< Job 21 >

1 Then Job made answer and said,
Dia namaly Joba ka nanao hoe:
2 Give attention with care to my words; and let this be your comfort.
Mihainoa dia mihainoa ny teniko, Ary aoka izany no ho fampiononanareo ahy.
3 Let me say what is in my mind, and after that, go on making sport of me.
Mandefera amiko ianareo, fa mba hiteny kosa aho izao; Ary rehefa tapitra ny teniko, dia mandatsalatsà ihany indray ianareo.
4 As for me, is my outcry against man? is it then to be wondered at if my spirit is troubled?
Raha ny amiko, moa ny ataon’ ny olona va no itarainako? Ary raha izany, nahoana no hahalefitra ny fanahiko?
5 Take note of me and be full of wonder, put your hand on your mouth.
Jereo aho, dia aoka ho talanjona ianareo, ary mitampena vava.
6 At the very thought of it my flesh is shaking with fear.
Eny, raha mahatsiaro izany aho, dia raiki-tahotra, sady toran-kovitra ny tenako:
7 Why is life given to the evil-doers? why do they become old and strong in power?
Nahoana no velona ny ratsy fanahy ka sady tratrantitra no be hery?
8 Their children are ever with them, and their offspring before their eyes.
Ny zanany koa mitomoetra tsara eo anatrehany, ary ny zafiny eo anoloany.
9 Their houses are free from fear, and the rod of God does not come on them.
Ny ankohonany miadana ka tsy manan-tahotra, ary ny tsorakazon’ Andriamanitra tsy mamely azy.
10 Their ox is ready at all times to give seed; their cow gives birth, without dropping her young.
Ny ombilahiny mampiteraka ka mahavanona; Ny ombivaviny miteraka ka tsy mamotsotra.
11 They send out their young ones like a flock, and their children have pleasure in the dance,
Mamoaka ny zanany madinika toy ny ondry aman’ osy izy, ka mikoriana ny zanany.
12 They make songs to the instruments of music, and are glad at the sound of the pipe.
Mihoby mitondra ampongatapaka sy lokanga izy ary mifaly amin’ ny feon-tsodina.
13 Their days come to an end without trouble, and suddenly they go down to the underworld. (Sheol h7585)
Mandany ny androny amin’ ny fahafinaretana izy; Amin’ ny indray mipi-maso monja no idinany any amin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita. (Sheol h7585)
14 Though they said to God, Go away from us, for we have no desire for the knowledge of your ways.
Kanefa anie ireo no manao amin’ Andriamanitra hoe: Mialà aminay! Fa tsy mba irinay ny hahalala ny lalanao.
15 What is the Ruler of all, that we may give him worship? and what profit is it to us to make prayer to him?
Zinona izay Tsitoha, no hotompoinay? Ary inona no soa ho azonay, raha mivavaka aminy?
16 Truly, is not their well-being in their power? (The purpose of the evil-doers is far from me.)
Indro, tsy avy amin’ ny tenany ihany ny fahafinaretany! Ho lavitra ahy anie ny fisainan’ ny ratsy fanahy!
17 How frequently is the light of the evil-doers put out, or does trouble come on them? how frequently does his wrath take them with cords?
Indraindray foana no mba maty ny jiron’ ny ratsy fanahy, sy tonga ny loza manjo azy. Ary amelaran’ Andriamanitra fandrika ireny noho ny fahatezerany,
18 How frequently are they as dry stems before the wind, or as grass taken away by the storm-wind?
Ka tonga tahaka ny mololo voatetika indaosin’ ny rivotra izy sy tahaka ny akofa entin’ ny tafio-drivotra.
19 You say, God keeps punishment stored up for his children. Let him send it on the man himself, so that he may have the punishment of it!
Andriamanitra, hoy ianareo, mbola hampijaly ny zanany noho ny helodrainy! Tsia; fa ny tenan’ ireny ihany no aoka hovaliany, mba hahalalany.
20 Let his eyes see his trouble, and let him be full of the wrath of the Ruler of all!
Aoka ny masony ihany no hahita ny loza manjo azy, ary aoka ny tenany ihany no hisotro ny fahatezeran’ ny Tsitoha.
21 For what interest has he in his house after him, when the number of his months is ended?
Fa mampaninona azy moa ny amin’ ny taranany mandimby azy, raha tapaka ny isan’ ny androny?
22 Is anyone able to give teaching to God? for he is the judge of those who are on high.
Moa Andriamanitra va no hampianarim-pahalalana, nefa Izy no mitsara ny any an-danitra aza?
23 One comes to his end in complete well-being, full of peace and quiet:
Maty ny anankiray, raha tsy mbola mihena ny fahatanjahany, sady miadana tokoa ka tsy manana ahiahy;
24 His buckets are full of milk, and there is no loss of strength in his bones.
Feno ronono ny fitoeran-drononony, ary vonton-tsoka ny taolany.
25 And another comes to his end with a bitter soul, without ever tasting good.
Ary ny anankiray maty amin’ ny fahorian’ ny fanahiny kosa ka tsy mba nanandrana soa akory.
26 Together they go down to the dust, and are covered by the worm.
Samy mandry ao amin’ ny vovoka izy roa tonta, ka feno olitra ny tenany.
27 See, I am conscious of your thoughts, and of your violent purposes against me;
Indro, fantatro ny hevitrareo sy ny saim-petsy amelezanareo ahy;
28 For you say, Where is the house of the ruler, and where is the tent of the evil-doer?
Fa hoy ianareo: Aiza ny tranon’ ny mpitohatoha? Ary aiza ny lay fitoeran’ ny ratsy fanahy?
29 Have you not put the question to the travellers, and do you not take note of their experience?
Kanefa tsy mba nanontany tamin’ ny mpandeha amin’ ny tany lavitra va ianareo? Ary tsy heverinareo va ny zava-mahagaga, ambaran’ Ireo hoe:
30 How the evil man goes free in the day of trouble, and has salvation in the day of wrath?
Amin’ ny andro hahitan-doza dia voaaro ihany ny ratsy fanahy, ary amin’ ny andro fahatezerana dia enti-miala izy?
31 Who will make his way clear to his face? and if he has done a thing, who gives him punishment for it?
Iza no hanambara ny lalany eo anatrehany? Ary raha misy zavatra nataony, iza no sahy hamaly azy?
32 He is taken to his last resting-place, and keeps watch over it.
Ary ho entina ho eny an-tany fandevonana izy ka mbola hitazana ao am-pasana;
33 The earth of the valley covering his bones is sweet to him, and all men come after him, as there were unnumbered before him.
Ho mamy aminy ny bainga any an-dohasaha, ary ny olona rehetra hanaraka azy, toy ny nandehanan’ ny maro tany alohany.
34 Why then do you give me comfort with words in which there is no profit, when you see that there is nothing in your answers but deceit?
Endrey! ity ianareo mba mampionona ahy foana! Ary ny famalianareo anefa, raha voasana tsara, dia lainga ihany!

< Job 21 >