< Žalmy 60 >

1 Přednímu z kantorů na šušan eduth, zlatý žalm Davidův, k vyučování, Když válku vedl proti Syrii Naharaim, a proti Syrii Soba, kdyžto navrátil se Joáb, pobiv Idumejských v údolí slaném dvanácte tisíců. Bože, zavrhl jsi byl nás, roztrhls nás a hněvals se, navratiž se zase k nám.
[I prayed], “God, you have rejected us [Israelis]! Because you have been angry [with us], you have [enabled our enemies] to break through our ranks. [Please] enable us to be strong again!
2 Zatřásl jsi byl zemí a roztrhls ji, uzdraviž rozsedliny její, neboť se chvěje.
[When we were defeated, it was as though] [MET] there was a big earthquake in our land that caused the ground to split open. So now, [just as only you can] cause the cracks in the land to disappear, [help our army to be strong again], because [it is as though] our country is (falling apart/being destroyed).
3 Ukazoval jsi lidu svému tvrdé věci, napájels nás vínem zkormoucení.
You have caused [us], your people, to suffer very much; [it is as though] you forced us to drink [strong] wine that caused us to stagger around [after we became drunk].
4 Ale nyní dal jsi těm, kteříž se tebe bojí, korouhev, aby ji vyzdvihli pro pravdu tvou. (Sélah)
But you have raised a battle flag for those who revere you in order that they can gather around it and not [be killed by the enemies’] arrows.
5 Ať jsou vysvobozeni milí tvoji, zachovávejž jich pravicí svou, a vyslyš mne.
Answer our [prayers] and enable us by your power [MTY] to defeat [our enemies] in order that we, the people whom you love, will be saved.”
6 Bůh mluvil skrze svatost svou, veseliti se budu, budu děliti Sichem, a údolí Sochot rozměřím.
[Then] God [answered my prayer and] spoke from his temple, saying, “Because I have conquered [your enemies], I will divide up [everything in] Shechem [city], and I will distribute it among my people [the land in] Succoth Valley.
7 Můjť jest Galád, můj i Manasses, a Efraim síla hlavy mé, Juda učitel můj.
The Gilead [region] is mine; the [people of the tribe of] Manasseh are mine; [the tribe of] Ephraim is [like] my helmet [MET]; and [the tribe of] Judah is [like] the (scepter/stick [that I hold which shows that I am the ruler]) [MET];
8 Moáb medenice k umývání mému, na Edoma uvrhu obuv svou, proti mně, Palestino, trub.
but the Moab [region] is [like] my washbasin [MET]; I throw my sandal in the Edom [area to show that it belongs to me]; I shout triumphantly because I have defeated [the people of] the Philistia [area].”
9 Kdo mne uvede do města ohraženého? Kdo mne zprovodí až do Idumee?
[Because I want to defeat the people of] Edom, (who will lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it?/I want someone to lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it.)” [RHQ]
10 Zdali ne ty, ó Bože, kterýž jsi nás byl zavrhl, a nevycházels, Bože, s vojsky našimi?
So, God, we [desire/hope that] [RHQ] you have not truly abandoned us, and that you will go with us when our armies march out [to fight our enemies].
11 Uděliž nám pomoci před nepřítelem, nebo marná jest pomoc lidská.
[We need you to] help us when we fight against our enemies, because the help that humans can give us is worthless.
12 V Bohu udatně sobě počínati budeme, a onť pošlapá nepřátely naše.
But with you [helping us], we shall win; you will enable us to defeat our enemies.

< Žalmy 60 >