< Tim Jo-Lawi 13 >
1 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa gi Harun niya,
Yahweh said this to Aaron and Moses/me:
2 Ka ngʼato dende okuot kata oluro kata en-gi mbala marieny e dende manyalo bedo tuo malandore mar del, nyaka kele ir Harun jadolo kata ir achiel kuom yawuote ma en jadolo.
“When someone has on his skin a swelling or a rash or a shiny/bright spot that may become (contagious/a dreaded skin disease), he must be brought to Aaron or to one of his sons who are also priests.
3 Jadolo nyaka non kama lit manie dende, kendo ka yier mantiere kama litno oselokore rachar kendo kama litno nenore ni odonjo ei ringʼo ahinya, to kare en tuo malandore mar del. Ka jadolo onone, to enolande ni ogak.
The priest must examine that part of the person’s skin. If the hair in that area has become white and it appears that the sore is deeper than just on the skin, it is a contagious skin disease. When the priest sees that, he must declare that the person must stay away from other people [MTY].
4 Ka kido mantiere e piene en rachar to ok onenre ni odonjo ei ringʼo kendo yier manie iye pok olokore rachar, to jadolo nyaka ket ngʼat man-gi tuono kar kende kuom ndalo abiriyo.
If the spot on the person’s skin is white but it does not appear that the sore is deeper than just on the skin, the priest must tell him to stay away from other people for seven days.
5 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo jadolo nyaka none, bende ka oneno ni pod onge pogruok kendo pok olandore e del, to nyaka okete kar kende kuom ndalo abiriyo mamoko.
Then the priest must examine the person again. If the priest sees that the sore has not changed and has not spread, he must tell the person to stay away from people for seven more days.
6 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo jadolo nyaka none kendo, to ka kama litno oserumo kendo pod ok olandore e del, to jadolo noland ni oler; en mana kama oluro. Ngʼatno nyaka luok lepe, kendo enobed maler.
Then the priest must examine him again. If the sore has faded and has not spread, the priest will allow him to be with other people again; it is only a rash. After the person washes his clothes, he will be allowed to be with other people again.
7 To ka kama olurono ok olandore e dende ka bangʼ ka osedhi ir jadolo mondo olande ni oler, to nyaka onyisre e nyim jadolo kendo.
But if the sore spreads after the priest has examined him, he must go to the priest again.
8 Jadolo nyaka none, kendo ka kama olurono oselandore e del, to enolande kaka ngʼama ogak; nikech en tuo malandore.
The priest will examine him; and if the sore has spread to more of the skin, it is a contagious skin disease, and the priest will declare that he must stay away from other people.
9 Ka ngʼato angʼata nigi tuo malandore mar del, to nyaka kele ir jadolo.
When anyone has a contagious skin disease, he must be brought to the priest.
10 Jadolo nyaka none, kendo ka nitie kido marachar kama litni mi yier man kanyo olokore marachar, kendo kanyo onogo otimo adhola,
The priest must examine him. And if there is a white swelling in the skin that has caused the hair in that swelling to become white, and if the flesh in that area is painful/sensitive,
11 to mano nyiso ni en tuo malandore mosedak mar del kendo jadolo noland ngʼatno ni ogak. Kik okete kar kende nikech osebedo mogak.
it is a permanent skin disease, and the priest will declare that he must stay away from other people. The priest does not need to tell that person that he must avoid other people, because other people already are wanting to stay away from him.
12 Ka tuono olandore e dende duto, kaka jadolo nene, kendo ka tuono olandore e dende duto chakre e wiye nyaka tiende,
‘If the disease spreads all over someone’s body, and the priest examines that person and sees that it is covering his skin from his head to his feet,
13 to jadolo nyaka none, to ka tuono olandore e dende duto, to enowach ni ngʼatno ler. Nikech dende duto oselokore rachar, en ngʼat maler.
and it has caused all his skin to become white [which will indicate that the disease has ended], the priest will declare that the person does not have to stay away from other people.
