< Jeremiah 27 >
1 When Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, first became king this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,
Na začetku kraljevanja Jojakíma, Jošíjevega sina, Judovega kralja, je prišla Jeremiju ta beseda od Gospoda, rekoč:
2 This is what the Lord has said to me: Make for yourself bands and yokes and put them on your neck;
»Tako mi govori Gospod: ›Naredi si vezi in jarme in si jih položi na svoj vrat
3 And send them to the king of Edom, and to the king of Moab, and to the king of the children of Ammon, and to the king of Tyre, and to the king of Zidon, by their servants who come to Jerusalem, to Zedekiah, king of Judah;
in jih pošlji edómskemu kralju, moábskemu kralju, amónskemu kralju, tirskemu kralju in k sidónskemu kralju, po roki poslancev, ki so prišli v Jeruzalem k Judovemu kralju Sedekíju
4 And give them orders to say to their masters, This is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: Say to your masters,
in jim zapovej, da rečejo svojim gospodarjem: ›Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: ›Tako boste rekli svojim gospodarjem:
5 I have made the earth, and man and beast on the face of the earth, by my great power and by my outstretched arm; and I will give it to anyone at my pleasure.
›Jaz sem naredil zemljo, človeka in živali, ki so na zemlji, s svojo veliko močjo in s svojim razširjenim laktom in izročil sem jo, komur se je meni zdelo primerno.
6 And now I have given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, my servant; and I have given the beasts of the field to him for his use.
Sedaj sem vse te dežele dal v roko svojega služabnika, babilonskega kralja Nebukadnezarja in tudi živali polja sem mu izročil, da mu služijo.
7 And all the nations will be servants to him and to his son and to his son's son, till the time comes for his land to be overcome: and then a number of nations and great kings will take it for their use.
Vsi narodi bodo služili njemu, njegovemu sinu in sinu njegovega sina, dokler ne pride pravi čas njegove dežele, potem pa ga bodo zasužnjili mnogi narodi in veliki kralji.
8 And it will come about, that if any nation does not become a servant to this same Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and does not put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, then I will send punishment on that nation, says the Lord, by the sword and need of food and by disease, till I have given them into his hands.
In zgodilo se bo, da narodi in kraljestva, ki ne bodo služili istemu babilonskemu kralju Nebukadnezarju in ki svojega vratu ne bodo položili pod jarem babilonskega kralja, da bom ta narod kaznoval, ‹ govori Gospod, ›z mečem in z lakoto in s kužno boleznijo, dokler jih ne použijem s svojo roko.
9 And you are not to give attention to your prophets or your readers of signs or your dreamers or those who see into the future or those who make use of secret arts, who say to you, You will not become servants of the king of Babylon:
Zato ne prisluhnite niti svojim prerokom, niti vedeževalcem, niti sanjačem, niti uročevalcem, niti svojim čarodejem, ki vam govorijo, rekoč: ›Ne boste služili babilonskemu kralju, ‹
10 For they say false words to you, so that you may be sent away far from your land, and so that you may be forced out by me and come to destruction.
kajti prerokujejo vam laž, da bi vas odstranili daleč od vaše dežele; in da bi vas jaz izgnal in bi se vi pogubili.
11 But as for that nation which puts its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and becomes his servant, I will let that nation keep on in its land, farming it and living in it, says the Lord.
Toda narodi, ki svoj vrat privedejo pod jarem babilonskega kralja in mu služijo, tiste bom pustil ostati mirne v njihovi lastni deželi, ‹ govori Gospod; ›in obdelovali jo bodo in prebivali v njej.
12 And I said all this to Zedekiah, king of Judah, saying, Put your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon and become his servants and his people, so that you may keep your lives.
Tudi Judovemu kralju Sedekíju sem spregovoril glede na vse te besede, rekoč: ›Privedi vaše vratove pod jarem babilonskega kralja in služite njemu in njegovemu ljudstvu in živite.
13 Why are you desiring death, you and your people, by the sword, and because food is gone, and by disease, as the Lord has said of the nation which does not become the servant of the king of Babylon?
Zakaj bi umirali ti in tvoje ljudstvo, pod mečem, z lakoto in kužno boleznijo, kakor je Gospod govoril zoper narod, ki ne bo služil babilonskemu kralju?
14 And you are not to give ear to the prophets who say to you, You will not become servants of the king of Babylon: for what they say is not true.
Zato ne prisluhnite besedam prerokov, ki vam govorijo, rekoč: ›Ne boste služili babilonskemu kralju, ‹ kajti laž vam prerokujejo.
15 For I have not sent them, says the Lord, but they are saying what is false in my name, so that I might send you out by force, causing destruction to come on you and on your prophets.
Kajti jaz jih nisem poslal, ‹ govori Gospod, ›vendar v mojem imenu prerokujejo laž; da bi vas jaz lahko izgnal ven in bi se pogubili, vi in preroki, ki vam prerokujejo.‹«
16 And I said to the priests and to all the people, This is what the Lord has said: Give no attention to the words of your prophets who say to you, See, in a very little time now the vessels of the Lord's house will come back again from Babylon: for what they say to you is false.
Govoril sem tudi duhovnikom in vsemu temu ljudstvu, rekoč: »Tako govori Gospod: ›Ne prisluhnite besedam svojih prerokov, ki vam prerokujejo, rekoč: ›Glejte, posode Gospodove hiše bodo sedaj v kratkem ponovno privedene nazaj iz Babilona, ‹ kajti prerokujejo vam laž.
17 Give no attention to them; become servants of the king of Babylon and keep yourselves from death: why let this town become a waste?
Ne prisluhnite jim. Služite babilonskemu kralju in živite. Zakaj bi bilo to mesto opustošeno?
18 But if they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now make request to the Lord of armies that the vessels which are still in the house of the Lord and in the house of the king of Judah and at Jerusalem, may not go to Babylon.
Toda če bi bili preroki in bi bila Gospodova beseda z njimi, naj sedaj naredijo posredovanje h Gospodu nad bojevniki, da posode, ki so ostale v Gospodovi hiši in v hiši Judovega kralja in v Jeruzalemu, ne gredo v Babilon.
19 For this is what the Lord has said about the rest of the vessels which are still in this town,
Kajti tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki glede stebrov, glede morja, glede podnožij in glede preostanka posod, ki preostajajo v tem mestu,
20 Which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, did not take away, when he took Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, a prisoner from Jerusalem to Babylon, with all the great men of Judah and Jerusalem;
ki jih babilonski kralj Nebukadnezar ni vzel, ko je odvedel proč v ujetništvo Jehoníja, Jojakímovega sina, Judovega kralja, iz Jeruzalema v Babilon in vse plemiče iz Juda in Jeruzalema.
21 For this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said about the rest of the vessels in the house of the Lord and in the house of the king of Judah and at Jerusalem:
Da, tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog, glede posod, ki so ostale v Gospodovi hiši in v hiši Judovega in jeruzalemskega kralja:
22 They will be taken away to Babylon, and there they will be till the day when I send their punishment on them, says the Lord. Then I will take them up and put them back in their place.
odnesene bodo v Babilon in tam bodo do dneva, ko jih obiščem, ‹ govori Gospod, ›potem jih bom privedel gor in jih ponovno vrnil na ta kraj.‹«