiah 3 >

1 And Eliashib, the great priest, rose up, with his brothers, the priests, and they built the gate of the flock. They sanctified it, and they set up its double doors, and as far as the tower of one hundred cubits, they sanctified it, even to the tower of Hananel.
Dia nitsangana Eliasiba mpisoronabe sy ny mpisorona rahalahiny ka nandrafitra ny vavahadin’ ondry; dia nanamasina azy izy ka nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny; hatramin’ ny tilikambo Hamea ka hatramin’ ny tilikambo Hananela no nohamasininy.
2 And beside him, the men of Jericho built. And beside them, Zaccur, the son of Imri, built.
Ary manarakaraka ireo dia nandrafitra koa ny mponina tany Jeriko. Ary manarakaraka ireo indray dia nandrafitra koa Zakora, zanak’ Imry.
3 But the sons of Hassenaah built the fish gate. They covered it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars. And beside them, Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, built.
Ary ny vavahadin-kazandrano dia narafitry ny zanak’ i Hasena, izy no nandatsaka ny rairainy sy ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny.
4 And beside him, Meshullam, the son of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabel, built. And beside them, Zadok, the son of Baana, built.
Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Meremota, zanak’ i Oria, zanak’ i Hakoza. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Mesolama, zanak’ i Berekia, zanak’ i Mesezabela. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Zadoka, zanak’ i Bana.
5 And beside them, the Tekoites built. But the nobles among them did not put their necks to the work of their Lord.
Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ny Tekoïta; nefa ny olona ambonimbony teo aminy dia tsy nety nampiondrika ny vozony ho amin’ ny fanompoana ny Tompony.
6 And Joiada, the son of Paseah, and Meshullam, the son of Besodeiah, built the old gate. They covered it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars.
Ary ny vavahady taloha dia namboarin’ i Joiada, zanak’ i Pasea, sy Mesolama, zanak’ i Besodia; izy roa lahy no nandatsaka ny rairainy sy ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny.
7 And beside them, Melatiah, a Gibeonite, and Jadon, a Meronothite, men from Gibeon and Mizpah, built, on behalf of the governor who was in the region across the river.
Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Melatia Gibeonita sy Jadona Meronotita mbamin’ ny mponina tany Gibeona sy Mizpa, hatramin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ ny governora etỳ an-dafin’ ny ony etỳ.
8 And beside him, Uzziel, the son of Harhaiah the goldsmith, built. And beside him, Hananiah, the son of the perfumer, built. And they left aside Jerusalem as far as the wall of the broad street.
Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Oziela, zanak’ i Haraia, isan’ ny mpanefy volamena. Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Hanania, isan’ ny mpangaroharo zava-manitra; ary nanamafy an’ i Jerosalema izy hatramin’ ny mandà lehibe.
9 And beside him, Rephaiah, the son of Hur, leader of a street of Jerusalem, built.
Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Refaia, zanak’ i Hora, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Jerosalema.
10 And beside him, Jedaiah, the son of Harumaph, built, opposite his own house. And beside him, Hattush, the son of Hashabneiah, built.
Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Jedaia, zanak’ i Haromafa, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony ihany. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Hatosy, zanak’ i Hasabnia.
11 Malchijah, the son of Harim, and Hasshub, the son of Pahath-moab, built one half part of the street and the tower of the furnaces.
Ny sasany koa mbamin’ ny tilikambo misy ny fatana fandoroana dia namboarin’ i Malkia, zanak’ i Harima, sy Hasoba, zanak’ i Pahatamoaba.
12 And beside him, Shallum, the son of Hallohesh, the leader of one half part of a street of Jerusalem, built, he and his daughters.
Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Saloma, zanak’ i Halohesy, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Jerosalema, dia izy sy ny zananivavy.
13 And Hanun built the gate of the valley, with the inhabitants of Zanoah. They built it, and they set up its double doors and locks and bars, with one thousand cubits of the wall, as far as the gate of the dunghill.
Ny vavahady mankamin’ ny lohasaha dia namboarin’ i Hanona sy ny mponina tany Zanoa; ireo no nandrafitra izany sy nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny, ary narafiny koa ny arivo hakiho amin’ ny manda hatramin’ ny vavahadin-jezika.
14 And Malchijah, the son of Rechab, the leader of the street of Beth-haccherem, built the gate of the dunghill. He built it, and he set up its double doors and locks and bars.
Ary ny vavahadin-jezika dia namboarin’ i Malkia, zanak’ i Rekaba, komandin’ ny fehin’ i Beti-hakerema; izy no nandrafitra izany sy nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny.
15 And Shallum, the son of Colhozeh, the leader of the district of Mizpah, built the gate of the fountain. He built it, and he covered it, and he set up its double doors and locks and bars, and the walls of the pool of Shelah at the garden of the king, and as far as the steps that descend from the City of David.
Ary ny vavahadin-doharano dia namboarin’ i Saloma, zanak’ i Kola-hoze, komandin’ ny fehin’ i Mizpa; izy no nandrafitra sy nanafo izany ary nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny, ary narafiny koa ny mandan’ ny farihy Siloa, teo anilan’ ny sahan’ ny mpanjaka, ka hatramin’ ny ambaratonga midìna avy any an-Tanànan’ i Davida.