14 To ka dende ochako dholore, to enobed mogak.
But if the person has open sores and they are very painful/sensitive, he has a contagious skin disease,
15 Ka jadolo oneno dende modholore, to nowach ni ogak. Dende modholoreno ogak; en gi tuo malandore.
and when the priest sees that, he will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
16 Ka dipo ni dende modholoreno olokore rachar, to nyaka odhi ir jadolo.
But if the person’s flesh changes and becomes white, he must go to the priest again.
17 Jadolo nyaka none, kendo ka kuonde malit olokore rachar, to jadolo noland ni ngʼama ogakno ler; eka enobed maler.
The priest must examine him again; and if the sores have become white, the priest will declare that the person who had been infected is now permitted to be with other people again.
18 Ka bur omako ngʼato mi ochango,
‘Then someone has a boil on his skin and it has healed,
19 kendo kama bur ne nitiereno, kido marachar mokuot kata mobokore mamarmar onenore, to nyaka odhi ir jadolo.
but in the place where the boil was a white swelling or a bright/shiny spot appears, he must go to the priest.
20 Jadolo nyaka non kama burno ne nitie kendo ka onenore ni odholore ahinya kendo yier manie iye oselokore rachar, to jadolo noland ni ngʼatno ogak. En tuo malandore mar del ma osewuok kama bur ne netie.
The priest must examine it. And if it seems to be deeper than just on the skin, and if the hair in that spot has become white, it is a contagious skin disease that has appeared where the boil had been. And the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
21 To ka dipo, ni sa ma jadolo nonene oyudo kaonge yier marachar kuome, to bende ok odholore kendo oselal, to jadolo nyaka kete tenge kuom ndalo abiriyo.
But when the priest examines it, if there is no white hair in that spot and it is only on the surface of the skin and has become less bright/shiny, then the priest will order him to stay away from other people for seven days.
22 Ka tuono landore e del, to jadolo noland ni ngʼatno ogak; nikech en tuo malandore.
But if it is spreading, it is contagious and the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
23 To ka kidono ok lokre kendo ok landre, to jadolo nowach ni oler nikech en mana mbala moa e bur.
But if that spot is unchanged and has not spread, it is only a scar from the boil, and the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again.
24 Ka ngʼato dende kamoro owangʼ kendo kido mamarmar kata marachar owuok e adhola mar kama owangʼno,
‘Then someone has a burn on his skin and a bright/shiny or white spot appears, and the flesh in that area is sensitive/painful,
25 to jadolo nyaka non adholano, kendo ka yier mane iye olokore rachar, kendo onenore ni odholore, to en tuo malandore mowuok kama owangʼno. Jadolo noland ni ngʼatno ogak; nikech en tuo malandore mar del.
the priest must examine the spot. If the hair in that spot has turned white and it seems to be deeper than just on the surface of the skin, it is a contagious skin disease that has appeared where the burn was, and that person must stay away from other people.
26 To ka jadolo onone kendo onge yier marachar e adholano kendo ka ok odholore kendo oselal, eka jadolo nokete kar kende kuom ndalo abiriyo.
But when the priest examines it and sees that there is no white hair in that spot and it is only on the surface of the skin, and has faded, the priest will declare that the person must stay away from people for seven days.
27 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo jadolo nyaka non ngʼatno, to ka tuono landore e dende, to jadolo noland ni ngʼatno ogak; nikech en tuo malandore mar del.
On the seventh day, the priest will examine him again. If the sore is spreading, it is a contagious skin disease, and the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
28 To kata ka kama odholoreno ok olokore kendo ok olandore e del to oselal, en kama okuot moa kuom kama owangʼ, omiyo jadolo noland ni ngʼatno ler; nikech en mbala mowuok kama owangʼ.
However, if the spot is not changed and has not spread but has faded, it is only a scar from the burn, and the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again.
