< Izaiáš 2 >

1 Slovo, kteréž viděl Izaiáš syn Amosův o Judovi a Jeruzalému.
This is the message that [Yahweh showed me in a vision], concerning Jerusalem and [the rest of] Judea:
2 I stane se v posledních dnech, že utvrzena bude hora domu Hospodinova na vrchu hor, a vyvýšena nad pahrbky, i pohrnou se k ní všickni národové.
[I saw that] in the future, the hill on which Yahweh’s temple is built will be the most important place on the earth; it will be [as though it is] the highest mountain, [as though] it has been raised up above all other hills; and people from all over the world will come there.
3 A půjdou lidé mnozí, říkajíce: Poďte, a vstupme na horu Hospodinovu, do domu Boha Jákobova, a bude nás vyučovati cestám svým, i budeme choditi po stezkách jeho. Nebo z Siona vyjde zákon, a slovo Hospodinovo z Jeruzaléma.
People from many people-groups will say [to each other], “Come, let’s go up to the hill, to the temple of Yahweh, to worship the God whom Jacob [worshiped]. [There] Yahweh will teach us what he [desires us to know], in order that our behavior will [please] him. His teaching will be given [to us] in Jerusalem, and [we will take] his message from Jerusalem [to other places/nations].
4 Onť bude souditi mezi národy, a trestati bude lidi mnohé. I zkují meče své v motyky, a oštípy své v srpy. Nepozdvihne národ proti národu meče, a nebudou se více učiti boji.
Yahweh will listen to the disputes between nations and he will settle their arguments. [Then, instead of fighting against each other], they will hammer their swords into plow blades, and they will hammer their spears into pruning knives. [The armies of] nations will no longer fight against each other, and they will not [even] train men to fight in battles/wars.”
5 Dome Jákobův, poďtež, a choďme v světle Hospodinově.
You Israeli people, let’s walk in the light [MET] that comes from Yahweh!
6 Ale ty jsi opustil lid svůj, dům Jákobův, proto že jsou naplněni ohavnostmi národů východních, a jsou pověrní jako Filistinští, a smyšlínky cizozemců že sobě libují.
[Yahweh, ] you have abandoned [us] your people who are descendants of Jacob, because everywhere your people practice the customs of people who live east [of Israel]. Your people also perform rituals to find out what will happen in the future, like the people in Philistia do. They make agreements/treaties with (pagans/people who do not know you).
7 K tomu naplněna jest země jejich stříbrem a zlatem, tak že není konce pokladům jejich; naplněna jest země jejich i koňmi, vozům pak jejich počtu není.
Israel is full of silver and gold; there are very many (treasures/valuable things) here. The land is full of war horses and war chariots.
8 Naplněna jest také země jejich modlami; klanějí se dílu rukou svých, kteréž učinili prstové jejich.
[But] the land is [also] full of idols; the people worship things that they have made with their own hands.
9 Klaní se obecný člověk, a ponižuje se i přední muž; protož neodpouštěj jim.
So now they will be humbled and they will be caused to become disgraced— Yahweh, do not forgive them!
10 Vejdi do skály, a skrej se v prachu před hrůzou Hospodinovou, před slávou důstojnosti jeho.
All you people should crawl into [the caves in] the rock cliffs! You should hide [in pits/holes] in the ground because of being afraid of Yahweh and of his glorious and awesome power.
11 Tuť oči vysoké člověka sníženy budou, a skloněna bude vysokost lidská, ale Hospodin sám vyvýšen bude v ten den.
Yahweh will cause you people to no longer be arrogant, and he will stop you from being proud. Only Yahweh will be praised/honored on that day.
12 Nebo den Hospodina zástupů se blíží na každého pyšného a zpínajícího se, i na každého vyvýšeného, i bude ponížen,
The Commander of the armies of angels has chosen a day when [he will judge] those who are proud, every one of them [DOU], and he will humble them.
13 I na všecky cedry Libánské vysoké a vyvýšené, i na všecky duby Bázanské,
[He will get rid of all those who think they should be admired like] [MET] the tall cedar trees in Lebanon, and [like] all the great oak trees in the Bashan [region].
14 I na všecky hory vysoké, i na všecky pahrbky vyvýšené,
He will [get rid of all those who think they are as great as] [MET] all the high hills and even the high mountains.
15 I na všelikou věži vysokou, i na všelikou zed pevnou,
He will [get rid of all those who think that they are] high towers and high strong walls [inside of or behind which they will be safe].
16 I na všecky lodí mořské, i na všecka malování slibná.
He will destroy all [those who are rich because they own] big ships that carry goods [to other countries] and [they own other] beautiful ships.
17 A sehnuta bude pýcha člověka, a snížena bude vysokost lidská, ale vyvýšen bude Hospodin sám v ten den,
He will cause people to no longer be arrogant and he will cause them to stop being proud. Only Yahweh will be praised/honored on that day.
18 Modly pak docela vymizejí.
All idols will (disappear/be destroyed).
19 Tehdy půjdou do jeskyní skal a do roklí země, před hrůzou Hospodinovou a slávou důstojnosti jeho, když povstane, aby potřel zemi.
When Yahweh comes to shake/terrify the people on the earth, they will run to hide in caves in rock cliffs and in holes/pits in the ground, because of being afraid of Yahweh and of his glorious and awesome power.
20 V ten den zavrže člověk modly své stříbrné a modly své zlaté, kterýchž mu nadělali, aby se klaněl, totiž krtům a netopýřům.
On that day, people will get rid of all their gold and silver idols that they made to worship, and they will throw them to the bats and rats.
21 I vejde do slují skal a do vysedlin jejich před hrůzou Hospodinovou, a před slávou důstojnosti jeho, když povstane, aby potřel zemi.
Then they will crawl into caves and hide in the crags in the cliffs. [They will do that to escape from] the dreadful [punishments] that Yahweh will cause them to endure, from [what he will do because] he is glorious and awesome, when he comes to shake/terrify the people on the earth.
22 Přestaňtež doufati v člověku, jehož dýchání v chřípích jeho jest. Nebo zač má jmín býti?
[So, ] do not trust that people [will save you], because people are [as powerless as] [MET] their own breath. People certainly cannot help you [RHQ]!

< Izaiáš 2 >