< Izaiáš 3 >

1 Nebo aj, Pán, Hospodin zástupů, odejme od Jeruzaléma a Judy hůl a podporu, všelijakou hůl chleba a všelikou podporu vody,
The Commander of the armies of angels is about to take away from Jerusalem and [other places in] Judea everything that you depend on— all your food and water.
2 Silného i muže válečného, soudce i proroka, mudrce i starce,
He will take away your heroes and your [other] soldiers, your judges and your prophets, people who do rituals to find out what will happen in the future and the elders,
3 Padesátníka i počestného, i rádci, i vtipného řemeslníka, i výmluvného,
army officers and [other] officials, advisors and skilled craftsmen and those who perform rituals to predict the future.
4 A dám jim děti za knížata; děti, pravím, panovati budou nad nimi.
He will appoint boys to be your leaders; your children will rule you.
5 I bude ssužovati v lidu jeden druhého, a bližní bližního svého; zpurně se postaví dítě proti starci, a chaterný proti vzácnému.
People will treat each other cruelly: people will fight against their neighbors. Young people will insult older people, and vulgar/dishonorable people will sneer at people who should be honored.
6 Pročež se chopí jeden každý bratra svého z domu otce svého, a dí: Máš oděv, knížetem naším budeš, a pád tento zdrž rukou svou.
At that time, someone will grab one of his brothers in his father’s house and say to him, “You have a coat, [which shows that you are respected]. [So] you be our leader! You rule this [city, which is now] a pile of ruins!”
7 Ale on přisáhne v ten den, řka: Nebuduť vázati těch ran, nebo v domě mém není chleba ani oděvu; neustanovujtež mne knížetem lidu.
[But] his brother will reply, “[No], I cannot help you, [because] I do not have [any extra] food or clothes in this house. [So] do not appoint me to be your leader!”
8 Nebo se obořil Jeruzalém, a Juda padl, proto že jazyk jejich a skutkové jejich jsou proti Hospodinu, k dráždění očí slávy jeho.
Jerusalem and [the other towns in] Judah will be destroyed, because [everything] that the people do and say there opposes Yahweh, who is powerful and glorious, and they refuse to obey him. They rebel against him.
9 Nestydatost tváři jejich svědčí proti nim; hřích zajisté svůj jako Sodomští ohlašují, a netají. Běda duši jejich, nebo sami na sebe uvodí zlé.
They even show on their faces that [they oppose Yahweh]. They are proud of their sins, like [the people of] Sodom were [long ago]; they do not try to hide their sins. [Because of their sins], terrible things will happen to them, [but] they will bring those disasters on themselves.
10 Rcete spravedlivému: Dobře bude; nebo ovoce skutků svých jísti bude.
[Yahweh told me to] tell the righteous people that good things will happen to them; they will enjoy the blessings that they will receive for their good deeds.
11 Ale běda bezbožnému, zle bude; nebo odplata rukou jeho dána jemu bude.
[But] terrible things will happen to wicked people; they will be (paid back/punished) for [the evil things that] [MTY] they have done.
12 Lidu mého knížata jsou děti, a ženy panují nad ním. Lide můj, kteříž tě vodí, svodí tě, a cestu stezek tvých ukrývají.
[Now], youths [who have become leaders] treat my people cruelly, and women rule over my people. My people, your leaders are misleading you; they are causing you to go down the wrong road [MET].
13 Stojíť Hospodin k rozsudku, stojí, pravím, k rozsudku s lidmi.
[It is as though] Yahweh has sat in his place in a courtroom and is ready to judge his people.
14 Hospodin k soudu přijde proti starším lidu svého a knížatům jejich, a dí: Vy jste pohubili vinici mou, loupež chudého jest v domích vašich.
He will stand up to declare why the elders and rulers of his people should be punished: [he says], “The people of Israel are [like] [MET] a vineyard that I planted, but you have ruined it! Your houses are full of things that you have stolen from poor people.
15 Proč vy nuzíte lid můj, a tváře chudých zahanbujete? praví Pán, Hospodin zástupů.
You should stop [RHQ] crushing my people! [It is as though] you are pushing the faces of poor people into the dirt!” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
16 I dí Hospodin: Proto že se pozdvihují dcery Sionské, a chodí s vytaženým krkem, a pasou očima, protulujíce se, a zdrobna kráčejíce, i nohama svýma lákají,
Yahweh says this: “The women of Jerusalem are haughty/proud; they walk around sticking their chins out, and flirting [with men] with their eyes. They walk with tiny steps with bracelets on their ankles that jingle.
17 Protož okydne Pán prašivinou vrch hlavy dcer Sionských, a Hospodin hanbu jejich obnaží.
So I, Yahweh, will cause sores to be on their heads, and I will cause those beautiful women in Jerusalem to become bald.”
18 V ten den odejme Pán okrasu těch nástrah, totiž paučníky a halže,
At the time [that Yahweh does that], he will strip away everything that the women of Jerusalem wear to make themselves beautiful—the ornaments on their ankles and their headbands, their crescent necklaces,
19 Jablka zlatá a spinadla a čepce,
their earrings and bracelets and veils,
20 Biréty a zápony, tkanice, punty a náušnice,
their scarves and ankle bracelets and sashes, their perfumes and (charms/little things that they wear thinking that those things will protect them from evil),
21 Prsteny a náčelníky,
their signet rings and nose rings,
22 Proměnná roucha, i plášťky, i roušky, i vačky,
their nice robes and capes and cloaks and purses,
23 I zrcadla, i čechlíky, i věnce, i šlojíře.
their mirrors and nice linen clothes and shawls.
24 A budeť místo vonných věcí hnis, a místo pasů roztržení, a místo strojení kadeří lysina, a místo širokého podolku bude přepásání pytlem, obhoření pak místo krásy.
Instead of their having a nice smell from perfume, they will stink; instead of nice sashes, they will have ropes [around their waists because they will be captives]. Instead of having fancy hairdos, they will be bald. Instead of fancy/beautiful robes, they will wear rough sackcloth, and instead of being beautiful, they will be branded.
25 Muži tvoji od meče padnou, a silní tvoji v boji.
Their husbands will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and their soldiers [will also die] in battles.
26 I budou plakati a kvíliti brány jeho, a spustlý na zemi seděti bude.
People [PRS] will mourn and cry at the gates [of the city]. The city will [be like] [MET] a woman who sits on the ground because everything that she owned is gone.

< Izaiáš 3 >