< 1 Mosebog 11 >

1 Hele Menneskeheden havde eet Tungemaal og samme Sprog.
And it was all the earth language one and words one.
2 Da de nu drog østerpaa, traf de paa en Dal i Sinear, og der slog de sig ned.
And it was when set out they from [the] east and they found a plain in [the] land of Shinar and they dwelt there.
3 Da sagde de til hverandre: »Kom, lad os stryge Teglsten og brænde dem godt!« De brugte nemlig Tegl som Sten og Jordbeg som Kalk.
And they said each to neighbor his give! let us make bricks bricks and let us burn [them] to burning and became for them brick to stone and bitumen became for them to mortar.
4 Derpaa sagde de: »Kom, lad os bygge os en By og et Taarn, hvis Top naar til Himmelen, og skabe os et Navn, for at vi ikke skal spredes ud over hele Jorden!«
And they said give! - let us build for ourselves a city and a tower and top its [will be] in the heavens and we may make for ourselves a name lest we should be scattered over [the] surface of all the earth.
5 Men HERREN steg ned for at se Byen og Taarnet, som Menneskebørnene byggede,
And he came down Yahweh to see the city and the tower which they had built [the] children of humankind.
6 og han sagde: »Se, de er eet Folk og har alle eet Tungemaal; og naar de nu først er begyndt saaledes, er intet, som de sætter sig for, umuligt for dem;
And he said Yahweh here! a people one and a language one [belongs] to all of them and this [is] beginning they to do and now not it will be withheld from them all that they will plan to do.
7 lad os derfor stige ned og forvirre deres Tungemaal der, saa de ikke forstaar hverandres Tungemaal!«
Give! let us go down and let us confuse there language their that not they will hear each [the] language of neighbor his.
8 Da spredte HERREN dem fra det Sted ud over hele Jorden, og de opgav at bygge Byen.
And he scattered Yahweh them from there over [the] surface of all the earth and they ceased to build the city.
9 Derfor kaldte man den Babel, thi der forvirrede HERREN al Jordens Tungemaal, og derfra spredte HERREN dem ud over hele Jorden.
There-fore someone called name its Babel for there he confused Yahweh [the] language of all the earth and from there he scattered them Yahweh over [the] surface of all the earth.
10 Dette er Sems Slægtebog. Da Sem var 100 Aar gammel, avlede han Arpaksjad, to Aar efter Vandfloden;
These [are] [the] accounts of Shem Shem [was] a son of one hundred year[s] and he fathered Arphaxad two years after the flood.
11 og efter at Sem havde avlet Arpaksjad, levede han 500 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Shem after fathered he Arphaxad five hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
12 Da Arpaksjad havde levet 35 Aar, avlede han Sjela;
And Arphaxad he lived five and thirty year[s] and he fathered Shelah.
13 og efter at Arpaksjad havde avlet Sjela, levede han 403 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Arphaxad after fathered he Shelah three years and four hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
14 Da Sjela havde levet 30 Aar, avlede han Eber;
And Shelah he lived thirty year[s] and he fathered Eber.
15 og efter at Sjela havde avlet Eber, levede han 403 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Shelah after fathered he Eber three years and four hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
16 Da Eber havde levet 34 Aar, avlede han Peleg;
And he lived Eber four and thirty year[s] and he fathered Peleg.
17 og efter at Eber havde avlet Peleg, levede han 430 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Eber after fathered he Peleg thirty year[s] and four hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
18 Da Peleg havde levet 30 Aar, avlede han Re'u;
And he lived Peleg thirty year[s] and he fathered Reu.
19 og efter at Peleg havde avlet Re'u, levede han 209 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Peleg after fathered he Reu nine years and two hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
20 Da Re'u havde levet 32 Aar, avlede han Serug;
And he lived Reu two and thirty year[s] and he fathered Serug.
21 og efter at Re'u havde avlet Serug, levede han 207 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Reu after fathered he Serug seven years and two hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
22 Da Serug havde levet 30 Aar, avlede han Nakor;
And he lived Serug thirty year[s] and he fathered Nahor.
23 og efter at Serug havde avlet Nakor, levede han 200 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Serug after fathered he Nahor two hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
24 Da Nakor havde levet 29 Aar, avlede han Tara;
And he lived Nahor nine and twenty year[s] and he fathered Terah.
25 og efter at Nakor havde avlet Tara, levede han 119 Aar og avlede Sønner og Døtre.
And he lived Nahor after fathered he Terah nine-teen year[s] and one hundred year[s] and he fathered sons and daughters.
26 Da Tara havde levet 70 Aar, avlede han Abram, Nakor og Haran.
And he lived Terah seventy year[s] and he fathered Abram Nahor and Haran.
27 Dette er Taras Slægtebog. Tara avlede Abram, Nakor og Haran. Haran avlede Lot.
And these [are] [the] accounts of Terah Terah he fathered Abram Nahor and Haran and Haran he fathered Lot.
28 Haran døde i sin Fader Taras Levetid i sin Hjemstavn i Ur Kasdim.
And he died Haran on [the] face of Terah father his in [the] land of kindred his in Ur of [the] Chaldeans.
29 Abram og Nakor tog sig Hustruer; Abrams Hustru hed Saraj, Nakors Milka, en Datter af Haran, Milkas og Jiskas Fader.
And he took Abram and Nahor for themselves wives [the] name of [the] wife of Abram [was] Sarai and [the] name of [the] wife of Nahor [was] Milcah [the] daughter of Haran [the] father of Milcah and [the] father of Iscah.
30 Men Saraj var ufrugtbar og havde ingen Børn.
And she was Sarai barren not [belonged] to her a child.
31 Tara tog sin Søn Abram, sin Sønnesøn Lot, Harans Søn, og sin Sønnekone Saraj, hans Søn Abrams Hustru, og førte dem fra Ur Kasdim for at begive sig til Kana'ans Land; men da de kom til Karan, slog de sig ned der.
And he took Terah Abram son his and Lot [the] son of Haran [the] son of son his and Sarai daughter-in-law his [the] wife of Abram son his and they went out with them from Ur of [the] Chaldeans to go [the] land of towards Canaan and they came to Haran and they dwelt there.
32 Taras Levetid var 205 Aar; og Tara døde i Karan.
And they were [the] days of Terah five years and two hundred year[s] and he died Terah in Haran.

< 1 Mosebog 11 >