< Micah 1 >

1 The LORD’s word that came to Micah of Morasheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
Nke a bụ okwu Onyenwe anyị nke bịaara Maịka, onye Moreshet, nʼoge eze Jotam, Ehaz na Hezekaya, bụ ndị eze Juda. Ọhụ nke ọ hụrụ banyere Sameria na Jerusalem.
2 Hear, you peoples, all of you! Listen, O earth, and all that is therein. Let the Lord GOD be witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple.
Geenụ ntị, unu ndị mmadụ, unu niile, gee ntị, gị ụwa na ndị niile bi nʼime ya ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị gbaa akaebe megide unu, bụ Onyenwe anyị site nʼụlọnsọ ukwu ya.
3 For behold, the LORD comes out of his place, and will come down and tread on the high places of the earth.
Lee! Onyenwe anyị na-abịa! O si nʼebe obibi ya na-abịa. Ọ na-abịa ma na-azọda ebe niile dị elu nke ụwa.
4 The mountains melt under him, and the valleys split apart like wax before the fire, like waters that are poured down a steep place.
Ugwu ukwu niile na-agbaze nʼokpuru ụkwụ ya, ndagwurugwu niile na-agbawa, dịka abụba dị nso nʼọkụ, dịka mmiri si nʼebe dị elu na-asọdata
5 “All this is for the disobedience of Jacob, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the disobedience of Jacob? Is not it Samaria? And what are the high places of Judah? Are not they Jerusalem?
Ihe ndị a bụ nʼihi njehie Jekọb, nʼihi mmehie niile nke ndị Izrel. Gịnị bụ njehie Jekọb? Ọ bụghị Sameria? Gịnịkwa bụ ebe dị elu nke Juda? Ọ bụghị Jerusalem?
6 Therefore I will make Samaria like a rubble heap of the field, like places for planting vineyards; and I will pour down its stones into the valley, and I will uncover its foundations.
“Nʼihi ya, aga m eme ka Sameria ghọọ mkpọmkpọ ebe, ebe a na-akụ osisi vaịnị. Aga m awụnye nkume ya nʼime ndagwurugwu, mekwaa ka ntọala ya pụta ihe.
7 All her idols will be beaten to pieces, all her temple gifts will be burned with fire, and I will destroy all her images; for of the hire of a prostitute has she gathered them, and to the hire of a prostitute shall they return.”
Arụsị ha niile a pịrị apị ka a ga-akụjisi; onyinye niile a na-ewebata nʼụlọ arụsị ha ka a ga-akpọ ọkụ. Aga m ala arụsị niile ya a kpụrụ akpụ nʼiyi. Ebe ọ bụ na e si nʼaka ndị na-agba akwụna na-ewebata onyinye ndị a, a ga-eji ha kwụọ ụgwọ ịgba akwụna.”
8 For this I will lament and wail. I will go stripped and naked. I will howl like the jackals and mourn like the ostriches.
Nʼihi nke a, aga m akwa akwa, tikwaa mkpu akwa. Aga m agbara ọtọ gbarakwa ụkwụ efu jegharịa. Aga m akpọ mkpu dịka nkịta ọhịa, tipụkwa ube akwa dịka ikwighịkwighị.
9 For her wounds are incurable; for it has come even to Judah. It reaches to the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.
Nʼihi na ọnya ya enweghị ngwọta, o rutela na Juda. O rutelarị ma nʼọnụ ụzọ ama nke ndị m, rukwaarị Jerusalem.
10 Do not tell it in Gath. Do not weep at all. At Beth Ophrah I have rolled myself in the dust.
Unu ekwutela okwu ya na Gat; unu akwakwala akwa ọbụla. Tụrụọnụ onwe unu nʼuzuzu, unu ndị Bet-Ofra.
11 Pass on, inhabitant of Shaphir, in nakedness and shame. The inhabitant of Zaanan will not come out. The wailing of Beth Ezel will take from you his protection.
Gabiganụ nʼụzọ unu, unu ndị bi na Shafia. Nʼọnọdụ ịgba ọtọ na ihere unu, unu ndị bi na Zaanan abịakwala nso. Ndị Bet-Ezel na-eru ụjụ nʼihi na e wezugala ndị na-eche unu nche.
12 For the inhabitant of Maroth waits anxiously for good, because evil has come down from the LORD to the gate of Jerusalem.
Ndị bi na Marot nọ nʼoke ahụ mgbu na-eche ka ihe ọma bịa, nʼihi na mbibi esitela nʼaka Onyenwe anyị bịa, ruo nʼọnụ ụzọ ama Jerusalem
13 Harness the chariot to the swift steed, inhabitant of Lachish. She was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion; for the transgressions of Israel were found in you.
Unu ndị bi na Lakish kegidenụ ịnyịnya unu na-agba ọsọ nʼụgbọ agha. Ọ bụ nʼebe ahụ ka mmehie nwaada Zayọn malitere, nʼihi na mmehie Izrel na-eme ka a hụrụ nʼetiti unu.
14 Therefore you will give a parting gift to Moresheth Gath. The houses of Achzib will be a deceitful thing to the kings of Israel.
Ya mere, unu ga-enye Moreshet dị na Gat onyinye mgbe unu na-agbapụ ọsọ. Ụlọ Akzib ga-emesịa ghọọ ụlọ aghụghọ nye ndị eze Izrel.
15 I will yet bring a conqueror to you, inhabitants of Mareshah. The glory of Israel will come to Adullam.
Aga m akpọbata onye ga-emeri unu ndị bi na Maresha nʼagha. Ndị a na-asọpụrụ nke Izrel ga-agbabanye nʼAdulam.
16 Shave your heads, and cut off your hair for the children of your delight. Enlarge your baldness like the vulture, for they have gone into captivity from you!
Kpachaanụ isi unu nʼọnọdụ iru ụjụ nʼihi ụmụntakịrị ndị ahụ ihe ha masịrị unu, meenụ ka isi unu kwọchaa dịka isi udele, nʼihi na a ga-achụpụ ha site nʼebe unu nọ gaa mba ọzọ.

< Micah 1 >