< Ezekiel 28 >
1 HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 Mennesskesøn, sig til Tyruss Fyrste: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Fordi dit Hjerte hovmoder sig og du siger: "Jeg er en Gud, på et Gudesæde sidder jeg midt ude i Havet!" skønt du er et Menneske og ingen Gud, og fordi du føler dig i Hjertet som en Gud;
“Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: Your heart is arrogant! You have said, “I am a god! I will sit in the seat of the gods in the heart of the seas!” Even though you are a man and not a god, you make your heart like the heart of a god;
3 se, du er visere end Daniel, ingen Vismand måler sig med dig;
you think that you are wiser than Daniel, and that no secret amazes you!
4 ved din Visdom og indsigt vandt du dig Rigdom og samlede dig Guld og Sølv i dine Skatkamre;
You have made yourself wealthy with wisdom and skill, and obtained gold and silver in your treasuries!
5 ved dit store Handelssnilde øgede du din Rigdom, så dit Hjerte hovmodede sig over den -
By great wisdom and by your trading, you have multiplied your wealth, so your heart is arrogant because of your wealth.
6 derfor, så siger den Herre HERREN: Fordi du i dit Hjerte føler dig som en Gud,
Therefore, the Lord Yahweh says this: Because you have made your heart like the heart of a god,
7 se, derfor bringer jeg fremmede over dig, de grummeste Folk, og de skal drage deres Sværd mod din skønne Visdom og vanhellige din Glans.
I will therefore bring foreigners against you, terrifying men from other nations. They will bring their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, and they will profane your splendor.
8 De skal styrte dig i Graven, og du skal dø de ihjelslagnes Død i Havets Dyb.
They will send you down to the pit, and you will die the death of those who die in the heart of the seas.
9 Mon du da Ansigt til Ansigt med dem, der dræber dig, vil sige: "Jeg er en Gud!" du, som i deres Hånd, der slår dig ihjel, er et Menneske og ikke en Gud.
Will you truly say, “I am a god” to the face of one who kills you? You are a man and not God, and you will be in the hand of the one who pierces you.
10 De uomskårnes Død skal du dø for fremmedes Hånd, så sandt jeg har talet, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
You will die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of foreigners, for I have declared it—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.'”
11 Og HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
The word of Yahweh came again to me, saying,
12 Menneskesøn, istem en Klagesang over kongen af Tyrus og sig til ham: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Du var Indsigtens Segl, fuld af Visdom og fuldkommen i Skønhed.
“Son of man, lift up a lament for the king of Tyre and say to him, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 I Eden, Guds Have, var du; alle Slags Ædelsten var din Klædning, Harneol, Topas, Jaspis, Krysolit, Sjoham, Onyks, Safir, Rubin, Smaragd og Guld var på dig i indfattet og indlagt Arbejde; det var til Rede, den Dag du skabtes.
You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone covered you: ruby, topaz, emerald, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made from gold. It was on the day you were created that they were prepared.
14 Du var en salvet, skærmende Kerub; jeg gjorde dig dertil; på det hellige Gudebjerg var du; du vandrede imellem Guds Sønner.
I placed you on the holy mountain of God as the cherub I anointed to guard mankind. You were in the midst of the fiery stones where you walked about.
15 Fuldkommen var du i din Færd, fra den Dag du skabtes, indtil der fandtes Brøde hos dig.
You had integrity in your ways from the day you were created until injustice was found within you.
16 Ved din megen Handel fyldte du dit Indre med Uret og forbrød dig; da vanhelligede jeg dig og viste dig bort fra Gudebjerget og tilintetgjorde dig, skærmende Kerub, så du ikke blev mellem Guds Sønner.
Through your great trade you were filled with violence, and so you sinned. So I threw you out of the mountain of God, as a one who was defiled, and I destroyed you, guardian cherub, and drove you from among the fiery stones.
17 Dit Hjerte hovmodede sig over din Skønhed, du satte din Visdom til på Grund af din Glans. Jeg, slængte dig til Jorden og overgav dig til Konger, at de skulde nyde Skuet af dig.
Your heart was arrogant with your beauty; you ruined your wisdom because of your splendor. I have sent you down to the earth. I have placed you before kings so they may see you.
18 Med dine mange Misgerninger, ved din uredelige Handel vanhelligede du dine Helligdomme. Da lod jeg Ild bryde løs i din Midte, og den fortærede dig; jeg gjorde dig til Støv på Jorden for alle, som så dig.
Because of your many sins and your dishonest trade, you have defiled your holy places. So I have made fire come out from you; it will consume you. I will turn you into ashes on the earth in the sight of all who look at you.
19 Alle blandt Folkeslagene, der kendte dig, stivnede af Skræk over dig; du blev en Rædsel, og borte er du for evigt.
All the ones who knew you among the peoples will shudder at you; they will be horrified, and you will be no more forever.'”
20 HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
21 Menneskesøn, vend dit Ansigt mod Zidon og profeter imod det
“Son of man, set your face against Sidon and prophesy against her.
22 og sig: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Se, jeg kommer over dig, Zidon, og herliggør mig på dig; og du skal kende, at jeg er HERREN, når jeg holder Dom over dig og viser min Hellighed på dig.
Say, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: Behold! I am against you, Sidon! For I will be glorified in your midst so your people will know that I am Yahweh when I execute justice within you. I will be shown to be holy in you.
23 Jeg sender Pest over dig og Blod i dine Gader; ihjelslagneMænd skal segne i din Midte for Sværd, der er rettet imod dig fra alle Sider; og du skal kende, at jeg er HERREN.
I will send out a plague in you and blood in your streets, and the slain will fall in your midst. When the sword comes against you from all around, then you will know that I am Yahweh.
24 Fremtidig skal der ikke være nogen Tidsel til at såre eller Torn til at stikke Israels Hus blandt alle dets Naboer, som nu håner dem; og de skal kende, at jeg er den Herre HERREN.
Then there will no longer be pricking briars and painful thorns for the house of Israel from all those around her who despise her people, so they will know that I am the Lord Yahweh!'
25 Så siger den Herre HERREN: Når jeg samler Israels Slægt fra de Folkeslag, de er spredt iblandt, vil jeg hellige mig på dem for Folkenes Øjne, og de skal bo i deres Land, som jeg gav min Tjener Jakob;
The Lord Yahweh says this, 'When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they were scattered, and when I am set apart among them, so the nations may see, then they will make their homes in the land I will give to my servant Jacob.
26 de skal bo trygt deri, bygge Huse og plante Vingårde, ja bo trygt, medens jeg holder Dom over alle dem, der håner dem fra alle Sider; og de skal kende, at jeg er HERREN deres Gud.
Then they will live securely within her and build houses, plant vineyards, and live securely when I execute justice on all the ones who now despise them from all around; so they will know that I am Yahweh their God!'”