< Nehemiah 3 >

1 Then Eliashib, the chief priest, got up with his brothers the priests, and took in hand the building of the sheep doorway; they made it holy and put its doors in position; as far as the tower of Hammeah they made it holy, even to the tower of Hananel.
Zvino Eriashibhi muprista mukuru navamwe vaprista vakaenda kundoshanda uye vakavakazve Suo raMakwai. Vakarikumikidza vakaisa makonhi panzvimbo yawo, vakarivaka kunosvika paShongwe yeZana, iyo yavakakumikidza, kusvikira paShongwe yaHananeri.
2 And by his side the men of Jericho were building. And after them, Zaccur, the son of Imri.
Varume veJeriko vakavaka chikamu chaiva pedyo, uye Zakuri mwanakomana waImuri akavaka parutivi pavo.
3 The sons of Hassenaah were the builders of the fish doorway; they put its boards in place and put up its doors, with their locks and rods.
Suo reHove rakavakwa navanakomana veHasenaya. Vakaisa matanda okuchinjika vakaisa makonhi aro namabhaudhi uye namazariro panzvimbo yawo.
4 By their side Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, was making good the walls. Then Meshullam, the son of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabel; and by him, Zadok, the son of Baana.
Meromoti mwanakomana waUria, mwanakomana waHakozi akagadzira chikamu chaitevera. Aimutevera pakugadzira aiva Meshurami mwanakomana waBherekia, mwanakomana waMeshebhezeri, uye aitevera mushure make, Zadhoki mwanakomana waBhaana, akagadzirawo.
5 Near them, the Tekoites were at work; but their chiefs did not put their necks to the work of their Lord.
Chikamu chaitevera chakagadzirwa navarume veTekoa, asi vakuru vavo vakangopeta maoko avo vakasashandira Ishe wavo.
6 Joiada, the son of Paseah, and Meshullam, the son of Besodeiah, made good the old doorway; they put its boards in place and put up its doors, with their locks and rods.
Suo raJeshana rakagadzirwa naJoyadha mwanakomana waPasea naMeshurami mwanakomana waBhesodheya. Vakaisa matanda aro okuchinjika ndokuisa makonhi namabhaudhi namazariro panzvimbo yawo.
7 By their side were working Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon and of Mizpah from the seat of the ruler across the river.
Zvakatevera pakugadzirwa zvakaitwa navarume vaibva kuGibheoni neMizipa, naMeratia weGibheoni uye naJadhoni wokuMeronoti, nzvimbo dzaiva pasi pomubati wemhiri kweYufuratesi.
8 Near them was working Uzziel, the son of Harhaiah, the gold-worker. And by him was Hananiah, one of the perfume-makers, building up Jerusalem as far as the wide wall.
Uzieri mwanakomana waHaraya, mumwe wavapfuri vegoridhe, akagadzira chikamu chaitevera; uye Hanania, mumwe wavavhenganisi vezvinonhuhwira, akagadzira chikamu chaitevera ichocho. Vakavandudza Jerusarema kudzamara vasvika parusvingo rwakapamhama.
9 Near them was working Rephaiah, the son of Hur, the ruler of half Jerusalem.
Refaya mwanakomana waHuri, mutongi wehafu yerimwe dunhu reJerusarema, akagadzira chikamu chaitevera.
10 By his side was Jedaiah, the son of Harumaph, opposite his house. And by him was Hattush, the son of Hashabneiah.
Pakabatana navo, Jedhaya mwanakomana waHarumafi akagadzira chikamu chakatarisana neimba yake, uye Hatushi mwanakomana waHashabheneya akagadzira chikamu chaitevera.
11 Malchijah, the son of Harim, and Hasshub, the son of Pahath-moab, were working on another part, and the tower of the ovens.
Marikiya mwanakomana waHarimu naHashubhi mwanakomana waPahati-Moabhu vakagadzira chimwe chikamu uye neShongwe yeMahovhoni.
12 Near them was Shallum, the son of Hallohesh, the ruler of half Jerusalem, with his daughters.
Sharumi mwanakomana waHaroheshi, mutongi wehafu yerimwe dunhu reJerusarema, akagadzira chikamu chaitevera achibatsirwa navanasikana vake.
13 Hanun and the people of Zanoah were working on the doorway of the valley; they put it up and put up its doors, with their locks and rods, and a thousand cubits of wall as far as the doorway where the waste material was placed.
Suo roMupata rakagadzirwa naHanuni navagari veZanoa. Vakarivaka patsva ndokuisa makonhi aro namabhaudhi nemazariro esimbi panzvimbo yawo. Vakagadzirawo makubhiti chiuru chimwe orusvingo kudzamara vasvika paSuo reNdove.
14 And Malchijah, the son of Rechab, the ruler of the division of Beth-haccherem, made good the doorway of the waste, building it up and putting up its doors, with their locks and rods.
Marikiya mwanakomana waRekabhi, mutongi wedunhu reBheti Hakeremu, akagadzira Suo reNdove. Akarivaka patsva ndokuisa makonhi aro namabhaudhi namazariro panzvimbo yawo.
15 And Shallun, the son of Col-hozeh, the ruler of the division of Mizpah, made good the doorway of the fountain, building it up and covering it and putting up its doors, with their locks and rods, with the wall of the pool of Shelah by the king's garden, as far as the steps which go down from the town of David.
Suo reTsime rakagadzirwa naSharuni mwanakomana waKori-Hoze, mutongi wedunhu reMizipa. Akarivaka patsva ndokuisa denga namakonhi aro namabhaudhi uye akaisa nemazariro panzvimbo yawo. Akagadzirazve rusvingo rweDziva reSiroami, paBindu raMambo kusvikira pamatanho anoburukira kuGuta raDhavhidhi.
