< Žalmy 108 >

1 Píseň a žalm Davidův. Hotovo jest srdce mé, Bože, zpívati a oslavovati tě budu, také i sláva má.
God, I am (very confident/trusting completely) [IDM] in you. I will sing to praise [you]. with all my inner being.
2 Probuď se loutno a harfo, když v svitání povstávám.
I will arise before the sun rises, and I will [praise you while I play] my [big] harp and my (lyre/small harp).
3 Slaviti tě budu mezi lidmi, Hospodine, a tobě žalmy prozpěvovati mezi národy.
[I prayed], “Yahweh, I will thank you among [all] the people-groups; I will sing to praise you among the nations,
4 Nebo nad nebesa větší jest milosrdenství tvé, a až k nejvyšším oblakům pravda tvá.
because your faithful love for us reaches up to the heavens, and your faithfully doing what you promise [is as great as the distance] up to the clouds.
5 Vyvyšiž se nad nebesa, ó Bože, a nade všecku zemi sláva tvá.
Yahweh, [show] in the heavens that you are very great! And [show] your glory [to people] all over the earth!
6 Ať jsou vysvobozeni milí tvoji, zachovávejž je pravicí svou, a vyslyš mne.
Answer our [prayers] and by your power help us [MTY] [to defeat our enemies] in order that we, the people whom you love, may be saved/rescued.”
7 Bůh mluvil skrze svatost svou; veseliti se budu, že budu děliti Sichem, a údolí Sochot že rozměřím.
And [Yahweh answered our prayers and] spoke from his temple, saying, “Because I have conquered [your enemies], I will joyfully [everything in] [city] and I will distribute among my people [the valuable things] in Succoth Valley.
8 Můjť jest Galád, můj i Manasses, a Efraim síla hlavy mé, Juda učitel můj.
The Gilead [region] is mine; the [people of the tribe of] Manasseh are mine; [the tribe of] Ephraim is [like] my war helmet, and [the tribe of Judah] is like the (scepter/stick that I hold which shows that I am the ruler) [MET];
9 Moáb medenice k umývání mému, na Edoma uvrhu obuv svou, proti Palestině troubiti budu.
the Moab [region] is [like] my washbasin [MET]; I throw my sandal in the Edom [area to show that it belongs to me]; I shout triumphantly because I have defeated [the people of] the Philistia [area].”
10 Kdo mne uvede do města hrazeného? Kdo mne zprovodí až do Idumejské země?
[Because we want to attack the people of] Edom, (who will lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it?/I want someone to lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it.) [RHQ]
11 Zdali ne ty, ó Bože, kterýž jsi nás byl zavrhl, a nevycházels, ó Bože, s vojsky našimi?
God, we [hope that] [RHQ] you have not abandoned us, and that you will go with us when our army marches out [to fight our enemies].
12 Uděliž nám pomoci proti nepříteli, nebo marná jest pomoc lidská.
[We need you to] help us when we fight against our enemies, because the help that humans can give us is worthless.
13 V Bohu udatně sobě počínati budeme, a on pošlapá nepřátely naše.
[But] with you [helping us], we shall win; you will [enable us to] defeat our enemies.

< Žalmy 108 >