< Psalms 102 >

1 A Prayer of the man who is in trouble, when he is overcome, and puts his grief before the Lord. Give ear to my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to you.
Fivavaky ny ory, raha reraka izy ka mandoatra ny alahelony eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah. Jehovah ô, henoy ny fivavako, Ary aoka hankeo aminao ny fitarainako.
2 Let not your face be veiled from me in the day of my trouble; give ear to me, and let my cry be answered quickly.
Aza manafina ny tavanao amiko amin’ ny andro fahoriako; Atongilano amiko ny sofinao; Amin’ ny andro itarainako dia faingàna hamaly ahy.
3 My days are wasted like smoke, and my bones are burned up as in a fire.
Fa levon-ko setroka ny androko Ary ny taolako mahamay tahaka ny forohana.
4 My heart is broken; it has become dry and dead like grass, so that I give no thought to food.
Taninina tahaka ny ahitra ny foko ka malazo; Fa hadinoko na dia ny fihinanan-kanina aza.
5 Because of the voice of my sorrow, my flesh is wasted to the bone.
Noho ny fisentoan’ ny foko Ny taolako miraikitra amin’ ny hoditro.
6 I am like a bird living by itself in the waste places; like the night-bird in a waste of sand.
Tahaka ny sama any an-efitra aho, Ary tahaka ny vorondolo any an-tanànaolo.
7 I keep watch like a bird by itself on the house-top.
Tsy mahita tory aho Sady tahaka ny tsikirity irery eo an-tampontrano.
8 My haters say evil of me all day; those who are violent against me make use of my name as a curse.
Mandatsa ahy mandrakariva ny fahavaloko. Izay misafoaka amiko dia manao ahy ho fiozonana.
9 I have had dust for bread and my drink has been mixed with weeping:
Fa lavenona no nohaniko tahaka ny mofo; Ary ny zavatra nosotroiko noharoharoiko ny ranomasoko,
10 Because of your passion and your wrath, for I have been lifted up and then made low by you.
Noho ny fahaviniranao sy ny fahatezeranao; Fa naingainao aho, kanefa natontanao indray.
11 My days are like a shade which is stretched out; I am dry like the grass.
Ny androko dia tahaka ny aloka efa mandroso; Ary efa malazo tahaka ny ahitra aho.
12 But you, O Lord, are eternal; and your name will never come to an end.
Nefa Hianao, Jehovah ô, mipetraka manjaka mandrakizay; Ary ny fahatsiarovana Anao mihatra amin’ ny taranaka fara mandimby.
13 You will again get up and have mercy on Zion: for the time has come for her to be comforted.
Hianao hitsangana ka hamindra fo amin’ i Ziona; Fa efa andro hamindram-po aminy izao; Eny, tonga ny fotoana.
14 For your servants take pleasure in her stones, looking with love on her dust.
Fa sitraky ny mpanomponao ny vatony, Sady malahelo ny vovo-taniny izy.
15 So the nations will give honour to the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth will be in fear of his glory:
Hatahotra ny anaran’ i Jehovah ny jentilisa, Ary ny mpanjaka rehetra amin’ ny tany hatahotra ny voninahitrao;
16 When the Lord has put up the walls of Zion, and has been been in his glory;
Fa Jehovah nanangana an’ i Ziona; Niseho tamin’ ny voninahiny Izy;
17 When he has given ear to the prayer of the poor, and has not put his request on one side.
Nijery ny fivavaky ny mahantra Izy Ka tsy nanevateva ny fivavany.
18 This will be put in writing for the coming generation, and the people of the future will give praise to the Lord.
Hosoratana ho an’ ny taranaka mandimby izany; Ary izay firenena mbola hoforonina no hidera an’ i Jehovah;
19 For from his holy place the Lord has seen, looking down on the earth from heaven;
Fa Izy nitazana tany amin’ ny fitoerany masìna any amin’ ny avo. Tany an-danitra no nitsinjovan’ i Jehovah ny tany,
20 Hearing the cry of the prisoner, making free those for whom death is ordered;
Mba hihaino ny fisentoan’ ny mpifatotra Sy hanafaka izay voatendry ho faty,
21 So that they may give out the name of the Lord in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem;
Mba hotorina any Ziona ny anaran’ i Jehovah, Ary ny fiderana Azy any Jerosalema,
22 When the peoples are come together, and the kingdoms, to give worship to the Lord.
Rehefa tafangona ny firenena Sy ny fanjakana maro hanompo an’ i Jehovah.
23 He has taken my strength from me in the way; he has made short my days.
Efa nahaketraka ny heriko tany an-dalana Izy; Efa nahafohy ny androko Izy;
24 I will say, O my God, take me not away before my time; your years go on through all generations:
Hoy izaho: Andriamanitro ô; aza maka ahy an-tenatenan’ ny androko; Ny taonanao mihatra amin’ ny taranaka fara mandimby.
25 In the past you put the earth on its base, and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Tany aloha no nanorenanao ny tany; Ary asan’ ny tananao ny lanitra.
26 They will come to an end, but you will still go on; they all will become old like a coat, and like a robe they will be changed:
Ireo dia ho levona, fa Hianao no maharitra; Izy rehetra ho rovitra toy ny fitafiana; Toy ny lamba no hanovanao azy, ka hovana izy;
27 But you are the unchanging One, and your years will have no end.
Fa Hianao no tsy miova, Ary ny taonanao no tsy ho tapitra.
28 The children of your servants will have a safe resting-place, and their seed will be ever before you.
Ny zanaky ny mpanomponao handry fahizay, Ary ny taranany hampitoerina eo anatrehanao.

< Psalms 102 >