16 By his side was working Nehemiah, the son of Azbuk, ruler of half the division of Beth-zur, as far as the place opposite the last resting-places of David's family, and the pool which was made and the house of the men of war.
Akamutevera ndiNehemia mwanakomana waAzubhuki mutongi wehafu yedunhu reBheti Zuri, akagadzira kusvikira panzvimbo yakatarisana nemakuva aDhavhidhi kusvikira padziva nokuImba yeMhare.
17 Then came the Levites, Rehum, the son of Bani. By his side was working Hashabiah, ruler of half the division of Keilah, for his division.
VaRevhi vaiva pasi paRehumi mwanakomana waBhani vakamutevera pakugadzira. Parutivi pake, Hashabhia, mutongi wehafu yedunhu reKeira, akaita mabasa okugadzira panzvimbo yedunhu rake.
18 After him were working their brothers, Bavvai, the son of Henadad, ruler of half the division of Keilah.
Vaimutevera pakugadzira, vanhu venyika yavo vaiva pasi paBhinui mwanakomana waHenadhadhi, mutongi weimwe hafu yeKeira.
19 And by his side was working Ezer, the son of Jeshua, the ruler of Mizpah, making good another part opposite the way up to the store of arms at the turning of the wall.
Aimutevera ndiEzeri mwanakomana waJeshua, mutongi weMizipa, akagadzira chimwe chikamu kubva pamukwidza wakatarisana neimba yezvombo zvehondo kusvikira pakona.
20 After him Baruch, the son of Zabbai, was hard at work on another part, from the turning of the wall to the door of the house of Eliashib, the chief priest.
Bharuki mwanakomana waZabhai akamutevera, akagadzira chimwe chikamu nomwoyo wose kubva pakona zvichienda pamusuo weimba yaEriashibhi muprista mukuru.
21 After him Meremoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, was working on another part, from the door of the house of Eliashib as far as the end of his house.
Aimutevera, ndiMeromoti mwanakomana waUria, mwanakomana waHakozi, akagadzira chimwe chikamu, kubva pamusuo weimba yaEriashibhi kusvikira painoguma.
22 After him were working the priests, the men of the lowland.
Zvakagadzirwa mumashure make zvakaitwa navaprista vaibva mudunhu rakapoteredza.
23 After them came Benjamin and Hasshub, opposite their house. After them Azariah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ananiah, made good the wall by the house where he himself was living.
Mumashure mavo, Bhenjamini naHashubhi vakazogadzira mberi kweimba yavo; uye aivatevera, Azaria mwanakomana waMaaseya, mwanakomana waAnania, akagadzira parutivi peimba yake.
24 After him Binnui, the son of Henadad, was working on another part, from the house of Azariah as far as the turning of the wall and the angle.
Aimutevera, Bhinui mwanakomana waHanadhadhi akagadzira chimwe chikamu, kubva paimba yaAzaria kusvikira pakona nokune imwezve kona,
25 Palal, the son of Uzai, made good the wall opposite the angle and the tower which comes out from the higher part of the king's house, by the open space of the watch. After him was Pedaiah, the son of Parosh.
uye Parari mwanakomana waUzia akashanda pakatarisana nepakona uye napashongwe inobuda ichibva kumuzinda wokumusoro pedyo noruvazhe rwavarindi. Aimutevera, Pedhaya mwanakomana waParoshi
26 (Now the Nethinim were living in the Ophel, as far as the place facing the water doorway to the east, and the tower which comes out.)
navashandi vomutemberi vaigara pamusoro pegomo reOferi vakagadzira kusvikira panzvimbo yakatarisana neSuo reMvura kwakananga kumabvazuva uye napanobudikira neshongwe.
27 After him the Tekoites were making good another part, opposite the great tower which comes out, and up to the wall of the Ophel.
Vaivatevera, varume veTekoa vakagadzira chimwe chikamu, kubva panobuda shongwe huru kusvikira kurusvingo rweOferi.
28 Further on, past the horse doorway, the priests were at work, every one opposite his house.
Vaprista vakagadzira pamusoro peSuo raMabhiza, mumwe nomumwe pamberi peimba yake.
29 After them Zadok, the son of Immer, was working opposite his house. And after him Shemaiah, the son of Shecaniah, the keeper of the east door.
Aivatevera, Zadhoki mwanakomana waImeri akagadzira pakatarisana neimba yake. Aimutevera ndiShemaya mwanakomana waShekania, murindi wokuSuo rokuMabvazuva, ane zvaakagadzira.
30 After him Hananiah, the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, were making good another part. After him Meshullam, the son of Berechiah, made good the wall opposite his room.
Vaimutevera, Hanania mwanakomana waSheremia naHanuni, mwanakomana wechitanhatu waZarafu, ndivo vakagadzira chimwe chikamu. Aimutevera, Meshurami mwanakomana waBherekia akagadzira pakatarisana nepaaigara.
31 After him Malchijah, one of the gold-workers to the Nethinim and the traders, made good the wall opposite the doorway of Hammiphkad and as far as the way up to the angle.
Mumashure make Marikiya, mumwe wavapfuri vegoridhe, akagadzira kusvikira kuimba yavashandi vetemberi navatengesi, pakatarisana neSuo Rokuongorora, uye kusvikira paimba iri pamusoro pekona;
32 And between the way up to the angle and the sheep door, the gold-workers and the traders made good the wall.
uye pakati peimba iri pamusoro pekona neSuo raMakwai, vapfuri vegoridhe navatengesi ndivo vakapagadzira.

< Nehemiah 3 >