< Genesis 39 >

1 And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Petephres the eunuch of Pharao, the captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ismaelites, who brought him down thither.
Josef blev ført ned til Egypten; og Potifar, en egypter, som var hoffmann hos Farao og høvding over livvakten, kjøpte ham av ismaelittene som hadde hatt ham med sig dit.
2 And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house with his lord the Egyptian.
Men Herren var med Josef, så alt lyktes for ham; og han vedblev å være i huset hos sin herre egypteren.
3 And his master knew that the Lord was with him, and the Lord prospers in his hands whatsoever he happens to do.
Da hans herre så at Herren var med ham, og at Herren lot alt det han gjorde, lykkes for ham,
4 And Joseph found grace in the presence of his lord, and was well-pleasing to him; and he set him over his house, and all that he had he gave into the hand of Joseph.
fant Josef nåde for hans øine og fikk gå ham til hånde; og han satte ham over sitt hus, og alt det han hadde, la han i hans hender.
5 And it came to pass after that he was set over his house, and over all that he had, that the Lord blessed the house of the Egyptian for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all his possessions in the house, and in his field.
Og helt fra den tid han hadde satt ham over sitt hus og over alt det han hadde, velsignet Herren egypterens hus for Josefs skyld, og Herrens velsignelse var over alt det han hadde, både i huset og på marken.
6 And he committed all that he had into the hands of Joseph; and he knew not of anything that belonged to him, save the bread which he himself ate. And Joseph was handsome in form, and exceedingly beautiful in countenance.
Og han overlot alt det han hadde, i Josefs hender, og han så ikke til med ham i noget, uten med den mat han selv åt. Og Josef var vakker av skapning og vakker å se til.
7 And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph, and said, Lie with me.
Og nogen tid efter hendte det at hans herres hustru kastet sine øine på Josef og sa: Kom og ligg hos mig!
8 But he would not; but said to his master's wife, If because of me my master knows nothing in his house, and has given into my hands all things that belong to him:
Men han vilde ikke og sa til sin herres hustru: Min herre ser ikke til med mig i nogen ting i hele sitt hus, og alt det han eier, har han lagt i mine hender;
9 and in this house there is nothing above me, nor has anything been kept back from me, but thou, because thou art his wife—how then shall I do this wicked thing, and sin against God?
han har ikke mere å si her i huset enn jeg, og han har ikke nektet mig noget uten dig, fordi du er hans hustru. Hvorledes skulde jeg da gjøre denne store ondskap og synde mot Gud?
10 And when she talked with Joseph day by day, and he hearkened not to her to sleep with her, so as to be with her,
Som hun nu dag efter dag talte til Josef, og han ikke føide henne i å ligge hos henne og være sammen med henne,
11 it came to pass on a certain day, that Joseph went into the house to do his business, and there was no one of the household within.
så hendte det en dag at han kom inn i huset for å gjøre sitt arbeid, mens ingen av husets folk var inne.
12 And she caught hold of him by his clothes, and said, Lie with me; and having left his clothes in her hands, he fled, and went forth.
Da grep hun fatt i hans kappe og sa: Ligg hos mig! Men han lot sin kappe efter sig i hennes hånd og flyktet ut av huset.
13 And it came to pass, when she saw that he had left his clothes in her hands, and fled, and gone forth,
Og da hun så at han hadde latt sin kappe efter sig i hennes hånd og var flyktet ut av huset,
14 that she called those that were in the house, and spoke to them, saying, See, he has brought in to us a Hebrew servant to mock us—he came in to me, saying, Lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice.
ropte hun på sine husfolk og sa til dem: Se, her har han ført en hebraisk mann hit til oss for å føre skam over oss; han kom inn til mig for å ligge hos mig, men jeg ropte så høit jeg kunde,
15 And when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried, having left his clothes with me, he fled, and went forth out.
og da han hørte at jeg satte i å rope, lot han sin kappe efter sig hos mig og flyktet ut av huset.
16 So she leaves the clothes by her, until the master came to his house.
Så lot hun hans kappe bli liggende hos sig til hans herre kom hjem.
17 And she spoke to him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant, whom thou broughtest in to us, came in to me to mock me, and said to me, I will lie with thee.
Da talte hun likedan til ham og sa: Den hebraiske træl som du har ført hit til oss, kom inn til mig for å føre skam over mig;
18 And when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried, having left his clothes with me, he fled and departed forth.
men da jeg satte i å rope, lot han sin kappe efter sig hos mig og flyktet ut av huset.
19 And it came to pass, when his master heard all the words of his wife, that she spoke to him, saying, Thus did thy servant to me, that he was very angry.
Da nu hans herre hørte hvad hans hustru fortalte, hvorledes hun sa: Således har din træl gjort mot mig, da optendtes hans vrede.
20 And his master took Joseph, and cast him into the prison, into the place where the king's prisoners are kept, there in the prison.
Og Josefs herre tok og satte ham i fengslet, der hvor kongens fanger holdtes fengslet; og han blev sittende der i fengslet.
21 And the Lord was with Joseph, and poured down mercy upon him; and he gave him favour in the sight of the chief keeper of the prison.
Men Herren var med Josef og lot ham vinne alles hjerter og gav ham yndest hos fengslets overopsynsmann.
22 And the chief keeper of the prison gave the prison into the hand of Joseph, and all the prisoners as many as were in the prison; and all things whatsoever they do there, he did them.
Og fengslets overopsynsmann satte Josef til å se efter alle fangene som var i fengslet; og alt det som skulde gjøres der, det gjorde han.
23 Because of him the chief keeper of the prison knew nothing, for all things were in the hand of Joseph, because the Lord was with him; and whatever things he did, the Lord made them to prosper in his hands.
Fengslets overopsynsmann så ikke efter nogen ting som han hadde under hender, fordi Herren var med ham; og hvad han gjorde, gav Herren lykke til.

< Genesis 39 >