29 Ka dichwo kata dhako nigi adhola e wiye kata e tike,
‘If a man or a woman has a sore on his head or on his chin,
30 jadolo nyaka non adholano, to ka onenore ni odholore kendo yier manie iye ratongʼ kendo ongelore, jadolo noland ni ngʼatno ogak; nikech en kama ilni, ma en tuo malandore e wich kata e tik.
the priest must examine it. If it appears to be deeper than [just on the surface of] the skin, and the hair in that spot has thinned out and has become yellowish, it is a contagious skin disease that causes itching. And the priest will declare that the person must stay away from other people.
31 To ka dipo ni e sa ma jadolo nono adhola makamano, ok onenore ni odholore kendo onge yier maratengʼ kuome, eka jadolo noket ngʼama tuoni kar kende kuom ndalo abiriyo.
But when the priest examines that kind of sore, if it seems to be only on the surface of the skin and there is no healthy hair in it, the priest will tell the person to stay away from other people for seven days.
32 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo jadolo nyaka non adholano, kendo ka ilni ok omedore kendo onge yier maratongʼ e iye kendo ok onenre ni odhe,
On the seventh day, the priest will examine the sore again. If it has not spread and if there is no yellow hair in that spot and if it appears to be only on the surface of the skin,
33 to nyaka liele makmana kama tuo nitiereno, kendo jadolo nyaka kete kare kende kuom ndalo abiriyo.
the person must shave the hair near the sore but not the hair on the sore. And the priest will tell him to stay away from other people for seven more days.
34 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo jadolo nyaka non kama ilnino, kendo ka pod ok omedore kendo odholore, to jadolo nowach ni ngʼatno ler. Ngʼatno nyaka luok lepe eka nobed maler.
On the seventh day, the priest will examine that spot again. If it has not spread and it appears to be only on the surface of the skin, the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with people again. The person must wash his clothes, and then he can be with other people.
35 To ka kama ilnino omedore e del bangʼ ka oseland ni oler,
But if the sore later spreads,
36 to jadolo nyaka none, kendo ka ilni omedore e del, to onge tiende mondo jadolo omany yier maratongʼ, nimar ngʼatno ogak.
the priest must examine him again. If the itch/sore has spread, the priest does not need to look for yellow hair, because it is clear that the person has a contagious skin disease.
37 Ka dipo ni e ngʼado bura mar jadolo oneno ni kanyo olokore kendo yier maratengʼ oseti kanyo, to mano nyiso ni osechango. Ngʼatno osedoko maler kendo jadolo nolande ni oler.
However, if the priest thinks that the spot has not changed, and healthy hair is growing in that area, it is clear that the itch has healed, and the priest will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again.
38 Ka dichwo kata dhako nigi kido marachar e dende,
‘Then a man or a woman has white spots on the skin,
39 to jadolo nyaka non-gi, kendo ka kidogo nenore marachar ma tangʼ-tangʼ, to en kama roch mawuok e del ma ok nyal hinyo ngʼato; kendo ngʼatno ler.
the priest should examine them. But if the spots are dull white, it is only a rash, and [the priest will declare that] the person is permitted to be with other people.
40 Ka yie wi ngʼato oluny duto kendo odongʼ rabondo, to oler.
‘If a man loses the hair on any part of his head, he does not need to stay away from other people.
41 Chuny wiye oluny mi odongʼ rabondo, to oler.
42 To ka en-gi kama lit molokore mamarmar e bondone kata e thur wiye, to en tuo malandore moa e wiye kata e thur wiye.
But if he gets a bright/shiny sore on his bald head or on his forehead, he has a contagious skin disease.
43 Jadolo nyaka none, kendo ka kama lit mokuot e wiye kata e thur wiye olokore mamarmar ka tuo del malandore,
The priest must examine him. If the swollen sore is a bright spot like [the spot on someone who has] a contagious skin disease,
44 to ngʼatno tuo kendo ogak. Jadolo noland ni ogak nikech kama lit manie wiye.
the priest will declare that the man has a contagious skin disease and must not be with other people.
