< Esias 27 >

1 In that day God shall bring [his] holy and great and strong sword upon the dragon, even the serpent that flees, upon the dragon, the crooked serpent: he shall destroy the dragon.
in die illo visitabit Dominus in gladio suo duro et grandi et forti super Leviathan serpentem vectem et super Leviathan serpentem tortuosum et occidet cetum qui in mari est
2 In that day [there shall be] a fair vineyard, [and] a desire to commence [a song] concerning it.
in die illa vinea meri cantabit ei
3 I am a strong city, a city in a siege: in vain shall I water it; for it shall be taken by night, and by day the wall shall fall.
ego Dominus qui servo eam repente propinabo ei ne forte visitetur contra eam nocte et die servo eam
4 There is no woman that has not taken hold of it; who will set me to watch stubble in the field? because of this enemy I have set her aside; therefore on this account the Lord has done all that he appointed.
indignatio non est mihi quis dabit me spinam et veprem in proelio gradiar super eam succendam eam pariter
5 I am burnt up; they that dwell in her shall cry, Let us make peace with him, let us make peace,
an potius tenebit fortitudinem meam faciet pacem mihi pacem faciet mihi
6 they that are coming are the children of Jacob. Israel shall bud and blossom, and the world shall be filled with his fruit.
qui egrediuntur impetu ad Iacob florebit et germinabit Israhel et implebunt faciem orbis semine
7 Shall he himself be thus struck, even as he struck? and as he killed, shall he be thus slain?
numquid iuxta plagam percutientis se percussit eum aut sicut occidit interfectos eius sic occisus est
8 Fighting and reproaching he will dismiss them; did you not meditate with a harsh spirit, to kill them with a wrathful spirit?
in mensura contra mensuram cum abiecta fuerit iudicabis eam meditata est in spiritu suo duro per diem aestus
9 Therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be taken away; and this is his blessing, when I shall have taken away his sin; when they shall have broken to pieces all the stones of the altars as fine dust, and their trees shall not remain, and their idols shall be cut off, as a thicket afar off.
idcirco super hoc dimittetur iniquitas domui Iacob et iste omnis fructus ut auferatur peccatum eius cum posuerit omnes lapides altaris sicut lapides cineris adlisos non stabunt luci et delubra
10 The flock that lived [there] shall be left, as a deserted flock; and [the ground] shall be for a long time for pasture, and there shall flocks lie down to rest.
civitas enim munita desolata erit speciosa relinquetur et dimittetur quasi desertum ibi pascetur vitulus et ibi accubabit et consumet summitates eius
11 And after a time there shall be in it no green thing because of [the grass] being parched. Come hither, you women that come from a sight; for it is a people of no understanding; therefore he that made them shall have no pity upon them, and he that formed them shall have no mercy [upon them].
in siccitate messis illius conterentur mulieres venientes et docentes eam non est enim populus sapiens propterea non miserebitur eius qui fecit eum et qui formavit eum non parcet ei
12 And it shall come to pass in that day [that] God shall fence [men] off from the channel of the river as far as Rhinocorura; but do you gather one by one the children of Israel.
et erit in die illa percutiet Dominus ab alveo Fluminis usque ad torrentem Aegypti et vos congregabimini unus et unus filii Israhel
13 And it shall come to pass in that day [that] they shall blow the great trumpet, and the lost ones in the land of the Assyrians shall come, and the lost ones in Egypt, and shall worship the Lord on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.
et erit in die illa clangetur in tuba magna et venient qui perditi fuerant de terra Assyriorum et qui eiecti erant in terra Aegypti et adorabunt Dominum in monte sancto in Hierusalem

< Esias 27 >