< Žalmy 50 >

1 Žalm Azafovi. Bůh silný, Bůh Hospodin mluvil, a přivolal zemi od východu slunce i od západu jeho.
God, the all-powerful one, speaks; he summons all people, from the east to the west.
2 Z Siona v dokonalé kráse Bůh zastkvěl se.
His glory shines from Zion [Hill in Jerusalem], an extremely beautiful city.
3 Béřeť se Bůh náš, a nebude mlčeti; oheň před ním vše zžírati bude, a vůkol něho vichřice náramná.
Our God comes to us, and he is not silent. A great fire is in front of him, and a storm is around him.
4 Zavolal nebes s hůry i země, aby soudil lid svůj, řka:
He comes to judge his people. He shouts to the [angels in] heaven and to [the people on] the earth.
5 Shromažďte mi svaté mé, kteříž smlouvu se mnou učinili při obětech.
He says, “Summon those who faithfully [worship] me, those who made an agreement with me by offering sacrifices to me.”
6 I budou vypravovati nebesa spravedlnost jeho; nebo sám Bůh soudce jest. (Sélah)
The [angels in] heaven declare, “God is righteous, and he is the supreme judge.”
7 Slyš, lide můj, a buduť mluviti, Izraeli, a buduť tebou osvědčovati. Já zajisté Bůh, Bůh tvůj jsem.
God says, “My people, listen! You Israeli people, listen, as I, your God, say what you have done that is wrong.
8 Nechci tě obviňovati z příčiny obětí tvých, ani zápalů tvých, že by vždycky přede mnou nebyli.
I am not rebuking you for making sacrifices to me, for the offerings that you completely burn [on the altar].
9 Nevezmuť z domu tvého volka, ani z chlévů tvých kozlů.
But I do not really need [you to sacrifice] the bulls from your barns and the goats from your pens,
10 Nebo má jest všecka zvěř lesní, i hovada na tisíci horách.
because all the animals in the forest belong to me, [and all] the cattle on 1,000 hills also belong to me.
11 Já znám všecko ptactvo po horách, a zvěř polní před sebou mám.
I [own and] know all the birds and all [the creatures] that move around in the fields.
12 Zlačním-li, nic tobě o to nedím; nebo můj jest okršlek zemský i plnost jeho.
[So], if I were hungry, I would not tell you [to bring me some food], because everything in the world belongs to me!
13 Zdaliž jídám maso z volů, a pijím krev kozlovou?
I do not eat the flesh of the bulls [that you sacrifice], and I do not drink the blood of the goats [that you offer to me].
14 Obětuj Bohu obět chvály, a plň Nejvyššímu své sliby;
The sacrifice [that I really want is that] you thank me and do all that you have promised to do.
15 A vzývej mne v den ssoužení, vytrhnu tě, a ty mne budeš slaviti.
And pray to me when you have troubles. [If you do that], I will rescue you, and [then] you will praise me.
16 Sic jinak bezbožníku praví Bůh: Což tobě do toho, že ty vypravuješ ustanovení má, a béřeš smlouvu mou v ústa svá,
But I say this to the wicked people: (Why do you/It does not benefit you at all to) [RHQ] recite my commandments or talk about the agreement that I made with you,
17 Poněvadž jsi vzal v nenávist kázeň, a zavrhl jsi za sebe slova má.
because you have refused to allow me to discipline you, and you have rejected what I told you to do.
18 Vidíš-li zloděje, hned s ním běžíš, a s cizoložníky díl svůj máš.
Every time that you see a thief, you become his friend, and you spend [much] time with those who commit adultery.
19 Ústa svá pouštíš ke zlému, a jazyk tvůj skládá lest.
You are [always] talking [MTY] about doing wicked things, and you are [always] to deceive people.
20 Usazuješ se, a mluvíš proti bratru svému, a na syna matky své lehkost uvodíš.
You are always accusing members of your own family [of doing wrong], and slandering them.
21 To jsi činil, a já mlčel jsem. Měl-liž jsi ty se domnívati, že já tobě podobný budu? Nýbrž trestati tě budu, a představímť to před oči tvé.
You did [all] those things, and I did not say anything to you, [so] you thought that I was [a sinner] just like you. But now I rebuke you and accuse you, right in front of you.
22 Srozumějtež tomu již aspoň vy, kteříž se zapomínáte na Boha, abych snad nepochytil, a nebyl by, kdo by vytrhl.
So, all you who have ignored me, pay attention to this, because if you do not, I will tear you to pieces, and there will be no one to rescue you.
23 Kdož obětuje obět chvály, tenť mne uctí, a tomu, kdož napravuje cestu svou, ukáži spasení Boží.
The sacrifice that [truly] honors me is to thank me [for what I have done]; and I will save those who always do the things that I want them to.”

< Žalmy 50 >