16 After him, Nehemiah, the son of Azbuk, the leader of one half part of the street of Bethzur, built, as far as opposite the sepulcher of David, and even to the pool, which was constructed with great labor, and even to the house of the strong.
Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Nehemia, zanak’ i Azboka, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Beti-zora, hatramin’ ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ireo fasan’ i Davida ka hatramin’ ny farihy izay natao ary hatramin’ ny tranon’ ny lehilahy mahery.
17 After him, the Levites, Rehum, the son of Bani, built. After him, Hashabiah, the leader of one half part of the street of Keilah, built, in his own neighborhood.
Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ny Levita, dia Rehoma, zanak’ i Bany. Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Hasabia, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Keila, ho an’ ny fehiny.
18 After him, their brothers, Binnui, the son of Henadad, the leader of one half part of Keilah, built.
Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ireo rahalahiny, dia Bavay, zanak’ i Henadada, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Keila.
19 And beside him, Ezer, the son of Jeshua, the leader of Mizpah, built another measure, opposite the ascent to the strongest corner.
Ary manarakaraka lreo dia nisy namboarin’ i Ezera, zanak’ i Jesoa, komandin’ i Mizpa, teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny fiakarana ho any amin’ ny trano fitehirizam-piadiana eo amin’ ny fiolahana.
20 After him, at the mount, Baruch, the son of Zabbai, built another measure, from the corner even to the door of the house of Eliashib, the great priest.
Manarakaraka io koa dia Baroka, zanak’ i Zabay, no nazoto namboatra ny sasany hatramin’ ny fiolahana ka hatramin’ ny varavaran’ ny tranon’ i Eliasiba mpisoronabe.
21 After him, Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, built another measure, from the door of the house of Eliashib, along the length of the house of Eliashib.
Manarakaraka io koa dia nisy namboarin’ i Meremota, zanak’ i Oria, zanak’ i Hakoza, hatramin’ ny varavaran’ ny tranon’ i Eliasiba ka hatramin’ ny faran’ ny tranon’ i Eliasiba.
22 And after him, the priests, men from the plains of the Jordan, built.
Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ny mpisorona, dia ireo avy tany amin’ ny tany lemaka.
23 After him, Benjamin and Hasshub built, opposite their own house. And after him, Azariah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ananiah, built, opposite his own house.
Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Benjamina sy Hasoba teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony ihany. Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Azaria, zanak’ i Mahaseia, zanak’ i Anania, teo anilan’ ny tranony ihany.
24 After him, Binnui, the son of Henadad, built another measure, from the house of Azariah, even to the bend and to the corner.
Manarakaraka io koa, dia nisy namboarin’ i Binoy, zanak’ i Henadada, hatramin’ ny tranon’ i Azaria ka hatramin’ ny fiolahana eo amin’ ny zorony.
25 Palal, the son of Uzai, built, opposite the bend and the tower that projects from the high house of the king, that is, into the court of the prison. After him, Pedaiah, the son of Parosh, built.
Ary Palala, zanak’ i Ozay, koa, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny fiolahana sy izay mandroso eo amin’ ny tilikambo ambony, eo amin’ ny ranon’ ny mpanjaka, eo akaikin’ ny tokotanin’ ny trano-maizina. Manarakaraka io koa dia Pedaia, zanak’ i Parosy.
26 And the temple servants, who were living in Ophel, built to a point opposite the water gate, toward the east, and the tower that is prominent.
Ary ny Netinima dia nonina tany Ofela hatreo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny vavahadin-drano atsinanana sy ny mandroso eo amin’ ny tilikambo.
27 After him, the Tekoites built another measure in the opposite area, from the great and prominent tower to the wall of the temple.
Ary manarakaraka ireo koa dia nisy namboarin’ ny Tekoïta, teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny mandroso eo amin’ ny tilikambo lehibe ka hatramin’ ny mandan’ i Ofela.
28 Then, upward from the horse gate, the priests built, each one opposite his own house.
Hatreo ambonin’ ny vavahadin-tsoavaly dia namboarin’ ny mpisorona, dia samy ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony avy.
29 After them, Zadok, the son of Immer, built, opposite his own house. And after him, Shemaiah, the son of Shecaniah, the keeper of the east gate, built.
Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Zadoka, zanak’ Imera, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony ihany. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Semaia, zanak’ i Sekania, mpiandry ny vavahady atsinanana.
30 After him, Hananiah, the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, built another measure. After him, Meshullam, the son of Berechiah, built, opposite his own storehouse.
Manarakaraka io koa dia nisy namboarin’ i Hanania, zanak’ i Setemia, sy Hanona, fahenin’ ny zanak’ i Zalafa. Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Mesolama, zanak’ i Berekia, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny efi-tranony ihany.
31 After him, Malchijah, the son of the goldsmith, built, even up to the house of the temple servants and of the sellers of small items, opposite the judgment gate, and even to the upper room of the corner.
Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Malkia, isan’ ny mpanefy volamena, hatramin’ ny tranon’ ny Netinima sy ny mpandranto, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny vavahady Mifikada ka hatramin’ ny trano ambony teo an-jorony.
32 And within the upper room of the corner, at the gate of the flock, the goldsmiths and the merchants built.
Ary ny teo anelanelan’ ny trano ambony teo an-jorony sy ny vavahadin’ ondry no namboarin’ ny mpanefy volamena sy ny mpandranto.

< Nehemiah 3 >