< Psalms 87 >

1 Of the sons of Korah. A Psalm. A Song. This house is resting on the holy mountain.
Zvavanakomana vaKora. Pisarema. Rwiyo. Akateya nheyo dzake pagomo dzvene;
2 The Lord has more love for the doors of Zion than for all the tents of Jacob.
Jehovha anoda masuo eZioni kupfuura pose panogara Jakobho.
3 Noble things are said of you, O town of God. (Selah)
Zvinhu zvakaisvonaka zvinotaurwa pamusoro pako, iwe guta raMwari: Sera
4 Rahab and Babylon will be named among those who have knowledge of me; see, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man had his birth there.
“Ndichanyora nezvaRahabhi neBhabhironi pakati pavanondiziva, neFiristiawo neTire, pamwe chete neEtiopia, uye vachati, ‘Uyu akaberekerwa muZioni.’”
5 And of Zion it will be said, This or that man had his birth there; and the Most High will make her strong.
Zvirokwazvo, pamusoro peZioni vachati, “Uyu nowoyo vakaberekerwamo, uye Wokumusoro-soro pachake acharisimbisa.”
6 The Lord will keep in mind, when he is writing the records of the people, that this man had his birth there. (Selah)
Jehovha achanyora panonyorwa mazita amarudzi, kuti, “Uyu akaberekerwa muZioni.” Sera
7 The players on instruments will be there, and the dancers will say, All my springs are in you.
Pavanoimba, vachaimba vachiti, “Matsime angu ose ari mamuri.”

< Psalms 87 >