< Salme 53 >
1 (Til sangmestern. Al-mahalat. En maskil af David.) Dårerne siger i Hjertet: "Der er ingen Gud!" Slet og afskyeligt handler de, ingen gør godt.
To the choirmaster on Mahalath a poem of David. He says a fool in heart his there not [is] a god they act corruptly and they act abominably unrighteousness there not [is one who] does good.
2 Gud skuer ned fra Himlen på Menneskenes Børn for at se, om der findes en forstandig, nogen, der søger Gud.
God from heaven he looks down on [the] children of humankind to see ¿ [is] there [one who] acts prudently [one who] seeks God.
3 Afveget er alle, til Hobe fordærvet, ingen gør godt, end ikke een.
All of it he turns back together they are corrupt there not [is one who] does good there not also [is] one.
4 Er de Udådsmænd da uden Forstand de, der æder mit Folk, som åd de Brød, og ikke påkalder Gud?
¿ Not do they know [those who] do wickedness [those who] devour people my they eat bread God not they call on.
5 Af Rædsel gribes de da, hvor ingen Rædsel var; thi Gud adsplitter din Belejres Ben; de bliver til Skamme, thi Gud forkaster dem.
There - they feared a fear [which] not it was fear for God he has scattered [the] bones of [one who] encamped against you you have put [them] to shame for God he has rejected them.
6 Ak, kom dog fra Zion Israels Frelse! Når Gud vender sit Folks Skæbne, skal Jakob juble, Israel glædes.
Who? will he give [will be] from Zion [the] salvation of Israel when turns back God [the] captivity of people his let it be glad Jacob let it rejoice Israel.