45 “Ngʼat man-gi dhoho nyaka rwak lewni moyiech, owe wiye nono, oum lend wangʼe gi piny kendo oywag kokok ni, ‘Ok aler! Ok aler!’
‘Anyone who has a contagious skin disease must wear torn clothes and not comb his hair. [When he is near other people], he must cover the lower part to his face and call out, “Do not come near me! I have a contagious skin disease!”
46 Ka dipo ni pod en-gi tuono pod ogak. Nyaka odag kende; kendo odag oko mar kambi.
He is not allowed to be with other people as long as he has the disease. He must live alone, outside the camp.’”
47 “Ka law moro amora opur; bed ni en mar pamba kata mar usi,
“Sometimes a person’s clothing gets mildew on it. It may be clothing that is woven from wool or made from linen or from leather.
48 moro amora mochwe kata motwangʼ, pien moro amora kata gimoro amora molos gi pien
49 kendo ka lewni mopur, kata pien, kata mochwe kata mano motwangʼ, kata gir pien moro amora, mano maratiglo kata marakwaro, en pur malandore kendo nyaka nyis jadolo.
If the contaminated/mildewed part is greenish or reddish, it is a spreading mildew, and it must be shown to the priest.
50 Jadolo nyaka non kama opurno kendo oket gik mopurgo tenge kuom ndalo abiriyo.
The priest will examine it, and then put it in a separate place by itself for seven days.
51 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo nyaka onone, kendo ka purno olandore e law, kata e njora mochwe kata motwangʼ, bedni itiyo kode e yo moro amora, to en pur maketho gik moko; kuom mano gima kamano ogak.
On the seventh day he must examine it again. If the mildew has spread, it is clear that it is a type of mildew that destroys clothing, and that clothing must not be worn again.
52 Jadolo nyaka wangʼ lawno, kata mano mochwe kata motwangʼ kata gir pien moro amora mane osepur, nikech pur osekethe; gino nyaka wangʼ.
The owner must burn completely the item that has the mildew in it, whatever kind of item it is.
53 “To ka diponi jadolo oneno kama opurno ka ok olandore e lawno, kata e law mochwe kata motwangʼ, kata e pien,
But when the priest examines it, if the mildew has not spread,
54 to enochiw chik mondo luok mochidono. Eka nyaka okete tenge kuom ndalo abiriyo mamoko.
he will tell the person [who owns it] to wash it. Then he must put it in a separate place for another seven days.
55 Bangʼ ka oseluok law mopurno, jadolo nyaka none, kendo kapok lawno oloko kite obedo ni pok olandore, en gima ogak. Nyaka wangʼe gi mach kata obedo ni kama opurno ni yo ka oko kata yo ka iye.
Then the priest will examine it again. If the color of the mildew has not changed, even though it has not spread, that item must not be worn again. It does not matter if the mildew is on the inside of the clothing or on the outside; it must be burned.
56 Ka sa ma jadolo onone, to oyudo ni pur oselal ka gino oselwoki, to nyaka oyiech kama opurno oko, bedni en kuom law, kata kuom pien, kata kuom usi mochwe kata law motwangʼ.
But when the priest examines it [after it has been washed], if the mildew has faded, he must tear out that part that had the mildew in it.
57 To ka kama opurno ochako othinyore e lawno, kata e usino mochwe kata e lawno motwangʼ, kata e pien, kolandore, kendo gima kamano mopur nyaka wangʼ e mach.
But if the mildew reappears in that item, it is clear that it is spreading, and the whole item must be burned.
58 To ka oseluok law kata usi mochwe, kata law motwangʼ, kata pien ma chilono orumo, to nyaka chak lwoke kendo eka enobed maler.”
But after the clothing is washed and the mildew disappears, it must be washed again, and then it can be worn again.
59 Magi e chike mag gik mopur man kuom law pamba kata law kaki mochwe kata motwangʼ kata pien moro amora mondo ongʼe ni gigak kata ok gigak.
Those are the regulations concerning mildew on things made of wool or linen or leather, for deciding whether those things can continue to be worn or not.”